
I know that this is not a new thing that has been asked in the forums, but I was hoping for some fresh thoughts/advice. I am TERRIBLE on weekends. The gym isn't open (I take advantage of our university gym because of the free membership- unfortunately, that means I need to put up with their lame summer hours) and I am bad at working out at home on the weekends. I have plenty of videos but the roomies (both male, one is my boyfriend and one is a friend) are usually around and it's embarassing to work out in front of them. But I don't think that's the biggest problem.

I eat really bad on the weekends. The little devil on my shoulder is always whispering "you've worked so hard all week, you can have some goodies on the weekends." The little devil is very convincing. I don't log on the weekends. I'm like a different person. It's really really bad.

How do you keep yourself on track on the weekends? Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks!


  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    I don't go TOO crazy on the weekends.. but I also don't restrict myself. most of my weekends are spent with my bf and he loves to take me out to eat and buy me whatever the hell.. if i say no he gets all angry and thinks im out of my mind to be watching what i eat lol ANYWHOOOO.... just use the weekends as your "cheat" days. and your rest days. then bust your *kitten* throughout the week. thisll also keep your metabolism in check!
  • Bruzzeseangel
    I just posted something similar to this. And I totally get the whole being a different person on the weekends. I think my biggest thing is the loss of a routine. Well, and going out. I hate saying no when my friends go out but when everyone is ordering food to share at the bar (hellllo fried appetizer platter) and beer my whole motivation goes crashing to the ground. I'm working on this. I'd say try and log in on the weekends - that's what I'm going to try for. Even just to log in and read your friends status's or to make a point to post a status about how you're doing. Hopefully, just "checking in" will help you to push through!
  • deenice99
    deenice99 Posts: 6 Member
    I have also found weekends a challenge but I think if you can plan for them then you should be OK. Cook more on Fridays and make sure you have some healty snacks in the house. If you are going out to eat have a piece or 2 of fruit while on your way to either the restaurant or your host's house. If they offer you a drink before food take it and you will find by the time you get to the main course you are not half as hungry. Do try and stick to your weekly plan. Good luck and this is coming from someone that struggles through the weekend too!!
  • FatGirlSlim89
    Yeah I really agree with those who say to don't be to hard on yourself. I feel like it's important not to be 'that' person that will sit and pick at a salad, moan about how they wish they could have a burger, then go home.

    I think you should treat yourself, but healthily. Have that burger and fries, but have fruit for breakfast and some grilled chicken for dinner. Then walk the dog or go on a short run to keep things in check. It's important not to loose control, but equally important not to get wrapped up in dieting.
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    I just posted something similar to this. And I totally get the whole being a different person on the weekends. I think my biggest thing is the loss of a routine. Well, and going out. I hate saying no when my friends go out but when everyone is ordering food to share at the bar (hellllo fried appetizer platter) and beer my whole motivation goes crashing to the ground. I'm working on this. I'd say try and log in on the weekends - that's what I'm going to try for. Even just to log in and read your friends status's or to make a point to post a status about how you're doing. Hopefully, just "checking in" will help you to push through!

    I do still check in but it's not enough to pull me out of my funk on the weekends. It's like there's a switch in my head and I need to learn how to keep it "on" during the weekends! I even think about it while I'm doing it. I'll think "man, I really shouldn't be eating this... I'm going to regret this tomorrow.... I really should work out for a bit...." but I just don't do it. It's a really bad lack of control. I need to take that control back somehow....

    Thanks for the words of encouragement though! I appreciate the advice.
  • kappy_hollowell
    Ugh..... this is so my problem and the three day weekend just blew everything I've worked on. I hate missing out when my friends go out and drink and eat and cook etc...... I have to figure out which is more important losing weight or friends. what I may do is lose all the weight I can and not go out for a while, then treat myself to a night out with friends and let it rest with just one night maybe a month or so. I love my friends, but they understand I have to do what I have to do.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I've found a balance that usually works for me. Eat healthy, track, and stay within calorie limits through the week. Track and stay within calorie limits through the weekend... even if I don't eat healthy! This way I am not necessarily eating healthy on the weekends, but at least I'm tracking and staying within the calories.

