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myboyandme Posts: 2 Member
Hi Everyone, just joined I know this works as I've lost before following calories in/out. Going to try to stick to low carbs but hard to eat high protein when it's pasta rice and potatoes that are currently my main foods. However I know from experience when I cut these goods down dramatically I have good steady weight loss. In total need to loose about 14 stone but set my goal as ten stone for now. I'm 38 and don't want to still be this size when I turn 40. I would also like another baby but need to loose this weight before that can happen. My pregnancy was easy with my little boy but due to my weight I dreaded every midwife appointment and being judged and it was hard work carrying the extra pounds.
Any tips or advice would be very gratefully received. I'd love to get the first few stone off relatively quickly. I also have an underactive thyroid as had my thyroid gland partially removed twenty years ago. Levels are always stable but to be honest I just have the blood test each year and get told its normal in ever question it. My size is down to my unhealthy relationship with food not my thyroid.
Thanks for listening xx


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited July 2016
    Low carb is high FAT, not protein, and you lose weight by having a sustained calorie deficit, this means that you can still eat pasta and potatoes if you want to, just log correctly. The thing is that you need to eat less for a very long time, and you are more likely to stick to a diet you like.

    If you compulsively overeat pasta and rice, as in, can't stop when you have one bite, that's something totally different.
  • netter24
    netter24 Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me!!