Adios .....

tinkerbell1964 Posts: 152
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Always been a skeptic about slimming aids, but after talking to my sister last Friday about water retention , i thought i'd buy Adios Max , and give it a go ..................... since taking this all naturally slimming aid on sunday 3rd july, i've lost 3lbs in weight , can that really be all water !!?? i've not eaten bread or pasta for 3 days either, so this must have some influence on my weight loss also..

Has anyone else tried Adios , and what results did you have and how long did you keep taking it for ?


  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    I'd be quite interested to hera any feedback about this as well as I've considered trying it as I suffer badly from water gain, especially if i drink alcohol my weight shoots up for a couple of days before dropping again.
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    This thread has a lot of potential. I want to see all the people giving animate advise against supplements even if they are all natural. And I expect to see a few hopeful standbyers wanting to hear that there this miracle product out there for weight loss.
    My position remains neutral I'll just lean back and see the stream of input from this one.
    : )
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    I just stole this from Adiosweight and after reading this, I am POSITIVE its not a good idea..........

    "Adios and Adios Max systems believe in the usage laxatives and diuretics, in its weight loss program. These components found naturally are relatively mild compared to their pharmaceutical alternatives. Their lack of potency is a blessing in disguise because they do not disrupt the absorption of nutrients. At the same time, they work overtime preventing water retention in the body.

    Some say, that losing water weight is no big deal. However, one cannot ignore the psychological benefits accruing from it. These little victories play a big role in keeping a person motivated. And, lack of motivation, is a big factor due to which people drop out of a health program."

    It seems that its going to essentially give you water diarhea the whole while you are taking it!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I have tried Adios (and other slimming pills too over the years)
    I did a whole bottle of the Adios as advised and didn't notice any change in weight, eating habits or cravings so I never bought them again. I thought they were rubbish actually. :grumble:

    However there are some on the market that are stronger but still herbal and do seem to suppress my appetite and take my mind off food, whilst giving me an energy boost. I have tried many different types and some really do seem to help.
    I don't use them all the time but sometimes on the week before TOM or during TOM when I feel super hungry and lacking in energy and motivation to stay under my MFP goal. :wink:
    This is where I find them most beneficial but I don't want to take them daily as I think my body will get used to them and then I'll struggle to naturally maintain my weight loss.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    Cleansing is good for your body about twice a year. And yes, sometimes kicking off the water weight is also good.


    You need to realize what you're doing. If you think losing 6 pounds of water weight is really weight loss, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. You tend to gain all of this weight back within a few weeks. They're great for special events where you need to look your best, but in the long run you want to build muscle and burn fat.

    So, just be educated about what you're taking and why :)
  • Cleansing is good for your body about twice a year. And yes, sometimes kicking off the water weight is also good.


    You need to realize what you're doing. If you think losing 6 pounds of water weight is really weight loss, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. You tend to gain all of this weight back within a few weeks. They're great for special events where you need to look your best, but in the long run you want to build muscle and burn fat.

    So, just be educated about what you're taking and why :)

    Good post , thanks !
  • I just stole this from Adiosweight and after reading this, I am POSITIVE its not a good idea..........

    "Adios and Adios Max systems believe in the usage laxatives and diuretics, in its weight loss program. These components found naturally are relatively mild compared to their pharmaceutical alternatives. Their lack of potency is a blessing in disguise because they do not disrupt the absorption of nutrients. At the same time, they work overtime preventing water retention in the body.

    Some say, that losing water weight is no big deal. However, one cannot ignore the psychological benefits accruing from it. These little victories play a big role in keeping a person motivated. And, lack of motivation, is a big factor due to which people drop out of a health program."

    It seems that its going to essentially give you water diarhea the whole while you are taking it!

    Yes i'm definitely peeing more :smile:
  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm sorry but I am all for doing it myself without taking drugs of any kind to loose weight. I watch what I eat and sweat my butt of exercising regularly and feel really pleased with myself seeing the scale go down, knowing its my own hard work that is resulting in this.
  • I'm sorry but I am all for doing it myself without taking drugs of any kind to loose weight. I watch what I eat and sweat my butt of exercising regularly and feel really pleased with myself seeing the scale go down, knowing its my own hard work that is resulting in this.

    I hear what you're saying , but what if you've been losing steadily since joining in January , and then nothing for months , asking yourself why , why , why bloody why , haven't last anymore , maybe for some of us, anything else is worth a try !

    At the of the day we all have different bodies doing different things , i eat healthy , i exercise regularly and drink loads of bloody water, but i'm obviously one of those ppl that retain water, so why shouldn't i get a bit of extra help to get rid of it, if i don't need, it's extra weight i have to carry around
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Do what you want. It's your body and your choice.
  • What is Water Retention?

