New here, but not so new to the weight battle

Hey guys,

I'm hoping interacting with other people who have a lot of weight to lose or have done so successfully, will help me lose my weight in a healthy way. I can use all the help and support i can get.

Would also love to make some new friends along the way. So add me if you feel the same and i'll catch ya guys soon :)

- Tirtha


  • chrissiegaddis
    Hi! I'm new here too. This is my second go around for WL. Last time lost 75lbs :) It's HARD work but well worth it. I kept it all off for about 5 years. Ten months ago I had a baby = ) so now I'm ready to get rid of all this weight from him. Seems harder this time than last but I'm determined. Just started eating healthy and exercising again this week...I'm still nursing my son so I'm not sure how fast the weightless will/can actually go...

    Happy Losing!

  • andiimarie
    andiimarie Posts: 114 Member
    I also have a lot of weight to lose and am looking for friends to share the experience with. Feel free to add me!
  • whitfreeland
    Hi! I a new here. This is my very first real weight loss adventure. I am starting today 7/6/2011 weighing 194.6lbs hoping to make it down to 150lbs like I use to weigh before two kids. I hope to recieve lots of support. I will keep you posted on how things are going. It somtimes seems as if I will never lose it but I need to stay strong and motivated to lose this weight.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Welcome and thanks for the add!:flowerforyou:
  • changedoutlook
    changedoutlook Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks Guys... I'm excited to get started :happy: