Not losing weight....

Hi everyone!

I joined MFP two weeks ago and I'm really loving it!
I'm 5"1 and weight 130 pounds, I feel good with my body, but would love to loose the extra 10 pounds that feel unnecessary and just maintain that.

I lost 3 pounds in the first couple of days but nothing since.
I eat healthy, almost no processed food, I exercise moderately, I go almost everyday to my Yoga studio (which is a 12 min bike ride each way). Most days I don't eat back all of my exercise cals back.

I feel like I'm going about this very steadily and have been feeling good
But I am curious as to why I'm not losing weight.. (I also don't feel a difference in my body size or clothes)

Will it just take more time?
Has this happened to any of you when you started off?

Thanks everyone!


  • Tonyalolita
    You may need to modify your calorie intake along with your exercise. Are you putting your yoga in your daily exercise? Also, if your drinking to much water that could make a difference.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    It took more than two weeks to gain weight, it's going to take a lot longer than two to lose it :)

    Not to mention that you've lost three pounds in two weeks, which is steady, healthy weight loss. Be patient, keep doing what you're doing, and focus less on the pounds and more how you feel. Give it time :)
  • superjae5
    superjae5 Posts: 64 Member
    I would suggest taking measurements in addition to the scale. It could be that you're eating too few calories. I know for me it says if I eat fewer than 1200 my body will go into starvation mode, which means no weight loss. But I'm 5'8" so yours may be different.

    You might try the 6 mini-meals approach. It kicks your body's metabolism into high gear. Basically you do breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. They recommend a strong protein for at least 2 of the snacks and fruit or veggies for all 3 snacks. Obviously your breakfast/lunch/dinner portions will be smaller than normal. Having enough protein also means making it easier to build muscle which burns fat quicker.

    Best of luck, you can do this!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    We can't see your food diary so it's really hard to give you any feedback, but from what you said, you're petitie and unfortuantely the weight comes off very slowly for those of us who are vertically challenged :ohwell: Plus, you don't have a lot to lose, and it's always slower when you are in better shape. I'm not sure what your target weight loss is per week, but at least for me, because of my height/BMR, MFP couldn't build in a big enough deficit for even 0.5 pounds/per week (because of it's preset 1200 cal/day minimum), so I don't usually eat back my exercise calories - that usually gives me the little boost I need to lose more consistently.

    Good luck and stick with it - you'll get there!