    Water retention is also known by its more medical term, edema. This is a condition that results when water leaks into the body tissues from the blood. In normal circumstances, the fluid is drained from the body tissues through the lymphatic system – a network of tubes throughout the body that removes waste and extraneous material, and empties it back into the bloodstream.

    Water retention problems arise when fluid is not removed by the lymph system properly, it is retained in the body tissues where it causes swelling (edema). Water retention in the body is most common in the feet and legs, but it can occur in the hands, arms, abdominal cavity (ascites) and around the lungs (known as pulmonary edema).
    Types of Water Retention

    There are two main categories of water retention, generalized edema and localized edema. Generalized edema refers to swelling that occurs throughout the body while localized edema refers to the swelling in specific parts of the body.
    Water Retention and Weight Gain

    It is very common for even healthy adults to experience weight fluctuations due to water retention, which account for many day-to-day fluctuations on the scale. While most people can retain up to five pounds of "hidden" water weight within the natural fluid that surrounds cells, known as extra-cellular fluid, those who are overweight or suffer from obesity people may retain up to eight to ten pounds.
  • There are a number of reasons why the body might start retaining water. Many women are familiar with the water retention associated with the menstrual cycle; this water retention is caused by the release of hormones which causes the kidneys to retain water, rather than flushing it out. Water retention can also be caused by medical problems with organs like the kidneys, heart, or liver, and it has been linked with thyroid problems as well. Finally, the body will retain water if people eat a diet which is too high in salt.
  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member
    In April and May I lost no weight at all and I listened to a Jillian Michaels podcast about Plateaus and how they don't exist she explained its your body becoming used to your diet and routine and that you need to change things on a monthly basis, so in June I upped my calories from 1330 to 1460 and increased and changed my exercise routine and I lost 3lb and 1 inch from my waist and 1/4 inch from my thighs. May not sound a lot but to me it was, perhaps you just need to shake things up diet and exercise wise for a bit.

    I would recommend you listen to the podcast though as I found it really informative.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    This thread has a lot of potential. I want to see all the people giving animate advise against supplements even if they are all natural. And I expect to see a few hopeful standbyers wanting to hear that there this miracle product out there for weight loss.
    My position remains neutral I'll just lean back and see the stream of input from this one.
    : )

    I'm with you!
  • I'd be quite interested to hera any feedback about this as well as I've considered trying it as I suffer badly from water gain, especially if i drink alcohol my weight shoots up for a couple of days before dropping again.

    I totally agree with the alcohol thing, i drank far too much on friday/saturday woke up dehydrated saturday morning, which probably triggered my body to store more
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    Always been a skeptic about slimming aids, but after talking to my sister last Friday about water retention , i thought i'd buy Adios Max , and give it a go ..................... since taking this all naturally slimming aid on sunday 3rd july, i've lost 3lbs in weight , can that really be all water !!?? i've not eaten bread or pasta for 3 days either, so this must have some influence on my weight loss also..

    Has anyone else tried Adios , and what results did you have and how long did you keep taking it for ?
    Thought you were leaving!
  • 90210UK
    90210UK Posts: 81
  • I have tried Adios (and other slimming pills too over the years)
    I did a whole bottle of the Adios as advised and didn't notice any change in weight, eating habits or cravings so I never bought them again. I thought they were rubbish actually. :grumble:

    However there are some on the market that are stronger but still herbal and do seem to suppress my appetite and take my mind off food, whilst giving me an energy boost. I have tried many different types and some really do seem to help.
    I don't use them all the time but sometimes on the week before TOM or during TOM when I feel super hungry and lacking in energy and motivation to stay under my MFP goal. :wink:
    This is where I find them most beneficial but I don't want to take them daily as I think my body will get used to them and then I'll struggle to naturally maintain my weight loss.

    Adios is not a slimming pill, it's an aid to slimming .................... it's basically a diuretic to help you lose water, it won't suppress your hunger, it can only make you pee more .
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    I would not take a diuretic. Period. In fact, you should drink more water. Are you drinking 8 - 8 oz glasses per day?

    Your body's fuel source is glycogen, which is stored in your muscles and liver. It is comprised of 1 part glucose and 2 parts water. Without enough water, you will not have enough glycogen. You will feel less energetic and your exercise regimen will suffer. If you are hoping to do a 5k or any other event, forget it. Plus, you will be constipated.

    You do not want to lose water weight. You want to lose the spare tire around your middle (at least I did), not to mention the donut stuck horizontally in your throat, the thunder thighs, the muffin top, etc. You want to burn fat.

    Seriously, if you are on MFP, you are headed in the right direction. BUT . . . THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS! Slow and steady loss. 5 lbs per month, maybe 8. Do the math. It took me 6 months to lose 40 pounds.

    Vitamins are good. Some minerals are great. Chromium, for instance, helps your body to process sugar better and crave it less. But forget about Adios.

    Good luck. Just stick to the the diet and exercise part. But skip anything proclaiming miracle weight loss.
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