40 year old mom of two needs motivation



  • inda2garcia
    inda2garcia Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am 41 with two boys, 14 and 13. Have about 30 lbs to loose. I am very bad at doing excercise and I sit at a desk for a good part of the day. I use a pedometer, but can't seem to get more than 4000 steps a day (very sad).

    Add me too, need all the motivation I can get.

    Good luck every one!
    ACCTGQUEEN Posts: 28 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am a 37 year old mom to 7 year old boy/girl twins who struggles constantly... starting and stopping at MFP.
  • ozaguillen
    ozaguillen Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Im a 40 y/o SHAM Mom , I have 2 kids and I homeschool.
    I started a journey to better health around 10 months ago, going dairy free and making sugars and processed foods the exception, not the every day, I'm trying to go vegan.
    I've done this year The Daniel Plan 40 days and juice reboot 30 days and I feel better health wise , so I started biking 5 miles 2-3 times a week as a form of exercise for the first time ever, but despise of all this changes in my diet, I haven't been able to loose any weight at all. It's very frustrating. I need to loose over 30 lbs and it's just not happening.
    I definitely need some support and encouragement , please feel free to add me too.
  • alexasunter
    alexasunter Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me! Late 40s, 4 kids, trying to lose 20 lbs! I run 35 minutes most mornings and trying to cut carbs. Three weeks in and very little improvement but I'm not giving up!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    edited August 2016
    gianna42 wrote: »
    47 with three kids.
    The online community can be very helpful but you have to make time for YOU - you need to find your internal motivation/reason you want this,too. For me, I feel better about myself when I'm making this work and exercising, which hopefully makes me better for my family as well.

    You got this.

    Yes! Exactly this ^^

    41yr old mom to 3. Joined MFP in February with 10-12lbs to lose. Successfully lost those doing Body for Life and have been maintaining since May. I lift 3-4 days a week and HIIT cardio in between.

    I had to make myself a priority and juggle things around to make it work. Adjusting work hours to make it to the gym before work...meal prepping on Sunday to make sure I had my week planned out...kids riding their bikes to school so I could leave earlier, etc.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    36, mom of 2 boys. My 12 year old kicked my butt at the mud run we did this summer. I have been off and on for the last few years. Looking for some additional support and motivators:) anyone feel free to add me!
  • mpersun
    mpersun Posts: 22 Member
    40 and mom of 4. Just trying to get back on track with MFP I have a lot of success if I log consistently and exercise...both of which I have been slacking lately. Add me! I hid my scale and I'm going to focus on feeling healthy and inches lost.

    Would love some accountability friends :)
  • kittens2cute
    kittens2cute Posts: 68 Member
    edited August 2016
    39, mom of 2 kids (boy - 10, and girl - 7). Trying to lose a total of 50 lbs. Feel free to add me! I'm looking for all the boost in the behind I can get!! ;)