So hungry! Dizzy. Not enough calories?

mcqlove87 Posts: 59
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm only at a 1200 calorie goal right now, but some days I just feel like that's not enough. Should I go ahead and have that sensible snack? I know the more I work out the more calories I burn and the more I can take in. But I'm talking about after all that.

I've been having a lot of dizzy spells for the past couple weeks, and sometimes I think it's either because I'm not eating enough to keep me going, or I'm just not eating the right things. (I'm hypoglycemic, but I keep it in check!)

Any help is appreciated!


  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Is your food diary up-to-date with everything? You don't want to go under your 1,200 calories each day. That is a MINIMUM amount without including exercise. Some of your entries are way lower. Try meeting your 1,200 calorie goal and eat back at least half your exercise calories. Then see how you feel. If the dizziness persists, you may wish to consult with your doctor.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I know when I felt like that before I upped my calories to 1300-1400 and it helped with the hunger and I was still losing the weight. I would eat fruits, veggies, or cheese even.:wink:
  • mom111997
    mom111997 Posts: 101 Member
    Listen to your body. It's either telling you that it needs more calories or more water.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I would say if you're hungry listen to your body.. and I dont mean go and pig out and have a huge meal but snack on something if you feel you need to eat something. I also have a calorie goal of 1200/day but last night I was needing a little fuel and I went to 1300. Times I do go over the 1200 mark it usually isnt by much and it hasnt affected my weight loss.
  • mcqlove87
    mcqlove87 Posts: 59
    Is your food diary up-to-date with everything? You don't want to go under your 1,200 calories each day. That is a MINIMUM amount without including exercise. Some of your entries are way lower. Try meeting your 1,200 calorie goal and eat back at least half your exercise calories. Then see how you feel. If the dizziness persists, you may wish to consult with your doctor.

    It's not always up to date. I'm ALWAYS over 1200 calories :)
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Hi Cidnee!! :happy: I think it is a combination of both...not making the healthiest of choices and not eating enough. I tried 1200 calories at first and my doctor and nutritionist both told me to up my calories. I was having the same symptoms as you. I upped it to 1400. 200 calories may not sound like much, but it made a world of difference for me. When you are at work or out is there any way you can pack healthy meals or snacks to bring with you? Try to stay away from processed foods like hot dogs, lunch meats and processed cheeses. Also avoid juices (very high in calories) white pasta, white rice, white flour and white sugar. I avoid anything that has high fructose corn syrup. Try things like fresh chicken breast (you can make ahead of time and freeze individual portion sizes), almonds, cottage cheese, soft cheeses like mozzarella, fresh fruits like bananas, cantaloupe and berries. If you don't like a big variety of veggies (which I don't like veggies) then get some low sodium V-8 and drink that instead. If you don't like the taste of it, add it to spaghetti sauce. Also, I use spaghetti squash instead of pasta. If you're interested message me. I have found it at Meijer and Marsh. Walmart rarely has any. I hope all these little tips help you out!! Love ya girl!!!:heart: Angela
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    I work out 5 times a week and consume around 1500 (sometimes higher). When I was eating 1200 calories, I was constantly hungry and never felt satiated. I also noticed that I kept gaining and losing the same two pounds. Once I started eating my exercise calories, I started losing and the hunger pangs went away.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Another thing to consider is your salt intake. Have you drastically reduced your sodium? If you have and it is well under the maximum recommended amount you may find you need to increase it slightly. A mistake some people make is to cut their sodium too much at the same time as increasing the amount of water they drink and that can leave you feeling very tired, hungry and dizzy. This is a problem I have. I have had to start putting salt on my food because I don't eat processed foods so I get very little salt in my food. This leads to my blood pressure dropping very low and then I feel dizzy. My cardiologist actually told me I needed to eat more salt which shocked me.

    We all need some sodium, just not too much. Don't increase it if you are anywhere near the maximum recommended amount. In that case it is probably just that you are not eating enough
  • JonoK
    JonoK Posts: 147 Member

    This could be several things. The worst thing to do is ask someone who isn't a professional. I am not a Dr. I have, however, experienced this same problem. It seemed to happen when I don't drink enough water, have low blood sugar or haven't had enough to actually eat. 1200 calories is a really big challenge and if you're not use to going without, it can cause some dizzy spells.

    Of course, you might want to have a Doctors opinion on this. They would be your first and best resource. 1200 may be a bit aggressive if you're just starting out. Perhaps look to only maintain weight for a while to get use to counting calories.

  • perceptualobfuscator
    perceptualobfuscator Posts: 159 Member
    This same thing happened to me. I started this at 1200 calories, but felt constantly dizzy, sick, and couldn't concentrate on anything. I was grumpy all the time and food was the only thing I could think about, but when I ate, I was so hungry and shaking so much that I barely tasted it. I too have hypoglycemia problems.

    I would recommend upping your calorie intake and reducing your goal weight loss per week. I switched from one pound/week to half a pound/week. I no longer have the same problems I did before, and I'm still losing weight - just slower.

    Try it for a week or so and see if you feel better. Honestly, we all want to lose weight, but if it's making you sick then it's not worth it to push your limits. I think it's harder for us hypoglycemics. I know that there are times when if I don't eat RIGHT NOW I'll be sick for the rest of the day, and dealing with that when trying to lose weight can be a struggle.
  • Thank you for asking this question. I'm experiencing the same problems now and it helps to be able to see that others are experiencing the same thing and learn why. I'll bring these possible reasons up to my doctor and see what she says.
  • Do you mind letting me know what your doctor said was a minimum amount of sodium?
  • perceptualobfuscator
    perceptualobfuscator Posts: 159 Member
    Do you mind letting me know what your doctor said was a minimum amount of sodium?

    The minimum amount often quoted is 1500 mg. However, it is actually between 1000-1500 mg, so if you're between this number - depending, of course, on your body size - you should be fine. In Canada, the standard recommended number if 1300 mg. If you are getting less than this, though, it's still not a big deal if prior to this you were getting too much (about 1500 mg per day). Medical experts have been trying for a long time to have the 'daily recommended value' on food labels altered to match this range, but have met opposition from various food companies.

    Hope that helps!!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Looked at your diary. I get that today's entry is not up to date, but I looked at all your entries and several were under 1200 and on most you don't eat breakfast. Also you are eating a lot of processed fast foods. Are you eating 1200 or just estimating? Additionally 1200 calories of fast foods is not going to be as nutritionally sound as 1200 of real food.

    I would try to eat breakfast on a consistent basis & cut back on the processed foods you are eating. Add some green leafy veg and fruits to your diet. If the dizziness persist, check with your doctor.
  • That happend to me for the first week. I thought there was something medically wrong with me. But, it doesn't happen anymore. I think your body just needs to adjust to it.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    one or two meals of crap a day will do that to you
  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    I also checked out your food diary and I think the culprit is what you're eating. Like the last poster said, only eating one or two unhealthy meals won't get you very far. Focus on cleaner, nutritious foods. Eating treats and fast food on occasion in fine, but they shouldn't be a staple in your diet.
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