what made you finally realize, today's the day

tabitha236 Posts: 3
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
This morning I got on facebook and saw a friend of mine who was using this program. She had a picture of herself when she first started and then one of her now. I was completely blow away. She looks amazing already! Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, that's me. When I look back at pictures from a year ago, I was so much happier with my weight. When I look at pictures now, I'm appauled. I told myself that this has to change. PLUS, I use the WiiFit and my little Mii character is chubby. Every time I use the Wii I get so angry at my little Mii because when it runs, it jiggles. NO more fat Mii! This lead me to wonder, what caused everyone else to wake up and realize they needed to change?


  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    My boyfriend and I broke up. I realized, on top of other issues in the relationship, that I need to see myself as a priority as I have everyone else. My health and happiness is just as important as anyone elses. It's been over 2 months and I've never looked back since :).
  • Sarahnats
    Sarahnats Posts: 69 Member
    I caught sight of myself in the mirror in just undies, my muffin top, my back fat....no need to go on im sure :)
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I guess for me...it was going to the doctor. When I was younger, I never worried about weight. It wasnt until I reached my 30's. I started working out 5 times a week..and lost alot of weight..(gained weight due to a bad marriage). I then learned I had PCOS...not the greatest thing for someone who wants to lose weight. I finally got down to 150..but always wondered why I couldnt lose more.

    Fast forward to April..I have a friend who suggessted a new doctor. I went to her..she looked at me and asked why do I weigh so much..and of course..my reply was I have PCOS..We did another blood test and found out I was also hypothyroid..talk about double whammy. She said I will never lose weight as long as the thyroid is out of whack.

    I started taking metformin and armour thyroid. I went back for a checkup in early June..and found out I lost 13 pounds...this was AMAZING!. She gave me all these high fives..great support from my doc. She then said this.."look what happens when you dont try..just think what could happen if you did..." So I set up a meeting with the nutritionist..and have been sticking with working out and eating right for about 14 days.

    I have so far lost 4 pounds in those 2 weeks...I just want to keep going. Its not so bad eating right...
  • Lets_Do_It
    Lets_Do_It Posts: 202
    I stepped on the scale, 211 came up. I figured, "Well, there are a ton of people who weigh in the 200s, and besides, I am at a low 200." I went to shower and I tried on clothes that were in my closet from the summer before and they barely fit, when they fit perfect back in august. I decided, that's it... its time to change. So, I did. =]
  • bridge703
    bridge703 Posts: 44
    What made me really realize that I needed to change, was a year after my wife had our son, she weighed LESS, than she did BEFORE she got pregnant. So she lost her baby weight and then some. What had I done? Nothing. I wasn't the one who carried the baby, had to eat extra for the baby, had the stress of being pregnant, etc.. yet I still weighed the same. I had no excuses. I have always been active in sports and activities. I just always ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I started this site exactly 1 month ago, and it is definitely keeping my food intake in check..
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Great topic/question! I guess I just realized that I was a strong person, but my appearance didn't reflect that, and I decided that the reason my body wasn't where I wanted it to be was b/c I didn't really try. I'm a really goal orinented person and had set and achieved a number of goals prior to lossing weight. Sometime around my 25th birthday I decided I could do it and that I just needed to get outta my own way! Haha! So I set some goals and started trying :) Sounds so simple now...makes me wonder why I waited so long.
  • when the scale read 201 and i crapped my pants.
  • ftr, i HATE my mii...i want to punch her in her fat jiggly gut :)
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I was laying on the couch one day n my 2 year old son pulled my shirt n started slappin my stomach... it jiggled.. he laughed... I was done. I have ALWAYS had weight problems (due to hypothyroidism) since i was in the 5th grade.... always felt huge & ugly. I want to be able to show my son what self esteem is really about. :o)
  • Hanna82
    Hanna82 Posts: 138 Member
    I was told I that it looked like I had gained weight. Strangely enough I hadn't. But it made me realize that if someone thinks it appears I had that maybe it was time for me to bust a move.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Nothing really. My one friend and high school used to talk as teenage girls do, in the vein of "I look so fat in this" "ugh, I look fatter". She found the MFP iPhone app - and I signed up online because the BlackBerry app wasn't out yet. I figured I'd just try it (at first I had no real goal) but once I realized that I wasn't destined to weigh 185lbs forever...I really started taking it seriously. And now here I am, 24 lbs later and still trucking.
  • MaruManic
    MaruManic Posts: 27 Member
    I've had that "click" happen several times. Once when I was at my heaviest and saw a picture of myself (250 pounds)!I decided to loose weight. Lost 50, fell off the bandwagan but kept it off. Then once I got better after I had fallen deathly ill and lost 20 pounds very unhealthly. I started focousing on my health after that, but once again I fell off the bandwagon. I gained almost all of it back and one day I tried on an old favorite shirt and it was to tight and looked awful. "Click!!" That's it. None of this anymore. Its going to be a life style change now. There were a few more ups and downs but those were my main ones. :)

