Trying to lose the last 10 Pounds? Join my 10 in 10 Challeng

Hello there!

I have been using MFP for a while but have not utilized the community message board until now. So just to introduce myself, I am trying to lose those last stubborn ten pounds in time for my wedding in three months. I have been plateauing for a while so I thought I'd get a new kickstart by starting a challenge with others in my place. My goal is to lose ten pounds in ten weeks (essentially one pound per week) and hit my overall goal on 9/19. I would like to have everyone check each Monday starting this Monday, 7/11.

*This is not meant to be a competition, but instead a supportive and motivational group*

Please respond if you would like to join in on my challenge by this Monday 7/11


  • baschmidt2
    baschmidt2 Posts: 46
    I think you can lose it in less than 10 weeks if you cut out all junk food and limit calorie intake to 1,200 at the most. Drinking a lot of water has helped and exercising in the morning to jump start metabolism. Good luck.
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    I'm exactly the same I want to get the last 10lbs off and it's been pretty hard. I'm in for sure :smile:
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    I've got the last 12 to stop once and for all.
    I'll join you! :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Hello there!

    I have been using MFP for a while but have not utilized the community message board until now. So just to introduce myself, I am trying to lose those last stubborn ten pounds in time for my wedding in three months. I have been plateauing for a while so I thought I'd get a new kickstart by starting a challenge with others in my place. My goal is to lose ten pounds in ten weeks (essentially one pound per week) and hit my overall goal on 9/19. I would like to have everyone check each Monday starting this Monday, 7/11.

    *This is not meant to be a competition, but instead a supportive and motivational group*

    Please respond if you would like to join in on my challenge by this Monday 7/11

    Good luck and keep up the great work.
    What is your current weekly weight loss goal?
    - to lose the last 10-15 your goal should be 0.5lbs/week this ensures your deficit is not too large and will help you to not burn muscle while losing the last few pounds of fat. Eating back your exercise caloires is also more important when you don't have much to lose.
  • jhoyett
    jhoyett Posts: 92 Member
    Sounds do I join?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I think you can lose it in less than 10 weeks if you cut out all junk food and limit calorie intake to 1,200 at the most. Drinking a lot of water has helped and exercising in the morning to jump start metabolism. Good luck.

    Actually 1200 is not enough, the less you have to lose the smaller your caloric deficit should be and you should not eat under you BMR calories.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    It depends on the person, really.
    I'm quite small (5', 118 lbs), so losing the last 10 is going to take much longer. Even with 1200 calories a day and working out at least 6 days off, MFP doesnt think I should/would lose more than 0.6lbs a week.
    Being short kinda sucks.
  • memawwheeler
    memawwheeler Posts: 16 Member
    I have been at this plateau of up and down a pound to a pound and a half for a couple of weeks even with increased exercise and maintaining a 1200 calorie a day diet so I'm in.
  • Lori_menorahlover
    I'm in! I've lost a little over hundred and just found this site. I have 17 more to go.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • chrissib10
    chrissib10 Posts: 5 Member
    You can join just by replying to this same thread =)
  • jpmp19992011
    Count me in! This will be a great help for me!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I'd love to join. I technically only have 9 lbs... but I want to lose them by my vacation on 9/11!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    It depends on the person, really.
    I'm quite small (5', 118 lbs), so losing the last 10 is going to take much longer. Even with 1200 calories a day and working out at least 6 days off, MFP doesnt think I should/would lose more than 0.6lbs a week.
    Being short kinda sucks.

