Putting my feet in the water

kawenas Posts: 13 Member
Hi everyone. I found this site a couple of days ago and I'm really liking it. It is so easy to use and there seems to be a lot of postive motivation from others.

A bit about me..I'm 37 and from California. Married with two girls who are 8 and almost 6. I never lost the baby weight and managed to pack on more beyond that. My husband and I would like to have at least one more child, but I really don't want to get pregnant at my current weight. Also, I would like to just be heathier and look better in my clothing. Right now, I tend to avoid full length mirrors at all costs.

I work from home sitting in front of my computer most of the day. My biggest challenge will be incorporating exercise into my schedule on a consistent basis. Even though I'm home, my job keeps me very busy right now. I'm just going to have to schedule it in and make it a bigger priority. I find I make a lot of excuses for not starting to exercise.

I'm looking forward to meeting new friends on here and gaining support so I that I can finally get this weight off once and for all!


  • danieljallen86
    danieljallen86 Posts: 8 Member
    Beachbody.com has some amazing at home workouts for all levels and time commitments that have laid out workout schedules. There is one that takes 10 min a day, aptly called "10 Minute Trainer." You get all the benefits of a gym and personal trainer, with a lot less cost and no reason to be self conscious at the gym. I have done a few of their workout programs and they made all the difference in the world. I feel better and am healthier than I have ever been.
  • loseweight1971
    Hi i have been on this site a few months now, and find that the support is great, and you meet some really nice folk. What is even nicer is the fact that your not in this alone, and if yr feeling down or not as motivated there is always some-one with advice and encouragement. You will be fine and you will get there! Good luck. x:laugh: :happy:
  • PositiveGoals
    I had the same excuses problem that you suffer from. I used to call them 'reasons'. I realized they were excuses when they became barriers. I decided that since obesity is caused by food addiction, that means I am an addict. So I chose to use the Serentity Prayer. "God grant me the serentity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference". I made a list with two columns. Barriers I can change, and barriers I cannot. I cannot change my physical limitations. I can change my sedentary life style by modifying exercise, use of a pool for cardio and sitting down with tension bands for toning. I am too busy is my favorite excuse. So I can't stop working an over abundance of hours (my hubby is laid off). But I can keep tension bands at my desk. I can give up farmtown and exercise when I am tempted to play on the computer or watch tv. Even if I am watching TV, I can exercise at the same time. While I may not have time to sit and eat breakfast, I do have time to prepare healthy meals and snacks on my day off or after work and have it packed in the fridge ready to go to work with me. It's amazing how much more time I have to invest on preparing meals when i'm not spending every waking moment on the computer or watching soaps on DVR. Simply preparing my lunch for work and giving up sugar drinks and fast food caused me to drop 9lbs almost immediately before I even started calorie counting and exercising.