Two a day work outs

rikisue206 Posts: 99 Member
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
I get up at 7:30 am and work from 4:00 pm to 12:00 am. I have been doing two different cardio work outs a day, one in the mid afternoon, usually after lunch, and then again at 10:30 pm. Is there any repercussion in doing two work outs a day?

Also, I pick what cardio video I do base off of how many calories I have burned for the day. If I need to burn more calories to come in under my calorie goal I will do a longer and higher impact video.

Is there any reason that this is not a good practice?


  • waynetedwards
    waynetedwards Posts: 14 Member
    There is nothing wrong with two a days, it really wont accelerate any progress in weight loss your body will just build a bigger gas tank so you're not worn out as fast working out.

    The other downside to that is once you start to get a bigger gas tank the sooner you're likely to plateau due to your body being so efficient at the load you're putting it through.

    I currently am testing out a theory called the bulgarian method of training which means no rest days. I do crossfit and have done 9 days consecutively. It's not recommended you even do 5 days straight of crossfit due to the high metabolic demands of your body. But so far I feel great and am still making progress. I don't think my body could even handle 2 visits in one day of it.

    So depending on your work load and such should determine how much work you're doing in the gym or wherever. Don't rely too much on fancy calorie counters on machines to tell you that if you do this for this long you will burn this many calories. It's all based on math calculations by the machine. Just listen to your body, if you need a break take one. But if you feel you could've put more effort into one workout, then focus on that.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    If it is a bad thing than I am in trouble. Kidding. I have had about 4 or 5 months where every weekend I was doing 2 intense workouts. I see nothing wrong with it.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I don't see any reason why you can't work out twice per day, as long as exercising so late at night doesn't interfere with your sleep. It is important to get enough sleep when trying to loose weight because lack of sleep can trigger hormonal changes that may make weight loss more challenging.

    Also, depending on the length of the workouts, you might get a better effect doing them back to back. There is some evidence that you get more out of one 30 minute cardio workout than two 15 minute workouts. If both are long, they should both be effective.

    Also, don't confuse high impact with high intensity. Intensity is what you want to aim for and there are ways to get a high intensity low impact work out (i.e. interval training on stationary bikes or elliptical trainers). High impact isn't necessarily bad though.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    There is nothing wrong with two a days, it really wont accelerate any progress in weight loss your body will just build a bigger gas tank so you're not worn out as fast working out.

    Sorry but what is your source to say this? I couldn't disagree more. I lost 100 lbs in 8 months and had many 2 a days. How can you say it won't accelerate your progress? If I have a 2 workouts, you mean to say the 2nd doesn't do anything for my weightloss. Sorry again, but that is an incorrect statement to make a a blanket statement for everyone.
  • path2a6pack
    path2a6pack Posts: 27 Member
    Excellent but you need weight/resistance training - so do one cardio and one weight/resistance
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    I worked out twice, once in the morning and later after work and I felt really good even without having much sleep. I wish I could work out twice a day more, it was really nice.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    There is nothing wrong with two a days, it really wont accelerate any progress in weight loss your body will just build a bigger gas tank so you're not worn out as fast working out.

    Sorry but what is your source to say this? I couldn't disagree more. I lost 100 lbs in 8 months and had many 2 a days. How can you say it won't accelerate your progress? If I have a 2 workouts, you mean to say the 2nd doesn't do anything for my weightloss. Sorry again, but that is an incorrect statement to make a a blanket statement for everyone.

    I think he means this is true if you are eating back your exercise calories. If (for easy math) you have a 1200 calorie/day goal, and you burn 400 calories per workout: if you workout twice per day and eat back an additional 800 calories (as you should) = eating 2000 calories total, you would still lose weight the same as if you just did one 400 calorie workout and just ate an additional 400 calories per day (= 1600 calories total). Or if you did no workouts and only ate 1200 calories. Either way, in theory, you would be at the same deficit and lose weight at the same rate per day because your net calories would remain the same.

    (In other words, the extra workouts mean you can consume more fuel - so you need a bigger "fuel tank").

