Are 1600 calories a lot?



  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    That number you calculated is what it would take to keep you from wasting away if you were in a coma.
    Are you in a coma?
    Then eat more.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" and maintain at about 125. My estimated TDEE is 1700 calories a day. If I stick to that number, i tend to lose slowly. But I try to stick to it as a buffer. I could probably eat closer to 1900 a day.

    I do have to say that once or twice a month I have a weekend where I stop logging and just eat whatever. I feel like it helps my mental health to take a weekend off. I jump back in Monday morning, usually in a slight deficit, and I'm back to normal weight within a few days. I don't know if it's the healthiest way to do things. But sometimes I just really need to not think about calories. It's not like I'm out getting Big Mac meals or eating an entire pizza myself... I still try to be reasonable. But I definitely go way over calories. And I'm fine with it.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" and maintain at about 125. My estimated TDEE is 1700 calories a day. If I stick to that number, i tend to lose slowly. But I try to stick to it as a buffer. I could probably eat closer to 1900 a day.

    I do have to say that once or twice a month I have a weekend where I stop logging and just eat whatever. I feel like it helps my mental health to take a weekend off. I jump back in Monday morning, usually in a slight deficit, and I'm back to normal weight within a few days. I don't know if it's the healthiest way to do things. But sometimes I just really need to not think about calories. It's not like I'm out getting Big Mac meals or eating an entire pizza myself... I still try to be reasonable. But I definitely go way over calories. And I'm fine with it.

    Well - if you gained that fast, it was water weight.

    Fat is not fast, gained or lost.

    Likely some water from increased sodium compared to normal eating levels. But I'm betting too you finally are topping off muscle glucose stores with attached water then.

    Then you eat in deficit, and body's first response to that is lose some of those stores - again water weight gone.
    That water weight lowers metabolism a tad.
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I finally decided to maintain my weight at 121 lbs, height 5'3 ft, 19 years old, sometimes I feel like 1600 calories are not enough, many TDEE calculators gave me 1500-1600ish,but it's not enough:// like there's not enough space for food and it sucks, I don't eat junk food and I try to get my nutrition , still not satisfied. I've gone through 3 days binging this week and the week before, although I was in a deficit before the binging but I'm sure I ate all of those calories back and more, but didn't notice a difference in my weight, I don't judge from the scale because I know I'll have extra pounds from water, sodium.. Etc
    I judge from my clothes and the mirror, still the same, recently I'm not active, but after a week I'll start working out again 2-3 days a week besides I'll have classes 4 days a week.

    So what do you think, I need some guiding.

    I use a very simple approach, some might say simplistic approach :)

    If at 1800 calories I am losing still losing weight then I need to increase the caloric intake.
    If at 1800 calories I am Gaining weight I am eating too much.
    Using that approach I came to the point where 2000 calories +/- a few calories holds my weight.

    FWIW I believe that Water weight changes will only occur if You have a large swing in Sodium intake for example. I also Notice that I hold water if I eat a lot of sweet calories.

    Good Luck

    This....just don't make rash decisions and try to change your calories because you weighed 1/2 lb more than the day before. Weight yourself a week at a time and make decisions from there. Also, try to weigh yourself somewhat at the same time such as first thing in the morning so your hydration level is the same.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I finally decided to maintain my weight at 121 lbs, height 5'3 ft, 19 years old, sometimes I feel like 1600 calories are not enough, many TDEE calculators gave me 1500-1600ish,but it's not enough:// like there's not enough space for food and it sucks, I don't eat junk food and I try to get my nutrition , still not satisfied. I've gone through 3 days binging this week and the week before, although I was in a deficit before the binging but I'm sure I ate all of those calories back and more, but didn't notice a difference in my weight, I don't judge from the scale because I know I'll have extra pounds from water, sodium.. Etc
    I judge from my clothes and the mirror, still the same, recently I'm not active, but after a week I'll start working out again 2-3 days a week besides I'll have classes 4 days a week.

    So what do you think, I need some guiding.

    I use a very simple approach, some might say simplistic approach :)

    If at 1800 calories I am losing still losing weight then I need to increase the caloric intake.
    If at 1800 calories I am Gaining weight I am eating too much.
    Using that approach I came to the point where 2000 calories +/- a few calories holds my weight.

