Looking For Friends!

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  • druidkat7
    druidkat7 Posts: 691 Member
    Hi, there. Is there a particular issue with diet, exercise or general motivation you need help with? :-) I'm on the journey, too. I'm 38, but I definitely don't feel it at all. I simply want my body to match my spirit. ;-)

    Consider yourself added, brickles_gurl! :-)
  • Jenny_Brickles
    Jenny_Brickles Posts: 5 Member
    Nothing really specific, just looking for people who are going through the same as me. I'm 26, just recently had a baby and gained a lot of weight
  • FindingLiz016
    FindingLiz016 Posts: 79 Member
    Trust me I know how you feel....my baby girl is almost 17 months and I gained ALOT of weight during my pregnancy. Sending a friend request your way :)
  • nicole3921
    nicole3921 Posts: 97 Member
    Sent request.
  • melholmes80
    melholmes80 Posts: 36 Member
    Been there and done that! I got pregnant shortly after reaching my wedding weight loss goal, then gained 70lbs when I was pregnant. I didn't try hard enough to loose it after my son was born and fast forward 6yrs to was even bigger than I was at full term :( last year I decided it was time to make a change and lost 64lbs...6 more to go to be back where I want to be. Send me a request and we can do this together!