Fed up with being over weight

I am 30 years old and have been struggling with my weight for years. I need to lose at least 50 pounds. I have started over a million times. My husband is encouraging me and my daughter is willing to work with me she's 3. I need to lose this weight for my health and well-being. Please help me out by encouraging me through this journey. On Monday I am going to get on the scale to see were I am at. My final goal is between 160-180. Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts.


  • healthyme79
    healthyme79 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in the same boat.
  • adaniel0807
    adaniel0807 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello and welcome!

    Here's what worked for me- (if you already know this stuff then that's great but it could still help someone else who may be reading)

    Calories in - calories out !!!!! Eat less then you burn and you'll lose weight. Eat more then you burn and you gain weight. Yes it's just that simple for the average person. Realize that weight loss comes down to calories.

    Get yourself a food scale. Learn how to weigh all your solids and measuring cups for liquids. Learn how to log accurately here on mfp . This teaches portion control which is important for long term success .

    Don't fall for fads and gimmicks. Don't listen to what the newest fitness magazines and books and all that ,90% is bad info . You don't have to go low carb, Paleo, vegan or whatever the newest craze is to lose weight and be healthy. Learn how to eat real food but within proper portions. Learn moderation. Moderation and portion control are so very important for long term success. Once you learn both, your good to go! You can eat properly in any situation! There's no need for diet pills, multi level marketing scam products and all that stuff. Weight loss products do not work. If they did, then everyone would just pop pills, drink shakes, wrap ourselves with the newest skinny wrap crap and we'd all be thin. But they don't work so don't waste your money.

    Let go of any dieting myths and wives tales that you may have heard throughout the years. Carbs are not your enemy. Carbs do not cause people to gain weight. ( A calorie surplus does)
    Eating at night does not cause people to gain weight. ( A calorie surplus does) so let go of all the myths that you may still be holding onto and realize that weight loss comes down to calories. Eat less then you burn and you'll lose weight

    Thank you very much. I am really trying to get in shape and this info helped. I will be getting a food scale soon.
  • adaniel0807
    adaniel0807 Posts: 4 Member
  • mazarasltm
    mazarasltm Posts: 205 Member
    How does a Bypass patient lose weight. Is it the bypass? No. Its enforced portion controll. You get sick if you over eat (Like disulfiram for alcoholics and the movie/book A ClockWork Orange). Then can I get same results without surgery? Yes. Its about portion control and total calorie counting. If you have patience to log everything, you can see where you previous diets failed. I was often twice over goal. Without exercise your metabolism will drop (starvation mode). Cannot do one without the other. Rapid weightloss may break down muscle. Maintian 90 gram protien. Anything dramatic consult doctor. Start diet with doctor and baseline blood werk :).
    Lastly the fat cells dont dissappear. They just shrink, waiting. I carry at 60 lb empty backpack of fatcells waiting for irresponsible moments. Lifestyle change means diet for life. Do you have the patience? When the lbs come off you may find that you do.
  • johnneedhamSr
    johnneedhamSr Posts: 223 Member
  • johnneedhamSr
    johnneedhamSr Posts: 223 Member
    It is NOT as simple calories in calories out. Do you want to just lose weight and become unhealthy at the same time by deprivation? I included a link on Ketogenic eating.

    I suggest
    *read as much of the page as you can, also research it elsewhere on the web
    *Yes, get a food scale- DIGITAL!!! that measures ounces, grams, and more
    *Eat fat to lose fat - Not optional
    *lift weights - Not optional
    *SUGAR is the biggest enemy

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Diets fail when they cause you to suffer, so don't do one that will be difficult to do for, let's say, the rest of your life. You lose weight in the kitchen and you gain health in the gym ... good luck.
  • mazarasltm
    mazarasltm Posts: 205 Member
    KETOGENIC Dieting... See you in Dialysis, I'll bring you a Big Mac and Donuts. The kidney transplant list aint that long... :) Just kidding. Bottomline... If it works and dont damage your health, go for it.