    FWIW I believe that Water weight changes will only occur if You have a large swing in Sodium intake for example. I also Notice that I hold water if I eat a lot of sweet calories.

    Good Luck

    This....just don't make rash decisions and try to change your calories because you weighed 1/2 lb more than the day before. Weight yourself a week at a time and make decisions from there. Also, try to weigh yourself somewhat at the same time such as first thing in the morning so your hydration level is the same.

    And even that weekly method doesn't work for a woman - must wait a month to see if anything meaningful has happened - as their BMR will change through the month.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    surviv_ed wrote: »
    1600 cals is very little. But of course if you are sitting down all day not even going for a walk, then it may be correct that that is what you need. I have put my goal to 1500 cals(cause that's my basic metabolic rate) and then I put on top all exercise that I do, every walk I take, run, biking, dancing, anything and then I easily get to 2500-2700cals on average. I don't ever eat below 2000 so I think 1600 is very little. I would also end up binging and it is not long term possible to get enough nutrients. 1600 is classified by WHO as starvation. But get moving, just walking and daily doings get you up to have to eat at least 2000cals :) good luck and congrats on reaching your happy weight :)

    I looked for a WHO reference classifying 1600 calories as starvation and I couldn't find one...can you post a reference, please? I wasn't aware of this definition.

  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I finally decided to maintain my weight at 121 lbs, height 5'3 ft, 19 years old, sometimes I feel like 1600 calories are not enough, many TDEE calculators gave me 1500-1600ish,but it's not enough:// like there's not enough space for food and it sucks, I don't eat junk food and I try to get my nutrition , still not satisfied. I've gone through 3 days binging this week and the week before, although I was in a deficit before the binging but I'm sure I ate all of those calories back and more, but didn't notice a difference in my weight, I don't judge from the scale because I know I'll have extra pounds from water, sodium.. Etc
    I judge from my clothes and the mirror, still the same, recently I'm not active, but after a week I'll start working out again 2-3 days a week besides I'll have classes 4 days a week.

    So what do you think, I need some guiding.

    I use a very simple approach, some might say simplistic approach :)

    If at 1800 calories I am losing still losing weight then I need to increase the caloric intake.
    If at 1800 calories I am Gaining weight I am eating too much.
    Using that approach I came to the point where 2000 calories +/- a few calories holds my weight.

    FWIW I believe that Water weight changes will only occur if You have a large swing in Sodium intake for example. I also Notice that I hold water if I eat a lot of sweet calories.

    Good Luck

    This....just don't make rash decisions and try to change your calories because you weighed 1/2 lb more than the day before. Weight yourself a week at a time and make decisions from there. Also, try to weigh yourself somewhat at the same time such as first thing in the morning so your hydration level is the same.

    And even that weekly method doesn't work for a woman - must wait a month to see if anything meaningful has happened - as their BMR will change through the month.

    This is why I love the Happy Scale app. I just log my weight in it every morning, and then I can see what my average is over a week/month, ect. If the average keeps downtrending then I need more calories and vice versa.

  • chgonzalez1978
    chgonzalez1978 Posts: 114 Member
    If you workout hard on a regular basis you need to bump up your calories to close to 2000. You may also want to increase your protein intake. This will help feel full and stay satisfied loner till your next meal. You may also want to have a snack between meals too. Something like Greek yogurt or cheese sticks or beef jerky.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I finally decided to maintain my weight at 121 lbs, height 5'3 ft, 19 years old, sometimes I feel like 1600 calories are not enough, many TDEE calculators gave me 1500-1600ish,but it's not enough:// like there's not enough space for food and it sucks, I don't eat junk food and I try to get my nutrition , still not satisfied. I've gone through 3 days binging this week and the week before, although I was in a deficit before the binging but I'm sure I ate all of those calories back and more, but didn't notice a difference in my weight, I don't judge from the scale because I know I'll have extra pounds from water, sodium.. Etc
    I judge from my clothes and the mirror, still the same, recently I'm not active, but after a week I'll start working out again 2-3 days a week besides I'll have classes 4 days a week.

