Oh so white!!

kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
I am starting to think that no matter how much I shrink I will still never be comfortable in my own skin because I am so WHITE with such DARK hair! I look like I should be able to tan and I can't, only BURN. I go outside and can feel my skin instantly start to burn! I've tried every self tanner under the sun (no pun intended)!

I just think that with such fair skin, people can see every flaw there is, it's really my legs that bother me the most. Any little dimple or stretch mark is totally visible! This is the first summer I've worn shorts since about 6th grade!!

Does anybody else have skin like this? What do you do about it??


  • LizToner
    LizToner Posts: 49
    Have you tried that jergens lotion that gives a little glow? I have used it. I am fair skinned, and even when I do tan, I got golden, not dark, but I don't do much tanning anyways! I also have VERY dark hair, eyes, eyebrows, and lots of stretch marks on my legs! I highlight my hair and it makes you look less fair, but the lotion is a good start! Good luck, and hope I helped
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    Have you tried that jergens lotion that gives a little glow? I have used it. I am fair skinned, and even when I do tan, I got golden, not dark, but I don't do much tanning anyways! I also have VERY dark hair, eyes, eyebrows, and lots of stretch marks on my legs! I highlight my hair and it makes you look less fair, but the lotion is a good start! Good luck, and hope I helped

    I tired it a while back but still found that I got orange streaks. My skin doesn't tan at all so I think that maybe since I don't have a base tan, it doesn't really cover any of that up. Do you have any tips to getting it applied more evenly??
  • destiny637
    destiny637 Posts: 79
    YES! I am SUPER white. I was a fair-skinned, freckle face, red haired kid. :) Over the years, my hair has changed but my skin has remained very white. I tan but only if I use tanning booths (which I refuse to do anymore!) I did manage to get a tan for my recent trip to Hawaii (which is my profile pic) but I had to go to a spa where they exfoliated me and then hand-applied high end sunless tanner. It was ridiculously expensive and only lasted a few days.

    Being tan does make me feel worlds better. If you find a solution, I would love to know!!
  • LizToner
    LizToner Posts: 49
    If you make sure you exfoliate, before, it goes on better, and sugar or salt makes an easy cheap exfoliate! Salt lasts a little longer than sugar in the shower, and feels SO good!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Check out one of those spray tanning salons, I heard they help cover up stretch marks and other minor scars. I have never done it myself.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I find women with porcelain skin and dark hair to be so gorgeous - look at pinup models from the 1940s and 50s... GORGEOUS! If you don't find anything that works to get darker, embrace that classic look! Put finger waves in your hair, wear red lipstick, etc. That's what I'd do, anyway. :D
  • crystalmichelle82
    I use Clarins body butter from Sephora. I am pretty white, sometimes I will get a tan but not easily. It's in a dark tan color container and somewhere in the $40 range. So that should take care of it for you. its not streaky as long as you rub it in and let it dry. Just walk around naked, its fun.
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    i use the jergens lotion religiously, and have never noticed any orange streaks....first, i would double check you have the one that's for "fair to medium skin", not the one for dark skin, which i'm sure has more actual sunless tanner in it. I put regular lotion on first, especially around my knees and elbows, then just put the jergens on like regular lotion, I've NEVER had it streak...and to be honest, I didn't think it worked at all until other people started telling me that I looked like I was glowing haha.

    I get what you're saying about being tan and covering imperfections, my legs and stomach always stay the most pale, which are the two areas I wish would get the darkest. But think about when you're older and your friends all have wrinkles and age spots and you don't :smile:
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    I use Clarins body butter from Sephora. I am pretty white, sometimes I will get a tan but not easily. It's in a dark tan color container and somewhere in the $40 range. So that should take care of it for you. its not streaky as long as you rub it in and let it dry. Just walk around naked, its fun.

    Self tanning gel, Self tanning cream, or something else?? I guess I haven't tried this one yet....
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    i use the jergens lotion religiously, and have never noticed any orange streaks....first, i would double check you have the one that's for "fair to medium skin", not the one for dark skin, which i'm sure has more actual sunless tanner in it. I put regular lotion on first, especially around my knees and elbows, then just put the jergens on like regular lotion, I've NEVER had it streak...and to be honest, I didn't think it worked at all until other people started telling me that I looked like I was glowing haha.

    I get what you're saying about being tan and covering imperfections, my legs and stomach always stay the most pale, which are the two areas I wish would get the darkest. But think about when you're older and your friends all have wrinkles and age spots and you don't :smile:

    Thanks, I'll try this again and try putting on lotion first!!
  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    Although I tan well I don't want the wrinkles etc that come with the tan... so I have always used self tanner. I never get the "streaky look" anymore :laugh: but I have worked this out to a science :laugh: Here are somee suggestions!

