Over 40 looking to drop 80 lbs....looking for group support

I am sick and tired of feeling sluggish and buying bigger pants. Drawing a line in the sand. Would love to connect with others to get healthy.


  • rabkaar
    rabkaar Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I know how you feel. I too am 40 and fed up with shopping in the plus size section and always feeling aches and pains from carrying all this extra weight around!
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    Hi Brave! I hear you. I m in the same boat as you, 42 and busting my *kitten* to lose weight =) Gets harder as we get older it seems! feel free to add me, and get ready for some awesome support from me! I'm never too tired to support my friends and offer encouragement!! =)
  • jordiblu
    jordiblu Posts: 145 Member
    I've been dairy, gluten and sugar free for years
    I never eat processed or packaged food
    I eat tons of leafy greens and tons of healthy fats
    Add me my diary is open
    I'm at my high school weight (for years now) and skin is radiant
    I also take tons of vitamins and probiotics
    (It's my business)
    I love to share my tips!