    So what do you think, I need some guiding.

    I use a very simple approach, some might say simplistic approach :)

    If at 1800 calories I am losing still losing weight then I need to increase the caloric intake.
    If at 1800 calories I am Gaining weight I am eating too much.
    Using that approach I came to the point where 2000 calories +/- a few calories holds my weight.

    FWIW I believe that Water weight changes will only occur if You have a large swing in Sodium intake for example. I also Notice that I hold water if I eat a lot of sweet calories.

    Good Luck

    Unfortunately if you're female then that's not the only reason for water weight!

    I have heard that :) OTOH I would look at that as natural and not let it bother Me.

    I did also miss another reason why different people that are otherwise identical have different needs. I do believe that different people can have different metabolisms too.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    What the heck are you guys doing that you all get to eat so much! I'm so jealous! :s I'm 5'2, 122ish. I lift heavy (45 min-hour) 3, sometimes 4 days a week. I supposedly maintain at 1600 but have my goals set at 1400 so that I have a buffer. I try not eat over 1600 and even without eating back exercise calories I've still been steadily gaining. (Fingers crossed some of it is muscle, though.) I look and feel good so I'm not too worried, but I would LOVE to eat more.

    i see a lot of cup entrees in your diary @AlisonH729 maybe you eat more calories than you think Like the peanut butter granola a 0.33 cup 160 calories ...i bet it is more. And i see a lot of these kinda entrees in your diary. Most of the time you have to tighten up your logging... I know when i started i had to get used to weighing my food and be accurate. After some weeks i got used to it. And the lbs flew o:smile: I had a lot to loose of course but still never had a plateau and never stopped with weighing my food Now i am maintaining for more than a half year and still i weigh my food. And my bet is that you can do this too. Just get accurate and you will see that it makes a big difference. And yes maybe not a high TDEE but you will lose weight :)

    I do weigh most everything. (Not vegetables, so those I estimate with the cups.) The nutrition info on the granola is in grams but I don't think I could find a database entry with it in grams. (The one I use is verified too which is odd.) So a lot of those entries are weighed but I've just had to do the math for whatever units the entry is in. I just straight up eat too much.

    Hi FWIW I measure Vegetables too. They amount of weight in a cup is so variable depending on shape and size. For example A Broccoli, Cauliflower, & 2 Carrot Mix such as the Frozen I buy at CostCo are very variable in size. Therefor I weigh as that also affects heating time in the MicroWave. BTW they are always nice a crisp for me as well as affordable. The Only things I believe where You can get away with measuring by volume are things that pack solid such as liquids or something like Cottage Cheese where it packs solid.

  • lynne822
    lynne822 Posts: 10 Member
    I am still losing and have only 1200 calories a day and if I was to maintain I would be only at 1500 a day. It is all about choices and eating healthier. My son has 1800 calories a day to lose weight and he told me it is all about budgeting your calories.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    I am 5 3"as well. My BMR is 1230, normal maintenance (at sedetary lifestyl) 1400 and TDEE is 1750 (using 3 times a week excersise as base). I'd love for it to be more, but it isn't and I am finding the amount of food quite enough. Took some time to get used to it but it is fine now.

  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    My goal is over 2000 calories and when running I go way over that.
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    What the heck are you guys doing that you all get to eat so much! I'm so jealous! :s I'm 5'2, 122ish. I lift heavy (45 min-hour) 3, sometimes 4 days a week. I supposedly maintain at 1600 but have my goals set at 1400 so that I have a buffer. I try not eat over 1600 and even without eating back exercise calories I've still been steadily gaining. (Fingers crossed some of it is muscle, though.) I look and feel good so I'm not too worried, but I would LOVE to eat more.

    i see a lot of cup entrees in your diary @AlisonH729 maybe you eat more calories than you think Like the peanut butter granola a 0.33 cup 160 calories ...i bet it is more. And i see a lot of these kinda entrees in your diary. Most of the time you have to tighten up your logging... I know when i started i had to get used to weighing my food and be accurate. After some weeks i got used to it. And the lbs flew o:smile: I had a lot to loose of course but still never had a plateau and never stopped with weighing my food Now i am maintianing for more than a half year and still i weigh my food. And my bet is that you can do this too. Just get accurate and you will see that it makes a big difference. And yes maybe not a high TDEE but you will lose weight :)

    I do weigh most everything. (Not vegetables, so those I estimate with the cups.) The nutrition info on the granola is in grams but I don't think I could find a database entry with it in grams. (The one I use is verified too which is odd.) So a lot of those entries are weighed but I've just had to do the math for whatever units the entry is in. I just straight up eat too much.

