A little self motivation for me!

I've been feeling really discouraged here lately. My inner fat kid is wanting to come out and just EAT everything in sight. Unfortunately, I'm letting this little fat kid win.

Not today though. Today I am jumping back on the horse. I've been doing this for a LONG time now, and it's time to get super serious and reach my final goal(s). At my lowest, I've lost 101lbs. As of lately I've been anywhere from 5 - 10 lbs OVER my lowest weight. NOT GOOD!!

Anyway - I guess this is my public reminder of where I once was, and that I am capable of acheiving my goals.


My birthday was a few weeks ago - good thing my driver's license expired - I needed a new one - DESPERATELY!!


Hopefully this not only motivates me, but you too! :o) We can do this, right?


  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i feel you, i've been in a slump and sometimes we have to go back and celebrate what weve done so far and you have done wonderfully so far. lets knock the rest of this thing out!
  • rainbowbuggy
    rainbowbuggy Posts: 320
    All I can say is WOW! You look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    you are fabulous! You've done fantastic and you will carry on doing fantastic! Definitely a thinspiration for me! We can do this!!!!
  • purplerose421
    You look amazing! congrats!
  • westbrja
    westbrja Posts: 111 Member
    I too am having a problem staying motivated. Only difference is, I'm at the halfway point of my journey. I haven't been losing since starting back after a maternity hiatus. Reading this gives me more inspiration. Thanks and best of luck to you!
  • rockgirl47
    yes it is very motivational. you look great. i know i can too do this, i am a little older will have to work harder but obtainable i wear 16/18 feel real frumpy today escpecially after 4th weekend sodium which foods and alchohol. but today is back nose to the grindstone vacation over. good luck reaching your goal you will get there. :smile:
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    WOW!!! A M A Z I N G!! The pictures are wicked!! massive welldone to you!! Your such an inspiration to everyone out there!xx
  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    You look awesome!!! Sometimes we all fall off the horse, the imporatn part is that you dont stay down, you get right back up and keep plugging along. I have a lot of weight to lose, and this site has helped me sooo much, but I still strugggle like you. But with the help of everyone on here I have started to make my lifestyle change. You can do it!! The hardest part is getting started, and you clearly have done that, so as Finding Nemo says "Just keep swimming" Add me as a friend if you want we can try to motivate each other!!! Good luck and keep up the good work!!
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Wow! Doesn't even look like the same girl! Amazing!