    Yes, but when you have so little to lose you should set your goal at 0.5 lbs/week and eat back your exercise calories, this helps ensure that what you lose is fat and not muscle. I stole this quote before and am doing it again it is from Banks:
    the reason why you need to reduce your deficit as you move closer to a healthy weight is many fold. One of the main reasons is the one you stated (I.E. to prepare you for maintenance), and while that may not seem like a big deal, adherence is listed as the number one reason why people yo yo diet. In other words, BECAUSE people treat it like a diet instead of a permanent lifestyle change, is one of the main reasons why it doesn't work. Creating healthy eating habits that you can live with is a main way to lose the weight and keep it off.
    Another main reason, (and these are in no particular order of importance), is because the size of the deficit is a direct correlation to the amount of energy in the body available to use to make up the difference.
    Without getting to complicated, the goal of a deficit is to force the body to burn adipose fat to make up the difference. But there's a line there, when fat stores shrink, available surface area of fat shrinks, which means less fat for the body to draw on at any one time to use to make up the energy difference. If your deficit is to large, the body will do 2 things, 1 it will try to utilize the third source of energy (protein) which it generally will get from muscle mass (taking the least used muscle first, which is why anaerobic exercise during weight loss is important), and the second thing it will do is (like a dimmer on a light switch) turn down the metabolic activity in the body, reducing certain organ and system functions to reduce energy needs.

    It's important to note that there's no "line in the sand" where this all starts happening, it's a constant evaluation based on homeostasis throughout the body and hormone production, and as such you are almost always burning at least a little muscle mass, even if you're perfect, but the percentages go way up if you create too large of a deficit, (either by incorrectly choosing your goals, or by exercising to grow your deficit, or a combination of both), so the idea is to minimize protein burn, while maximizing fat burn by keeping the deficit in the sweet spot, as you lose body fat, that sweet spot deficit becomes smaller.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Yeah, totally. MFP has me losing 0.6 lbs a week, which is fine. Obviously, I'd rather do it much faster, but I know better :)

    It depends on the person, really.
    I'm quite small (5', 118 lbs), so losing the last 10 is going to take much longer. Even with 1200 calories a day and working out at least 6 days off, MFP doesnt think I should/would lose more than 0.6lbs a week.
    Being short kinda sucks.

    Yes, but when you have so little to lose you should set your goal at 0.5 lbs/week and eat back your exercise calories, this helps ensure that what you lose is fat and not muscle. I stole this quote before and am doing it again it is from Banks:
    the reason why you need to reduce your deficit as you move closer to a healthy weight is many fold. One of the main reasons is the one you stated (I.E. to prepare you for maintenance), and while that may not seem like a big deal, adherence is listed as the number one reason why people yo yo diet. In other words, BECAUSE people treat it like a diet instead of a permanent lifestyle change, is one of the main reasons why it doesn't work. Creating healthy eating habits that you can live with is a main way to lose the weight and keep it off.
    Another main reason, (and these are in no particular order of importance), is because the size of the deficit is a direct correlation to the amount of energy in the body available to use to make up the difference.
    Without getting to complicated, the goal of a deficit is to force the body to burn adipose fat to make up the difference. But there's a line there, when fat stores shrink, available surface area of fat shrinks, which means less fat for the body to draw on at any one time to use to make up the energy difference. If your deficit is to large, the body will do 2 things, 1 it will try to utilize the third source of energy (protein) which it generally will get from muscle mass (taking the least used muscle first, which is why anaerobic exercise during weight loss is important), and the second thing it will do is (like a dimmer on a light switch) turn down the metabolic activity in the body, reducing certain organ and system functions to reduce energy needs.

    It's important to note that there's no "line in the sand" where this all starts happening, it's a constant evaluation based on homeostasis throughout the body and hormone production, and as such you are almost always burning at least a little muscle mass, even if you're perfect, but the percentages go way up if you create too large of a deficit, (either by incorrectly choosing your goals, or by exercising to grow your deficit, or a combination of both), so the idea is to minimize protein burn, while maximizing fat burn by keeping the deficit in the sweet spot, as you lose body fat, that sweet spot deficit becomes smaller.
  • lenajane
    lenajane Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in! I need all the motivation I can get.
  • tomorrowisnotpromised
    tomorrowisnotpromised Posts: 120 Member
    Count me in!!! I could use a little more motivation!!!!
  • kashe8
    kashe8 Posts: 23
    I am in. I need some motivation.
  • mbreichow
    mbreichow Posts: 8 Member
    I am in for this one!
  • chrissib10
    chrissib10 Posts: 5 Member
    Alright - it's Monday! Time for the first weigh in:

    CW: 145

    Ten pounds to go!

    So far the following people said they are joining this thread:
  • devildogmom
    Wow.. I am 5'0 and would love to weigh 118 again..
    I weighed that about the time I got married.