Looking for exercise hating chums!

I love that some people exercise religiously and some even enjoy it, I'm just not one of those people though. I find every work out a chore. No joy. I'd rather eat less than exercise more to be frank. I know I'm not the only one out there who feels this way and I want to be friends with those people!! :)


  • wonrob
    wonrob Posts: 66 Member
    I wish I enjoyed exercising. I find myself constantly looking at the clock to make sure I get my 60 minutes in.
  • minkymou
    minkymou Posts: 9 Member
    Me! I am definitely one of thos people! Its a chore but I force myself to do it. Ive just bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and I am sooooo not looking forward to starting it!:cry:
  • NancyCatherineWalker
    I'm not a fan of exercise. My mind gets bored and starts to chide me about all the other things I should be doing. I find that exercise works best if I find a reason to do it. ie I walk to work instead of drive which gives me 20 minutes of walking every day.
  • mamafrahm
    mamafrahm Posts: 132 Member
    Some days I enjoy the burn, but I'd say about 95% of the time I dread working out.
  • raychybabe
    raychybabe Posts: 121 Member
    I want to like it, but I'm still waiting for this "buzz" or "high" people say you get from exercising. Whilst the classes are good, I wouldn't say I really enjoy them, I always find myself clock watching and thinking "god have I only been here half an hour?!". I go 4-5 times a week though otherwise I feel guilty.

    I feel I'm missing a trick?!
  • 4KidFather
    4KidFather Posts: 134
    Are there ANY activities you enjoy? Walking, gardening, hunting? You can't sit all your life without negative health consequences - we have arms and legs :)
    I personally 'workout' to get better at things I enjoy. I get in the gym, lift damn heavy things till I'm toast, then leave (about 30-45 mins). That's it. that's my 'lazy' gene kicking in.
    Eating LESS is going to make you lethargic - want to avoid activity- and in extreme cases lead to death (he he he)so I don;t recommend that either.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    I've always had trouble exercising and right now I'm at 20 minute bike runs 2-3 times per week and I'm comfortable. I hate doing it but I love the endorphin rush afterward once your heart rate settles and you gulp some water down. I always feel really energetic after!
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I currently go 0 times a week. That's right, 0.

    I know I can't avoid it forever but someone at least make me feel better about being a lazy bum! :P
  • gtbalm
    gtbalm Posts: 14 Member
    I love that some people exercise religiously and some even enjoy it, I'm just not one of those people though. I find every work out a chore. No joy. I'd rather eat less than exercise more to be frank. I know I'm not the only one out there who feels this way and I want to be friends with those people!! :)

    That is definitely me!!! I can't stand exercise! Borrrrring! It's so hard for me to do it. I'd rather do housework than exercise! I'm with you on this one!
  • tkb1985
    tkb1985 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm not a fan of exercise. My mind gets bored and starts to chide me about all the other things I should be doing. I find that exercise works best if I find a reason to do it. ie I walk to work instead of drive which gives me 20 minutes of walking every day.

    I couldn't agree more! I do exactly the same. I do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred too, but I always seem to be clock watching to make sure i still have the time for all the other things I should be doing!

    Grudgingly though, I have to admit, I always feel exhilarated when I'm done. Never makes me want to do it the next day though! :grumble:
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    I HATE exercise, even though I know its good for me and it will help me lose more weight, I only joined MFP recently and wrote in my blog yesterday how difficult its been to find exercise that I actually want to do. So all those who dislike exercise but still manage to do it- HOW DO U FIND THE MOTIVATION???? I was just thinking about eating less calories instead but is this even safe????
  • bmmiller4
    bmmiller4 Posts: 39
    I am right there with you. I do not enjoy it. Especially when I have no one to work out with me on a regular basis. I am good at finding every excuse there is. I have one friend who would work out with me (we actually joined a gym together last fall) but with her schedule and mine it is hard to find time to do it. I have 2 young children (6 & 4) and my husband works 2 jobs so that I can stay home (love him to death for this) so time do my own thing is not my friend. I keep telling myself that once school starts again I can start a regular work out routine. One will be in 2nd grade and the other in pre-school 3 morning a week. I am sure that once September rolls around I will find another excuse.:tongue:
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm not a fan of exercising either
  • kaf330
    kaf330 Posts: 61
    i too hate working out, i had to try several different things until i found one i like..right now it is cardio kickboxing..once i get to point i am clock watching i start looking for something else..i am considering the Julian 30 day shred so many ppl seem to like it and are getting results..i am more likely to stick to something if i see some "immediate" results (within 3-4 weeks)
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I used to hate exercise but I'm slowly converting...especially since it's getting results...

    Yes, there are a LOT of other things I'd rather do with my time, but again - it gets results.

    1) I watch a DVD while on the elliptical.
    2) use a workout DVD (my mind can't wander when I'm trying to keep up - and it makes the time go really fast!)
    3) I try to focus on why I'm doing this silly stuff - I want to be healthy and HOT looking. :laugh:
  • allysabee
    allysabee Posts: 123
    I am defintiely one of these people... I haaaate to exercise! I've been doing really good with eating healthier and less food in general, but the exercise part is always difficult for me to keep up. I just bought a Gazelle Glider online for $20 though so we'll see how that works.. it's low impact and not intense so it's perfect for beginners!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I won't say I hate it, but I definitely struggle with boredom. I've gotten better about not overdoing it. 60 min of gym exercise is not needed daily. I go for a run/walk 2-3 days per week, but it has a dual purpose of wearing out my dog. Plus it's outside so it's not as boring and I'm not counting the mins.

    On the other days of the week, especially in the summer I just try to get things done around the house that I wouldn't normally think of as exercise. Mowing burns almost as many calories as a light jog, focused house cleaning isn't too bad either. Basically on non-exercise days I just try to be productive because that results in movement.

    Every other time I've attempted to lose weight I've overdone the workouts and majorly burned out. This time I'm just going with reasonable things I can see myself maintaining.
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    I used to hate exercise but I'm slowly converting...especially since it's getting results...

    Yes, there are a LOT of other things I'd rather do with my time, but again - it gets results.

    1) I watch a DVD while on the elliptical.
    2) use a workout DVD (my mind can't wander when I'm trying to keep up - and it makes the time go really fast!)
    3) I try to focus on why I'm doing this silly stuff - I want to be healthy and HOT looking. :laugh:

    hmmmmmm, the workout DVD sounds good, I hadn't really thought about my mind being occupied trying to keep up.....

    Ive been told that a picture of me at my biggest and another pictue of what size I want to get back down to will help with motivation, any thoughts on this anyone????