    Good luck on your journey to a healthier you!
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    I moved to the U.S. from Colombia and when I got tickets to visit a few years later, I decided that my family and old friends would NOT see me looking like that.
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    New Years Eve just gone - I felt fat & out of shape & all the pictures showed it! So I was determined that come this New Years Eve I will be fit & fabulous :-) Half-way there and I can see the difference in the pictures and I can smile at myself in the mirror :smile:
  • reen62
    reen62 Posts: 26 Member
    For me I finally made the realization that not only did I need to lose weight but I need a lifestyle change with exercise and especially eating habits. I had been doing zumba faithfully for over a year, biked long distances in good weather, walked almost ever day and certainly was in better aerobic shape but never lost a pound. I have found it has to be a combination of exercise and diet for me. As a female approaching 49 it was now or never. My health is good and I certainly don't want that day to come when I regret not doing things I enjoy because I am not physically able.
    I would get depressed every time I went clothes shopping because nothing looked good or fit right. Since April I have lost 20#. For me this is a major accomplishment because I have never had to diet, never tried to diet and made the commitment that those few extra pounds that come on over the years needs to come to a stop. MFP has made me accountable for everything I choose to eat and drink. It has been an amazing discovery for my life. :flowerforyou:
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Christmas day there was a picture of me and my Grandma and there are no words for how HUGE I looked, came home weighed myself and I was over 200lbs, no more pretending I was just a "little" overweight I had entered obese land.
  • Desere83
    Desere83 Posts: 4
    I realized when i had to get bigger clothes and when i looked in the mirror it was like someone else was staring back at me. i have tried the diet pills and at 150 i thought i was obese!!! Now i weigh like 194 and it's the heaviest i have ever been!! When i stopped the diet pills i got hungry again and i put on all that extra weight. Now i joined the gym with my sister and we have been going 6 days a week and i've lost 7 pounds already. I would just like to run with my son who is 8 and not be out of breath every second i do!lol
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    when the scale read 201 and i crapped my pants.

    This made me LOL - because your profile pic is a small baby in diapers. I pictured the baby saying what you wrote. Too funny.

    My 5 year old told me I was fat - which I knew. I had gall baldder surgery, 2 babies, a bad car accident and broke both ankles at one time. NO MORE EXCUSES for me. I'm gonna MFP all the weight I gained away... 10 years to put it on. a year or two to take it off 1-2 lbs a week.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    In 2008, not that long ago, I was buying size 5 and 7 jeans (I hate womens clothing for being random...by the way) and fitting into them very comfortably. I weighed about 120....give or take. I put on a bathing suit, I was confident. When I went dancing with friend, I wasn't worried how I looked because I knew I was thin, tones, and healthy. :flowerforyou:

    Then I got ill. 3 1/2 years later, numbers of doctors and even more hormones, I was a size 12 and 160 pounds :angry: I hated my doctor telling me every time I saw him or her that I needed to be careful.

    I looked at myself in the mirror in the beginning of January and said I'm done being depressed, I'm done with doctors being stupid, I'm done with not BEING MYSELF. I haven't lost a whole lot of weight so far, but....

    I've lost inches.
    My clothing fits me better.
    I took myself off all the meds that made me depressed.
    I'm back on the road to healthy! :heart:
  • Taloa
    Taloa Posts: 1
    Started MFP in March and did great...for 3 weeks. Life got busy and elderly parents had health issues and I let myself go again. stepped on the scale today and realized why I'm feeling bloated. Time to turn the focus back to me.
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