    Exfoliate... and put on regular lotion every day! Everyother day use a lotion with gradual self tanner (jergen's works well - but be sure to get the one for fair skin!) If you get streaks or dark spots just take a wet face cloth and wash it off... if it wont come off with water, soap etc... use tooth paste (the whitening kind) <-- sounds weird but has saved many :laugh: I also find that the first two - three applications are the most difficult b/c you don't have a "base" - just give it a try for a bit! :glasses:

    On the other hand dark hair + light skin is beautiful!!!! (but I know how you feel... a tan always seems to make me feel great) :bigsmile:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    pale is in!!!! Don't bake your yourself! You're just going to get melanoma and wrinkles, and really who the hell wants that...be proud of your fair complexion! please for the love of god cover your skin and use tons of sunscreen to keep your skin healthy...
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    Ocean Potion 365 Glow ......... available at wamart for $4. Somebody gave me a bottle a couple of weeks ago and it is fabulous! I just stocked up in case it goes away after the summer season. A gradual darkening ... healthy glow looking. NOT a streaky tanner, no orange, just perfect.

    http://www.opotion.com/pages/aftersun-everglow.html Here's what the bottle looks like.
  • crazymama2two
    I find women with porcelain skin and dark hair to be so gorgeous - look at pinup models from the 1940s and 50s... GORGEOUS! If you don't find anything that works to get darker, embrace that classic look! Put finger waves in your hair, wear red lipstick, etc. That's what I'd do, anyway. :D


    why do you want to look anything but your own self?! embrace the gorgeousness that is you...
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    Ocean Potion 365 Glow ......... available at wamart for $4. Somebody gave me a bottle a couple of weeks ago and it is fabulous! I just stocked up in case it goes away after the summer season. A gradual darkening ... healthy glow looking. NOT a streaky tanner, no orange, just perfect.

    http://www.opotion.com/pages/aftersun-everglow.html Here's what the bottle looks like.

    ohhh I am definitely going to try this! Jergens has been working great for me, but for $4 this is definitely worth a try!! Thank you!
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    I have a sunless tanning salon (spray) across the street from my house and they have different colors they mix so you don't turn orange. I love it and go weekly. I don't look tan though - it's just a hint of color. It makes me feel sexier when in shorts - like you can't see the dimples as well.

    Check around your city I am sure there is a similar place
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I find women with porcelain skin and dark hair to be so gorgeous - look at pinup models from the 1940s and 50s... GORGEOUS! If you don't find anything that works to get darker, embrace that classic look! Put finger waves in your hair, wear red lipstick, etc. That's what I'd do, anyway. :D


    why do you want to look anything but your own self?! embrace the gorgeousness that is you...

    This and that. :smile: I've been enjoying being pale with dark hair since I was a teenager, and now at 39, every once in a while, I still get carded. :heart:

    I think I have really hardy Scottish skin. I barely tan and very rarely burn. I just stay pale. It's my theory that I'm so white the rays just reflect off my and burn those around me. :wink: I do douse myself with spray on sunscreen, but more to protect my tattoos than to prevent tanning.

    However, I have noticed that I have a big more of a golden glow now that I eat healthier. Like alabaster rather than bread dough.
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    Ocean Potion 365 Glow ......... available at wamart for $4. Somebody gave me a bottle a couple of weeks ago and it is fabulous! I just stocked up in case it goes away after the summer season. A gradual darkening ... healthy glow looking. NOT a streaky tanner, no orange, just perfect.

    http://www.opotion.com/pages/aftersun-everglow.html Here's what the bottle looks like.

    ohhh I am definitely going to try this! Jergens has been working great for me, but for $4 this is definitely worth a try!! Thank you!

    I'm very "scent sensitive" too and this is a very (very) light scent that doesnt bother me at all. Also, it's very gradual. Might take a week or so to see it.

  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    Thanks you all! So many suggestions!

    I know I have to accept my skin for what it is as I have come to accept my *arrrgghh* curly hair! But it just makes things look so much nicer with at least a hint of color. So thanks again for all the suggestions!!!
  • CMH24
    CMH24 Posts: 101 Member
    What I've done that worked... is jergens glow lotion MIXED with a fragrance free lotion in your hand before applying it! It makes it go on much smoother (less streaks) and it isn't as much color so you don't look orange.