Turbo Jam Buddy?!

Hey Everyone,

I havn't done Turbo Jam in a long time and jsut starting to get back on the wagon :)

Looking for a a Turbo Jam Buddy for motivation please

Nikki xxx


  • lismar1022
    Hi Nikki!
    So I have had the Turbo Jam DVDs for a long time and just started doing them again about a months ago. I am loving it! I already feel stronger and between that and myfitnesspal I'm down 6 pounds in less than 4 weeks. Which workouts do you have?

  • nikkih7868
    nikkih7868 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! Hi Lisa, I created that discussion in January 2015 and oddly enough I have JUST started Turbo Jam again today. I have started with the 20minute workout, I have two discs which have on them a 20 min work, learn & burn, toning workout and cardio party. How about you?
    Well done on your fantastic loss. xxxx