HI Im a newbie and need major encouragment from weightloss b

Vickylou1985 Posts: 13
edited 10:21AM in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone.....Im wanting to loose 2 stone before my big day next May...i have a dress and it doesnt fit, i think after a stone ill get in it but i need to loose another stone to help me feel more confident on the day!! I lack in motivation but once im doing it im totally fine, havent been to zumba for months but i love it :) and when im healthy eating i feel so happy! As soon as i cheat tho i beat myself up and go on a right downer :( So heres to loosing 2stone :) xx


  • deisha
    deisha Posts: 122 Member

    welcome to MFP & good luck on your journey.

    Don't beat yourself up, we all don't eat perfectly.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and I will try to motivate & support you.

    Deisha x
  • cameralinds
    cameralinds Posts: 239
    Just be sure to track everything you eat, and have those treats in moderation. I allow myself to have some sort of chocolate everday, I just allot it to my daily calories. Welcome to MFP. If you need some encouragement or extra support, feel free to add me. :) If you're patient and really dedicated, you'll be able to do this!
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    Hi consistency is the key! seeing as you have young kids its a great idea to go for long walks with them, try for an hour a day will help you and give them the opportunity to get out.
  • Shanell802
    Shanell802 Posts: 37
    Probably a stupid question, but what is a stone?
  • Thanks guys!! I get weighed in the morning so will see how much ive put on this week then will start fresh tomorrow!! Need this 2stone off so i can learn to love the way i look and the way i am!! xx
  • Theres 14lbs in a stone....i work in stones haha x
  • lorizap
    lorizap Posts: 1
    Hey, I have a couple of suggestions for you:

    (1) Remember that ANY accomplishment is an accomplishment, so if you don't lose all the weight celebrate what you did lose.
    (2) Look at the "Eat Clean" Diet. When you get rid of the artificial stuff your body responds better to weight loss and exercise.
    (3) Drink at least 8 glasses of filtered water daily.
    (4) Cut back on the alcohol (unless it is wine -- about 6 oz.). Hard liquor is the killer for weight and your stomach.
    (5) Go to the bookstore and buy some fitness magazines. Fitness Magazine is a good one, Shape is good to. I love Muscle and Fitness for hers because I love to do weights and cardio. I hate being giggly.
    (6) Work out AT LEAST 3x a week. If you are out of shape, walk. If you are in shape cycle, run, weights, etc.
    (7) Stay away from restaurants....they will KILL YOU...LITERALLY! They don't care about how much fat, calories, artificial crap they put in their food and the serving sizes are usually off the hook!
    (8) Pick ONE day a week you eat bad and go crazy....All other days Eat Clean and don't put anything in your mouth that DOES NOT have nutrional value. Fruits, Veggies, Protein bars (orgainic and watch sugar amounts), lean meats, organic wheat bread, and nuts.
    (9) Expect pain from your workouts, expect fatigue, and expect frustrations....As long as you push yourself through it you will make it and see your energy levels increase.
    (10) Stay away from any of your friends that ARE NOT supportive of your new lifestyle. NO FRIEND IS WORTH YOUR HEALTH!
    (11) Get a gym membership and a personal trainer (if you can afford it).
    (12) This is a lifestyle, so the healthy choices you pick to lose the weight you will be doing forever so don't go back to whatever you are doing now. If you do, you will go back to the same body, same frustrations. And, you will be a great role model for your children. Kids love being active so they will love bonding with you while exercising. They are a perfect excuse to go swimming, go to a water park, walking, riding a bike with them, etc.)
    (13) And, GOOD LUCK! You deserve to be healthy and be happy with your body.
  • dezignz4u
    dezignz4u Posts: 26 Member
    great suggestions!!!
  • dezignz4u
    dezignz4u Posts: 26 Member
    please feel free to add me I will help to encourage you
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    Hey, I have a couple of suggestions for you:

    (1) Remember that ANY accomplishment is an accomplishment, so if you don't lose all the weight celebrate what you did lose.
    (2) Look at the "Eat Clean" Diet. When you get rid of the artificial stuff your body responds better to weight loss and exercise.
    (3) Drink at least 8 glasses of filtered water daily.
    (4) Cut back on the alcohol (unless it is wine -- about 6 oz.). Hard liquor is the killer for weight and your stomach.
    (5) Go to the bookstore and buy some fitness magazines. Fitness Magazine is a good one, Shape is good to. I love Muscle and Fitness for hers because I love to do weights and cardio. I hate being giggly.
    (6) Work out AT LEAST 3x a week. If you are out of shape, walk. If you are in shape cycle, run, weights, etc.
    (7) Stay away from restaurants....they will KILL YOU...LITERALLY! They don't care about how much fat, calories, artificial crap they put in their food and the serving sizes are usually off the hook!
    (8) Pick ONE day a week you eat bad and go crazy....All other days Eat Clean and don't put anything in your mouth that DOES NOT have nutrional value. Fruits, Veggies, Protein bars (orgainic and watch sugar amounts), lean meats, organic wheat bread, and nuts.
    (9) Expect pain from your workouts, expect fatigue, and expect frustrations....As long as you push yourself through it you will make it and see your energy levels increase.
    (10) Stay away from any of your friends that ARE NOT supportive of your new lifestyle. NO FRIEND IS WORTH YOUR HEALTH!
    (11) Get a gym membership and a personal trainer (if you can afford it).
    (12) This is a lifestyle, so the healthy choices you pick to lose the weight you will be doing forever so don't go back to whatever you are doing now. If you do, you will go back to the same body, same frustrations. And, you will be a great role model for your children. Kids love being active so they will love bonding with you while exercising. They are a perfect excuse to go swimming, go to a water park, walking, riding a bike with them, etc.)
    (13) And, GOOD LUCK! You deserve to be healthy and be happy with your body.

    Wow! Bumping this comment to read again later. Lots of good advice in here.
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