Starting over... damn graduate school

Hi everyone,

I am Oliver, I currently live in Gainesville, FL and am attending the University of Florida. About four years ago I lost around 65 lbs and was very happy at 205 lbs. Here I am again starting over.

Graduate school has taken its toll over the last 2 years and I gained about 45 lbs, and am at 248 lbs right now. I want to get back to somewhere around 205-210 lbs. I started working out daily and also eating better and within a better calorie range. Logging my food and paying attention to work-outs got me to lose weight last time, and it will again this time.

Please feel free to send me friend requests.



  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 427 Member
    aw man, grad school! I am five courses into a 14 course program in NY!
  • dr_firefly
    dr_firefly Posts: 17 Member
    I have finally finished all my coursework and have only research left for my PhD. Yay.
  • freshally
    freshally Posts: 1 Member
    all the time you will have from reading and writting papers you can finished since 2002, what is my excuse?
    I feel your pain
  • dankaplin
    dankaplin Posts: 36 Member
    I gained considerable weight during my PhD in Clinical Psych. I know the feeling. You can do this.