Quit soda - when will the cravings stop??

Today is day 8 of no soda. No diet coke in particular. The headaches finally stopped 3 days ago but yesterday was really hard all of a sudden. Like I was trying to justify buying the freaking soda - maybe if i only have a few sips/i can drink half today half tomorrow.

I didnt get it, because i really want to stop drinking soda. but omg it really was tough!

has anyone else tried giving up soda cold turkey? at my worst i was probably drinking 2-3 20oz bottles a day. most recently maybe 1 20oz. i've been trying to have more water and probably have been drinking about 40oz plus my iced coffee in the morning. when i get home at night i dont drink anything except maybe a few sips of Gatorade with dinner.

does it go away? i thought going out to dinner would be what was hard, but sitting at my desk at work is killing me! suggestions?


  • Kkourt_Love
    Kkourt_Love Posts: 17 Member
    Always have water on hand. Every time I think of soda, I take a sip of water. Make sure to do this every time and within a few days you will not have cravings. Also tea helps a lot!
  • RicReed2014
    RicReed2014 Posts: 330 Member
    I've quit before, but keep going back! I also drink a ton of water everyday, but I still need it. Good luck to you!
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Coffee, (I drink mine black) or tea. I like water so I drink that alot, the more you drink it the more you like drinking it.
    Maybe get that flavor stuff for water? Or try other drinks? I figure sugar and calories are the issue?

    There's one guy at my work that drinks a 2 liter every day.... think to yourself, atleast I'm not like that. It has to be unhealthy, even diet it would be unhealthy.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I gave up soda four years ago...well, I have one every once in awhile...maybe like six per year or something...at any rate, I started drinking bubbly water. I have a soda stream at home and I just make bubbly water...sometimes I put in a squeeze of lemon or lime and sometimes I make a "mocktail" with a little splash of fruit juice.
  • mollydw
    mollydw Posts: 3 Member
    I can't say when they go away, but what do you crave? Personally, I crave the carbonation. I started drinking soda water- no added anything besides carbonation. It really hit the spot for me. It's not to everyone's taste, but I've always liked it. I can get it from the fountain at work, and one time I ran into a man also getting soda water. I'd never seen anyone else do it, and commented on it. He said switching over to soda water helped him quit drinking beer.
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    I gave up soda and coffee 2 months ago. I don't find that I crave soda itself just the carbonation. I usually keep some sparkling water on hand, so if I find myself craving it I have some in hand.
  • JeffreyOC
    JeffreyOC Posts: 810 Member
    I was terrible for Pepsi I drank 2 litres a day, after a week of just packing it in all together and drinking only water I was over the cravings.
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Carbonated water and fruit juice? Just for the fizz?
  • lujako
    lujako Posts: 87 Member
    I had my last Diet Coke 50 days ago (give or take a few)...I still think about having one :( You would think the stuff is crack! The real craving was mostly gone after a couple of weeks.

    Good luck!
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 653 Member
    I agree with those who said try soda water. I call it seltzer water. I have a soda stream, but you can buy seltzer water at the supermarket, and some have natural flavors. Sometimes that carbonation just really hits the spot. You may want to at least try having some at your desk instead of plain old water, and just see if it's a better option.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    It is probably addictive by design. I said no more to sweet iced tea and sodas and now the thought of drinking one is unappealing. Just lots of water and beer now.
  • skatardrummer
    skatardrummer Posts: 60 Member
    This is going to sound weird because I found this out by accident. I'm an avid soda drinker. I crave it like white collared office jocks like me crave coffee. I started drinking cucumber water this week for other health benefits and I haven't craved soda unless it's staring me in the face. I mean, we have lie a $50 budget in the groceries for soda every month. Its sick. But thats weird about the cucumbers huh?
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    Water water water and subbing green smoothies in the mornings when I need a boost have helped me. Soda and sweet tea seems to give me a stomach ache now.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    It took about 2 weeks. I gave up Coke (cola) in 2008, and switched to unsweetened iced tea. I didn't really get the caffeine withdrawal headaches, but it was still a struggle. Now I don't even think about it. I may have a coke 3-4 times a year.
  • Lorilynn_37
    Lorilynn_37 Posts: 87 Member
    I quit it cold turkey about two months ago.. After about four days the headaches went away I was a huge coke fan and had a min of 2/3 a day.. I craved them for about three weeks just because I felt like everyone around me was drinking them lol.. Now I don't even desire them at all I realized after beginning to count calories that I was drinking most of my calories each day plus some with food.
    I feel so much more energized and I actually feel healthy.
    Get past a couple weeks and it will get better! If your 7 days into it you might as well keep it up!! Good luck!!
  • druidkat7
    druidkat7 Posts: 691 Member
    I was recently on a mini-vacay of about six days, with my friend Q, visiting his grandma in Kansas. After the week was up, I was actually BORED of Coke. And that's something I don't say too often, given that it's been the go-to pop in my house since before I was born. So on the way home, we stopped at the Sonic in Bethany, MO, and instead of Coke, I got an iced tea, and honestly, haven't really touched any pop since. It's either been coffee, tea, juice, water or almond milk for me, and even then I've not been drinking too much coffee lately.
  • angiehobbs20
    angiehobbs20 Posts: 5 Member
    I used to drink around a liter (or more) a day. I've been trying to cut back and something that's helped me is setting a goal that every Sunday I can have one glass of pop. I look forward every week to that one glass and on the rough days at work I'll stop and think "Only X number of days until my one glass." Over the past few weeks when Sunday rolls around I don't even drink my alloted one cup because I made it this far without it and I know I can continue to fight off the craving. Sometime having the security net of a moment when you can drink it has helped me mentally fight off the temptation to drink. GODD LUCK!
  • DRem7
    DRem7 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm on the same journey Pepsi was my drug of choice, it's been 1 week and I still crave it, for me it was the taste and sugar. I have a bad sweet tooth and I'm trying to cut it back. It is extremely hard for me. Every day I'm like, I want a Pepsi I want a Pepsi. Fewf. Good luck! I hope we both succeed!
  • leebirm
    leebirm Posts: 95 Member
    I used to drink loads of fizzy pop, a bottle or two a week plus a small bottle every day or two whilst at work.
    I just stopped, didn't buy it when at home anymore and didn't buy it when at work, it wasn't even for health reasons, I just decided it was a waste of money.

    I can't remember the last time that I had a fizzy (non alcoholic) drink, I'm guessing it would have been 4 or 5 weeks ago when I went round to my mom and dads.

    I suppose I'm lucky that I just quit it that easily