Failed over and over..but NOT this time!

Hi everyone!

My name is Kelly! I have been on a fitness journey for a while now, and have only seen results one time in a very unhealthy way.

I currently weigh 133-ish (I don't own a scale, so I always figure I stay about the same). A couple years ago, when I was dating someone who was NOT made for me, I lost 20 pounds (from being 140-ish). I weighed 119lbs, and felt really good about my body for the first time ever. However, I did that by eating only around 500 calories a day for a month or so. It was super unhealthy, but so was that relationship.

Now, I'm married to my husband who is amazing and supportive and wants to help me reach my goals in a healthy way! I gained weight back when we started dating because I was finally HAPPY, but I really want to lose the belly I have and gain strength (especially before we have a baby!).

I need encouragement! PLEASE.

Especially right now, work is very slow - and food is ALWAYS available. And I've felt pretty burnt out lately too.

However! I love the stairstepper! I love circuit training! I also love hiking and exploring! :D I wish I had more friends who loved to work out too, so I go it alone almost all the time - which is tough!

Encouragement please! and thanks for saying hi!!
