Goal to lose 20lbs - looking for friends to keep me on track!

Hey everyone, I've been at this on and off for 6 months and have lost nada! So I'm trying to get more serious about it and have a community so i can feel held responsible to someone other than myself. Please friend me if you're feeling the same!


  • learningtolove
    learningtolove Posts: 288 Member
    I have about the same to lose. Been more off the wagon then on this year! Feel free to add me :)
  • caslpierce
    caslpierce Posts: 32 Member
    I just lost my first ten with 20ish to go. Also looking for new friends!
  • ashtonsqueezes
    ashtonsqueezes Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2016
    I've got just over 50! Let's be friends and keep each other motivated!!!

  • hollie39
    hollie39 Posts: 1 Member
    I have 13 weeks until my holiday, I HAVE to lose 1lb a week - at the very least! in the long run of course more - but not putting on too much pressure as I wont lose anything! 1lb a week sounds easy but its not :( looking for friends to help with dinner ideas and healthy snacks :)