Proud but embarrassed



  • 34blast
    34blast Posts: 166 Member
    something > nothing , following a plan / program > general workouts, follow a program than meets your goal = great!

    You are doing great. I would set some bigger goals since you are doing well, then adjust to a program that meets those goals
  • gorple76
    gorple76 Posts: 162 Member
    Don't feel embarrassed. Running is tough - it's hard in terms of fitness (lungs, muscles) but also mentally. Keeping going when you really want to stop was the biggest learning curve for me. Goals are great for pushing through that. I always seem to need a training plan for something because that way I have set runs I need to complete each week. At the point in a run where I just want to stop and turn around, I have the thought of not completing that particular training run pushing me on. In other words, if the run is supposed to be 2 miles, and I've only done 1, that 1 mile is wasted as I'd still have the 2 miler to complete that week if I don't keep going and get it done now. I've been running for 18months and just keep signing up for longer races. The races aren't the key for me though, the training plans are.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    There is no need to be embarrassed. Regardless of your current fitness level, there will be people both much more and much less fit. Set your own goals, challenge yourself to meet them, and have fun with it. Enjoy the improvements you've already made, and set your new goals where they are realistic for you yet enough to keep you pushing some to meet them.

    Doing something is always better than doing nothing, and between the weight losses and running, it's obvious you are doing plenty of something right! :)
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    Get the Couch to 5k app. It really helps build up your endurance. But don't compare yourself to anyone else - there are people who run faster than you but there are a lot of people who don't run at all!
  • chami1013
    chami1013 Posts: 31 Member
    Woozer123 wrote: »
    Hi! I started regularly using my treadmill around 2 months ago. It'd been sat collecting dust for too long! I could only run two little bursts of 90 seconds, then a final 75 seconds, with plenty of walking in between. I thought I might actually faint the first time I finished! I've not exercised since school and since giving birth a year ago I want to improve my fitness for my daughter.

    So, 2 months on, having used my treadmill every day barring weekends, I can run for 3 stints of 6 minutes, 5 minutes then a last ditch 3 minute effort! I feel really, really proud of this but am also conscious it's still pathetic as I have no endurance and I'm only going at 5mph. I want to feel good about it and stop comparing myself to what I think I should be able to do but can't quite get there.

    I don't have any specific goals regarding my fitness. I've lost around 50lbs since joining MFP and want to lose around another 30lbs. I'm wondering though if I should think of setting a goal to work towards though? Maybe that would help me feel better about what I've achieved so far??! Any thoughts welcome!

    Slow progress is better than no progress! Keep challenging yourself each day to build endurance!