
  • Intrinsicat
    Intrinsicat Posts: 473 Member
    Sent request - this is perfect timing because we leave for vacation on October 7th as I need to lose that extra weight to rest assured I can ride everything at Universal Studios!!
  • Wiccandothis
    Wiccandothis Posts: 860 Member
    edited July 2016
    All requests have been accepted!

    @HASWLRS I think you'll be fine if you still want to join. The week your away on vacation, just message me to let me know when you'll be gone and I can post your previous weeks weight to keep you on, which would just look like your maintaining while you're away.
  • ajhatkin
    ajhatkin Posts: 10 Member
    I'd like to join.
  • ajhatkin
    ajhatkin Posts: 10 Member
    Where do we post our weights? Is it here on the message board?
  • KevMulcock
    KevMulcock Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there. I have just sent a request.
    Hope it is in time?
  • OcalaFL
    OcalaFL Posts: 173 Member
    Request sent to join the group, sounds fun I would also like to join challenge
  • Brosco1985
    Brosco1985 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in!
  • erinthom1984
    erinthom1984 Posts: 21 Member
    I sent a request, am I in? ♡♡♡
  • KrystalNina
    KrystalNina Posts: 5 Member
    Hope it's not too late. I sent my request in to join. I'm excited to try this challenge. This will be my first challenge.
  • Wiccandothis
    Wiccandothis Posts: 860 Member
    @aligun No. After you request to join and are accepted, you will have access to all the threads on the board. You can request to join by clicking here!
    And make sure to post your starting weight here before Sunday 10:00 pm PST:

    All requests have been accepted and we will be accepting any that come in now through Sunday to get in on this round of the Biggest Loser Challenge.
  • Sheets76
    Sheets76 Posts: 76 Member
    Just seeing this group - and sending my request... is it too late?
  • melomorris136
    melomorris136 Posts: 11 Member
    Looking forward!
  • carriels7
    carriels7 Posts: 39 Member
    Request sent - really think the group can help with motivating each other
  • tfs27
    tfs27 Posts: 18 Member
    My request has been sent!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Back to my original statement (sorry, I don't know how to quote passages) I would miss two weigh-ins; one on October 1st and the last one on October 9th. If you are okay with that, I will request to join.
  • Wiccandothis
    Wiccandothis Posts: 860 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Back to my original statement (sorry, I don't know how to quote passages) I would miss two weigh-ins; one on October 1st and the last one on October 9th. If you are okay with that, I will request to join.

    That will be no problem. I can make a note to just keep your weight the same as the previous weigh in. As stated at the end of rule 5:

    5) 3 Strikes and you're out: missing 3 weigh-ins disqualifies you from the competition and puts you onto the Cheerleader's team. These weights will no longer count for your original team. Members of the Cheerleader team will not be ranked for the purposes of this challenge, but they are still encouraged to weigh-in each week. They may also participate in the threads and challenges hosted by competing teams. If you KNOW that you're going to miss a weigh-in, message (myself) rosepeppercreek, Wiccandothis, or blossomingbutterfly and we'll repost your previous week's weight - so you will not get a strike.

    Just make sure to request to join and after I accept, make sure to post your initial weight in the weigh in thread.
  • Wiccandothis
    Wiccandothis Posts: 860 Member
    Sheets76 wrote: »
    Just seeing this group - and sending my request... is it too late?

    No, it is not too late. As long as you join and log your weight before Sunday at 10:00 pm PST...your in!
  • kaleiangel
    kaleiangel Posts: 23 Member
    Request sent!
  • livvie25
    livvie25 Posts: 62 Member
    I want to join challenge and NeeBin1978 does also right now hers isnt loading
  • Wiccandothis
    Wiccandothis Posts: 860 Member
    livvie25 wrote: »
    I want to join challenge and NeeBin1978 does also right now hers isnt loading

    I sent her an invite :)