Too much protein???

I never manage to stay within my allowed protein. I always thought the more protein, the better. Just how bad is it for me to go over every day?:huh:


  • CHANCE352
    I never manage to stay within my allowed protein. I always thought the more protein, the better. Just how bad is it for me to go over every day?:huh:
  • mamashrub
    mamashrub Posts: 128
    I dont think its horrible, but you do need to balance it out.
  • CHANCE352
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    How? What do you eat? I'm ALWAYS too low.:grumble:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I was just noticing I'm always over on protein.

    For lunch to day I ate 2 turkey burgers with lettuce, tomato and onions. That meal alone had over 40 grams of protein.

    I wonder if I'm going to bulk up :embarassed:

    Hope someone has more info.
  • sherris
    sherris Posts: 112
    i do too...i dunno either tho and would like to....

    i thought protien helped with building muscles....and if this is so..... how much before you....overdose?... on protien?