    It works for me, anyway. ;-)
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I allow myself extra calories on the weekends, since I'm usually more active (yard work!) but I continue to log it. I have found that logging what I eat is what keeps me in check on the weekends.
  • lejess
    lejess Posts: 63
    I think everybody struggles with this! One thing, you gotta log your food though. You have no idea how many calories you are taking in, and once you get a cold hard look at how many calories are in that friend appetizer you just had, you might think twice about getting it.
    If I know Im going out with the girls, I make sure to fit in some extra workouts, and eat light all day, and maybe the day before (depending on what my plans are! lol!)
    Im not perfect, and you cant plan for everything, but you can try right?
    Something else I started, a couple of my friends and I hang out regularly and we always go out to eat. Well, I took a pay cut this year and those dinners out started to hurt. So I threw the idea out there about doing girls night dinner in. We rotate homes, and who cooks the main dish. The others bring sides, desserts and of course, wine! My friends know Im trying to watch what I eat, so they started considering that. Last week, it was my friend's turn to host, she made a low-calorie mexican lasagna, and bought a zero calorie margarita mix (its actually 100 calories when you add in the liquor). You know what, it was delish, we still got our fun in, but at a lower calorie and monetary price!
    An idea to think about, and you dont have to approach it from an "Im trying to watch what I eat" stand point. I found that a lot of my friends hate spending the money to eat out, also trying to lose weight or not, feel guilty after eating a greasy meal, and I also learned that a few of them like to cook too, but many live alone or have schedules opposite their bf so they dont want to cook big meals for just themselves.
    Its an idea to think about.....
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    Thanks everyone, some good advice in here! I really appreciate it!
  • HappyHealthyHolly
    HappyHealthyHolly Posts: 84 Member
    I used to have this problem a lot!!! I always thought that since I worked so hard, I 'deserved' a break. Now I look at things A LOT differently!
    Now I look at it & think, I've worked so hard all week, I owe it to myself for all the hard work I've done to not go backwards & gain back anything that I just got rid of.
    Also, I had to really look at my new way of eating as a lifestyle thing, not a temporary thing. I'm going to eat the way I eat now for the rest of my life, & that's that. I have lots of fun food I make room for without feeling like I'm doing bad. I just watch how much I eat & of what.
    Normally I have one gym open on Saturday & another open on Saturday & Sunday, but this past weekend I ran into that same problem, both of the gyms I go to were closed. So instead, I didn't work out at home like I wanted to try to, but I walked for about an hour each day & did lots of push ups at the park. If it's nice out, I try hard to make myself get out & enjoy it. I don't live with anyone, but if I did, then that would be a way to get away from them to exercise.
    Good luck! You can do it!!! Just give that lil devil a swift flick! ;)
  • TheSarahHill
    TheSarahHill Posts: 185
    Atleast log what you eat on a weekend, who knows your weekly average might still be under? You never know!

    Try and give yourself a routine on a weekend, that what makes everything go wrong.

    Stick to having your 3 main meals, and log them! If you go over a bit so what it doesn't matter.
  • Kris0109
    Kris0109 Posts: 177 Member
    Last week, it was my friend's turn to host, she made a low-calorie mexican lasagna, and bought a zero calorie margarita mix (its actually 100 calories when you add in the liquor). You know what, it was delish, we still got our fun in, but at a lower calorie and monetary price!

    I don't suppose you got the recipe for said lo-cal mexican lasagna??
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I think you need to log on the weekends. That way you will have to "face" what you're eating :) Maybe once you're looking at it then you'll decide to go for a walk or make different choices. Ya know the whole you will have to just own it.

    Log the alcohol too. I think after awhile you'll make some changes (no one is perfect) and maybe go for something better for you to eat and have an extra drink or something. Maybe you and your loving man could take up canoeing or hiking or ??? That way you're really doing something to earn you some extra calories....
  • lejess
    lejess Posts: 63
    Last week, it was my friend's turn to host, she made a low-calorie mexican lasagna, and bought a zero calorie margarita mix (its actually 100 calories when you add in the liquor). You know what, it was delish, we still got our fun in, but at a lower calorie and monetary price!

    I don't suppose you got the recipe for said lo-cal mexican lasagna??
    I sure do, here it is:
    The portion size is really generous too! Its a lot of effort if you arent big on cooking, but well worth the end result. Enjoy!