    Of course, there is the effect of extra workouts building extra muscle, which some studies show will raise your metabolism, or the "afterburn" effect of intense cardio, which could also boost that day's calorie burn, or extra exercise decreasing your cortisol levels, which would make you retain less fat...all of these factors *may* kick in and mean you lose weight quicker if you workout twice per day. Or maybe not. Depends on your body.

    To the OP, I think it sounds great you are working out twice per day, but I would encourage you to (1) make sure you are stretching enough and (2) make sure you have a rest day (or more...maybe one day with no workouts and one day with only one workout per week?) so that you don't injure yourself. Just listen to your body.
  • mrman44445
    mrman44445 Posts: 20
    haha coach has got me doing 2 days
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 507 Member
    Other than simple fatigue, I can only think of one thing that it may hinder that an above poster kinda hinted at. You're body will get used the intense 2-a-days. So... if you ever plan to stop doing them, then you may hit a plateau or have a harder time burning fat/cals when doing "maintenance". However, if you get to that point, then you're already gonna be pretty darn healthy, so it should be very well worth that small risk.

    My only evidence is my own background in swimming where I did 2-a-days from the age of 12 to the age of 20 (when I quit competitive swimming). I basically had to get OUT OF SHAPE before doing a 'normal' swimming workout would do anything for me. Gone were the days of swimming 8-10 miles a day, but now I'll do 1-3 miles 1-3 times a week and its workin' just fine. Bottom line is that I think you're fine as long as you're getting enough rest.
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    Excellent but you need weight/resistance training - so do one cardio and one weight/resistance

    I agree with this and would suggest you make sure neither workout is longer than 1 hour.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    A couple of posters have hinted at the body reaching equilibrium with two-a-days, and they're absolutely correct. More is not necessarily better. More intense is not necessarily the best perscription for beginners, people who are unconditioned, or people who have a lot of weight to lose. Low impact/low intensity for longer sessions (up to 45 min.) will burn calories safely, reduce the risk of injury, and build the cardiovascular system to be more efficient.

    Someone else mentioned fatigue. That's also a risk with two-a-days. You're not really giving your body much time to recover and adapt to the stresses you're placing upon it.

    To the person who mentioned a coach having you do two workouts a day, that's fine. Conditioned athletes may work out twice a day for a period of time (note: NOT a whole season) to build.

    My credentials are that I've been a runner of varied distances (up to 1/2 marathon) for 30 years, I'm a duathlete and triathlete, and a personal trainer.
  • waynetedwards
    waynetedwards Posts: 14 Member
    There is nothing wrong with two a days, it really wont accelerate any progress in weight loss your body will just build a bigger gas tank so you're not worn out as fast working out.

    Sorry but what is your source to say this? I couldn't disagree more. I lost 100 lbs in 8 months and had many 2 a days. How can you say it won't accelerate your progress? If I have a 2 workouts, you mean to say the 2nd doesn't do anything for my weightloss. Sorry again, but that is an incorrect statement to make a a blanket statement for everyone.

    I don't really want to start an argument with anyone on this website and I feel your tone is pretty condescending. I'm not here to provide scripture written by the disciples of weight loss and body building to be able to tell you the benefit if what I've experienced and what other people have.

    You do 2 a days to train for something, you don't do it to lose weight. If you want to work on your cardio or work capacity then sure 2 a days are great. But in the end you're just prepping your body for a higher workload. If you're not doing anything with that workload then you're likely to plateau in your fitness depending on your commitment and weather you're following a program or not.

    Diet will always be key in weightloss, exercise helps your body become more efficient on how it handles what you put in it.

    You want to read something by someone else here. This talks about overtraining, notice the size of the guy doing all of the training.

    If you lost 100 pounds then congrats, I am glad that you have striven to better your life and live healthier. Some people don't have that much to lose, and won't shed it in 8 months. I could 180 your claim and state your progress is also not a blanket measure for others to go by.

    which you can read about measure of progress by lbs here :

    But I was just answering the OP's question, wasn't trying to start a google, and wiki battle based on individual results as no two bodies are the same.

    Unless you're twins.
  • Unless you're twins.
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