Kayla Itsines

Hello everybody!
I was thinking about doing the BBG program by Kayla Itsines, any thoughts? Has anybody done this and has any feed back? Or do you guys know any programs like this one that you have liked?

Thank you in advance!


  • mmk0822
    mmk0822 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started doing it and I love it. It's very challenging but at the same time simple. You need weights, a bench, a jump rope & a bosu ball I believe but that's needed later. I started it three weeks ago but decided to restart today (went out of town and it was dumb of me to start before then). But I did it for one week and saw results right away just after one week. I didn't follow her meal plan and am not now, just tracking and eating healthy in moderation.
  • JeriMulder
    JeriMulder Posts: 2 Member
    My daughter & I initially signed u[ for her program. It's super well balanced but for both of us the time involved in planning & shopping for the food (different meal each meal) and different exercise every single day was too overwhelming for our personalities. I do well eating the same things on a rotation & having 3-4 workouts that i'm super familiar with and can do without a ton of thought. My daughter is similar. We have both done the Clean 30 and for the most part try to eat clean & prepare at home. But this past week I was on a family trip and ate out almost every single day (one day was pizza & gelato for dessert!) but logging my foods & exercise really helps me gauge what I can "afford" to eat. I was careful that day and when we went out I had a big green salad, 1 slice of pizza & a small gelato. I was less than 20 calories over for the day but I felt good about the control planning in advance gives me.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    In my opinion.... download it online for free. it's just a HIIT program and nothing special.
  • snehad123
    snehad123 Posts: 119 Member
    I am on week 4 of BBG! It does work! It is not that heavy but it can be made challenging while doing it like by varying the frequency of rounds and so on! But it is fun and makes you stick to it. Hope this helps!
  • mckenzie
    mckenzie Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I'm currently on week 6 and I really like it as well! I like the fact that the workouts are different every day because it keeps me from getting bored. (I've tried doing video programs in the past like 30 day shred and hearing Jillian Michaels say the same thing day after day drove me nuts!) I haven't been following the meal plan that comes with the app, because like JeriMulder said above, it's a little overwhelming, plus I'm a very picky eater and don't like a lot of the go to foods in the plan.

    As far as results go... I haven't lost any weight so far. However, I've definitely gotten stronger and am starting to see some definition in my arms/abs. As much as I want the instant perfect body, for now I'm happy that I have more energy and I can easily do things now that 6 weeks ago would leave me hunched over and out of breath.
  • Thank you all so much for your replies! I will be starting on Monday yaaay :)
    We can do this girls
  • elizadfree
    elizadfree Posts: 6 Member
    hey! i've done BBG twice- i went up to week 8 the first time (this past february), and have started again a few weeks ago. i found i needed to do something more often to keep me accountable, so i actually do kayla workouts six days a week, instead of three. meaning i'll finish 1.0 in six weeks instead of twelve. i've also modified it to add weights to it, and i love the challenge of it- plus i've seen results so much faster! i would 100% recommend her workouts- they're manageable and varied, and the community around them (on insta) is super empowering. i don't follow her meal plan at all- i have binge eating disorder so i have to be super specific about which foods i can eat and when. maybe one day when i can sacrifice a bit of control i can try her meal plan out, but for right now i've seen such fantastic results without it that i'm okay with saving myself the stress. i've lost a bit of weight every time i do them (i'm 5'3", SW 130, GW 122, CW 125) but i've realized i gain so much muscle i need to stop looking at my scale soon or else it's going to confuse me! i feel great and strong and on top of things, and it usually keeps my disordered eating to a minimum because the workouts kick my butt.
  • kellyshell215
    kellyshell215 Posts: 98 Member
    I did the BBG for the first 5 weeks, I did see results after 5 weeks, I gained more muscle on my lower body and gained 2kg, maybe I did something wrong, but I wasnt following her Diet Plan but I was eating mostly on a calorie defict. What I liked most was her workouts, though they were not challenging they were fun, and you can do them in less than 30 minutes.