Getting Started

coolsey1 Posts: 16 Member
This is my second day on this app and so far I really like it! I need friends! With logging and support and motivation would be so great! If anyone wants to know my story, I'm very open. Chat soon I hope!


  • JodyFit13
    JodyFit13 Posts: 15 Member
    Okay, tell us your story. And welcome aboard.....I've been here for about a month.
  • coolsey1
    coolsey1 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you Jodyfit13! Well, I was diagnosed with a chronic pain disease that pretty much put my active life on hold. In turn over the years I gained an extra 100lbs. I finally took the plunge and had stomach surgery in April. I've already lost a little over 60lbs since then. It is very hard to keep motivated bc of the pain. Some days I just can't get out of bed. So, yes I am trying to find friends that not only have had bariatric surgery but some that are understanding and great motivators and inspire me. I really miss my life of working going to school playing sports and being active. Life has slowed to a crawl fore and am only 33. This has been going on since about 2008 now. Help! :-)
  • mandyolson438
    mandyolson438 Posts: 1 Member
    While I am not in the same situation as you, I am preparing for gastric and would love a community filled with people in the same journey. Mind if I join the thread?
  • coolsey1
    coolsey1 Posts: 16 Member