2nd week at the gym

Going well so far, generally doing full body workouts. Been going 4 times a week.
Trying to get my muscles used to the aches and pains associated with weight training before I isolate muscle groups. Any advice?


  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    The aches will go away or lessen the more you get your body used to the movements.

    I find epsom salt baths helpful if I am super achy.

    You also don't need to isolate muscle groups, especially if you are new. A structured, full-body progressive lifting program will be sufficient.
  • socalrunner59
    socalrunner59 Posts: 149 Member
    Unfortunately, DOMS is unavoidable. The keys I think are 1. Progress slowly to give your muscles time to adapt. Using lighter weight than you can lift, then gradually increase. 2. Give your muscles ample time to recover between workouts. 3. Warm up before workouts. I foam roll and lacrosse ball roll both lower and upper body before working out. After rolling, I perform light activation exercises ( e.g., bird dogs, leg swings, very light cable pulls). I rarely suffer DOMS when I adhere to this approach. I just added 30 lbs to my hip thrust, and have no DOMS.
  • ehine1
    ehine1 Posts: 28 Member
    Make sure you're getting enough rest. If you feel more than just a little sore take it a little easier. A lot of people that are new to the gym overdue to in the beginning and get injured. Keep up the good work!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I agree with @samanthaluangphixay.

    Here is a link to the most popular programmes.

    Chose one that you are comfortable with and suits your goals.
    Eat aproximately 1g per lbs LBM of protein (or bmi ideal weight).
    Get plenty of rest.
    Don't add accessory moves.
    Watch form videos.
    Start light, and work on form for the first few weeks.

    Well done starting on bodyweight first. I followed the Nerdfitness bodyweight routine and found it really helped me regain some strength.

    Cheers, h.
  • Zenwenner
    Zenwenner Posts: 166 Member
    You can also check out bodybuilding.com - you can put in what you're looking for and some details about yourself and be directed to a huge library of free lifting programs with video trainers on each exercise. It is a great resource!