    That is exactly the right way to do it - others viewing the entry though may not know that is it indeed weighed and logged by weight. Making another database entry in my opinion is why the database is such a mess already. You know it's right per weight and servings, that's good enough. The only annoying thing is on entry, you have had to divide what you ate by the gram serving size already.

    @HeyBales Sorry I just scanned back through this post today so I didn't see your replies until now. :) Thanks for the support & suggestions! Seeing as my TDEE is only 1550 eating at a 500 cal def would make me super hangry! Haha. But I think I will try to eat at deficit (-250) on off days and at maintenance (not including exercise calories) on lifting days. I've been thinking about rearranging my meals too and flipping what would be my 'afternoon snack' with lunch. That way I have a little more fuel in the tank when I head to the gym. (Which is after work, but before dinner.)
  • tahxirez
    tahxirez Posts: 270 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    What the heck are you guys doing that you all get to eat so much! I'm so jealous! :s I'm 5'2, 122ish. I lift heavy (45 min-hour) 3, sometimes 4 days a week. I supposedly maintain at 1600 but have my goals set at 1400 so that I have a buffer. I try not eat over 1600 and even without eating back exercise calories I've still been steadily gaining. (Fingers crossed some of it is muscle, though.) I look and feel good so I'm not too worried, but I would LOVE to eat more.

    i see a lot of cup entrees in your diary @AlisonH729 maybe you eat more calories than you think Like the peanut butter granola a 0.33 cup 160 calories ...i bet it is more. And i see a lot of these kinda entrees in your diary. Most of the time you have to tighten up your logging... I know when i started i had to get used to weighing my food and be accurate. After some weeks i got used to it. And the lbs flew o:smile: I had a lot to loose of course but still never had a plateau and never stopped with weighing my food Now i am maintaining for more than a half year and still i weigh my food. And my bet is that you can do this too. Just get accurate and you will see that it makes a big difference. And yes maybe not a high TDEE but you will lose weight :)

    I do weigh most everything. (Not vegetables, so those I estimate with the cups.) The nutrition info on the granola is in grams but I don't think I could find a database entry with it in grams. (The one I use is verified too which is odd.) So a lot of those entries are weighed but I've just had to do the math for whatever units the entry is in. I just straight up eat too much.

    Hi FWIW I measure Vegetables too. They amount of weight in a cup is so variable depending on shape and size. For example A Broccoli, Cauliflower, & 2 Carrot Mix such as the Frozen I buy at CostCo are very variable in size. Therefor I weigh as that also affects heating time in the MicroWave. BTW they are always nice a crisp for me as well as affordable. The Only things I believe where You can get away with measuring by volume are things that pack solid such as liquids or something like Cottage Cheese where it packs solid.


    The calorie difference between a cup of cauliflower and a weighed amount of cauliflower is really not worth the effort. Measure liquids in cups if you like (though I much prefer to set my scale to mL and weigh) but I would not recommend measuring something like cottage cheese like that. I actually make cottage cheese professionally and there is a reason we package by weight. If you weigh your packed 1/2 cup I think you'll see it does not weigh the recommended 113g serving and if its a full fat product that difference can be substantial where calories are concerned. Differences in blend composition will affect the "size" of the serving if you are measuring by volume.
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    edited July 2016
    tahxirez wrote: »
    The calorie difference between a cup of cauliflower and a weighed amount of cauliflower is really not worth the effort.

