screwed up big time tonight!!!!

mamasita38 Posts: 28
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
Argument with the hubby......
which led to me driving to Smashburger and eating a buffalo smashchicken burger & fried pickles.
I went over my calories by almost 300 today.
Feel awful., physically & mentally.


  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Just get back to it tomorrow...I find if I go over, I just try to be that much under the next my weekly totals will equal out...
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    take an extra long walk in the morning and think about stuff but not under the extra stress!! You sound just like me. We argue I eat sweets...darn it!! I hope all gets better but at least you are acknowledging when you do it. Next step is to change that habit. I was doing it and not even realizing it!! Hope you feel better!!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    It's not even 300 cals. Your built in deficit should cover that. Don't worry so much about that, and get back on track tomorrow. Don't make yourself feel any worse by being guilty. You overdid it today. Keep moving forward. Remember the slip up, but don't dwell on it. You will be fine. Sorry about your fight, I am sensitive to the WHY, just remember it, use it to keep you from repeating it. Hang in there! You can do this!!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I LOVE you for your honesty.
  • 2chubby4now
    2chubby4now Posts: 93 Member
    Not a screw up. It will work itself out. We all do this. Tomorrow is a new day. Chin up!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    Argument with the hubby......
    which led to me driving to Smashburger and eating a buffalo smashchicken burger & fried pickles.
    I went over my calories by almost 300 today.
    Feel awful., physically & mentally.

    I used to do this--punish myself because I argued with someone else. I don't do that anymore. I hope that the next argument (which I hope is years from now!) brings this to mind, and instead of punishing yourself you take a walk, go to the gym, or otherwise reward yourself. It's a tough rut to get out of, I know.

    Remember, a slip is just a slip, not a reflection on your worth or your potential for success--tomorrow you're right back on that horse.

  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    300 isn't that much when you think about it. It takes 3500 to put on a pound!

    Move on, don't punish yourself for it, and try to do better tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • tgpetty
    tgpetty Posts: 10 Member
    It happens to all of us. If you feel that you have to make it up, it is only 50 calories less for the next 6 days. Just my way of looking at it.
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    Don't beat yourself any further. We all emotional eat at times.
    Start afresh today - do something that will make you feel good.
    I like the example of going for a long walk - imagine how wonderful you'll feel when you've smashed your exercise target for the day/week!!

  • mamasita38
    mamasita38 Posts: 28
    Some of you are mentioning making up calories, or saving calories.
    How exactly does that work? Can you under eat your calories and then save them for a big *eating* day?
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    300 isn't that much when you think about it. It takes 3500 to put on a pound!

    Move on, don't punish yourself for it, and try to do better tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • valerie58
    valerie58 Posts: 149 Member
    I have never had a fried pickle!!!!!!!
  • You are already back on track, just by being so honest! We all have our slips-the trick is to shake it off and get right back on the horse ( or bike)! You have helped me a lot, just by posting this.
  • IndigoFlowers
    IndigoFlowers Posts: 221 Member
    I've screwed up big for the past 3 days straight.. I was doing just fine tonight, until I went out to a friends place.. I'm not weighing in this week, simply because of these 3 days of horrible eating, and the fact that aunt flow is almost in town! Bloat bloat bloat!
    I think I'll stick strictly on clean, low sodium, fresh healthy food for the rest of the week, NO if's an's or buts! I feel so much better when I eat clean.. Today I just feel gross!

    So long story short, you have nothing to feel bad about. Just start again tomorrow, you'll be just fine :)
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I never even heard of a Smashburger, but my tongue got hard just fantasizing about one.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Argument with the hubby......
    which led to me driving to Smashburger and eating a buffalo smashchicken burger & fried pickles.
    I went over my calories by almost 300 today.
    Feel awful., physically & mentally.

    It'll be ok - just get back at it tomorrow.

    BTW - what's Smashburger? It sounds REALLLY good!
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I never even heard of a Smashburger, but my tongue got hard just fantasizing about one.
  • mamasita38
    mamasita38 Posts: 28
    Smashburger is a fast food chain here in Nevada.
    I guess they "smash" herbs & seasoning into the burgers & chicken patties. The patties are very thin, but they taste heavenly!
    They also serve french fries baked with garlic & olive oil and they have sweet potato fries too. So Damn good!
  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    I usually go for a "mad" walk when I argue - that consists of a very fast walk of at least 10 minutes around our neighborhood. Try that next time!

    As for the burger, 300 calories is nothing! I went over by 700 the other day, oops! But it didn't matter, since I fixed it for the rest of the week and ended up under at the end.

    If a slip up happens, move on, don't freak out about it!
  • mamasita38
    mamasita38 Posts: 28
    I usually go for a "mad" walk when I argue - that consists of a very fast walk of at least 10 minutes around our neighborhood. Try that next time!

    As for the burger, 300 calories is nothing! I went over by 700 the other day, oops! But it didn't matter, since I fixed it for the rest of the week and ended up under at the end.

    If a slip up happens, move on, don't freak out about it!

    How do you save calories? Is that allowed?
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