Losing weight with Pokemon Go

Well...long story short...4 years ago i hit an all time high weight of 285....dropped down to 206, and gained most back. I was up over 270 again, and had little motivation... until, as silly as it sounds, pokemon go came out. This gave me the extra motivation to go out and do some cardio. Saw a few pounds come off so i started making better eating choices..and in less then 3 weeks, im down over 10 pounds. Im looking for some new friends who play the game for that extra motivation and wanna push eachother and lose weight together


  • shrivas4
    shrivas4 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm obsessed with Pokemon go right now. It's actually what got me using MFP again. Hopefully I'll stay on track with my goal. I'm sure we both can reach our goal.
  • andrea_nichol
    andrea_nichol Posts: 47 Member
    I talked to a guy the other day that said he was going to use Pokemon go as a distraction to help him quit smoking!