    Hear, hear! Plus I usually round vegetables up anyway. That's typically my MO for most of the things I don't/can't weigh. Cottage cheese* though, that goes on the scale. :smiley: Peanut butter too. :disappointed:

    PS: @tahxirez the 2% Pot Style* is my jam!
  • girl_inflames
    girl_inflames Posts: 374 Member
    I'm currently on a 1200 calorie diet that I've been maintaining for a little over 6 months now.. (deficit). I've looked into maintenance calories for myself since I'm getting close to goal and they're around 1750...not much better. I feel your pain.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited July 2016
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi FWIW I measure Vegetables too. They amount of weight in a cup is so variable depending on shape and size. For example A Broccoli, Cauliflower, & 2 Carrot Mix such as the Frozen I buy at CostCo are very variable in size. Therefor I weigh as that also affects heating time in the MicroWave. BTW they are always nice a crisp for me as well as affordable. The Only things I believe where You can get away with measuring by volume are things that pack solid such as liquids or something like Cottage Cheese where it packs solid.


    Just confirm when you weigh them compared to the weighed serving size.

    Most I've seen for serving size are for weight in frozen state - with the better known amount of water they are aware of when packing.
    They have no idea how long someone lets them steam and lose moisture weight before eating.

    I like the Bird's Eye high protein mixes (for mostly vege's anyway), like 4 types now, wasn't impressed with one though.

    When you eat the whole package - not a problem. I've not observed much variance between the weight of the product in the package and the weight stated on the package. I'll spot check from time to time to confirm.
    Merely need to divide that stated weight then by serving weight - there's the exact servings eaten.

    Get's more interesting when you don't eat the whole thing.
    Then you need to weigh the finished product, then the amount you eat of the finished product, to get your % eaten.
    Then same % to the frozen weight, divided by serving weight - for servings eaten.

    Sadly it seems the type of frozen items where I don't eat the whole thing - are also calorie dense and great variations in water weight - so the above to get it right is really required.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    heybales wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    What the heck are you guys doing that you all get to eat so much! I'm so jealous! :s I'm 5'2, 122ish. I lift heavy (45 min-hour) 3, sometimes 4 days a week. I supposedly maintain at 1600 but have my goals set at 1400 so that I have a buffer. I try not eat over 1600 and even without eating back exercise calories I've still been steadily gaining. (Fingers crossed some of it is muscle, though.) I look and feel good so I'm not too worried, but I would LOVE to eat more.

    i see a lot of cup entrees in your diary @AlisonH729 maybe you eat more calories than you think Like the peanut butter granola a 0.33 cup 160 calories ...i bet it is more. And i see a lot of these kinda entrees in your diary. Most of the time you have to tighten up your logging... I know when i started i had to get used to weighing my food and be accurate. After some weeks i got used to it. And the lbs flew o:smile: I had a lot to loose of course but still never had a plateau and never stopped with weighing my food Now i am maintianing for more than a half year and still i weigh my food. And my bet is that you can do this too. Just get accurate and you will see that it makes a big difference. And yes maybe not a high TDEE but you will lose weight :)

    I do weigh most everything. (Not vegetables, so those I estimate with the cups.) The nutrition info on the granola is in grams but I don't think I could find a database entry with it in grams. (The one I use is verified too which is odd.) So a lot of those entries are weighed but I've just had to do the math for whatever units the entry is in. I just straight up eat too much.

    That is exactly the right way to do it - others viewing the entry though may not know that is it indeed weighed and logged by weight. Making another database entry in my opinion is why the database is such a mess already. You know it's right per weight and servings, that's good enough. The only annoying thing is on entry, you have had to divide what you ate by the gram serving size already.

    @HeyBales Sorry I just scanned back through this post today so I didn't see your replies until now. :) Thanks for the support & suggestions! Seeing as my TDEE is only 1550 eating at a 500 cal def would make me super hangry! Haha. But I think I will try to eat at deficit (-250) on off days and at maintenance (not including exercise calories) on lifting days. I've been thinking about rearranging my meals too and flipping what would be my 'afternoon snack' with lunch. That way I have a little more fuel in the tank when I head to the gym. (Which is after work, but before dinner.)

    That's why I generally skip breakfast, or make in really small. Better lunch and then snack to confirm a good workout, then good meal and snack to confirm good recovery from workout.