Cure for type 2 diabetes?



  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    ive heard some good responses for this. however it would need serious dedication.
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Yeah they don't recommend it , neither would I . Sometimes if you lose enough weight you can control diabetes without meds. My father in law lost 30lbs and the Dr. stopped his meds.
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    Ray Kurzweil documents in his book "Fantastic Voyage" how he beat Type 2 diabetes through diet. I do not believe he does it through extreme calorie limitation so much as dietary choices. There is an entire chapter in the book about it. Worth a read if the topic interests you.
  • cjsgrimlin
    cjsgrimlin Posts: 246
    Yeah if you wanna die that would be a cure!
    Seriously the best you can do is watch your diet, and sugar intake and eventually when you get healthy you may be taken off meds. My husband is dealing with that and he has lost 40 pounds trying. 600 calories isn't enough to sleep on, much less live on!!
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    It's based on a very small study, only 11 participants and no long term follow up as yet... it is true that people often go off their medications etc for diabetes if they lose weight (even by healthier means) but this is usually only temporary. One of the main downfalls of this theory is the high chance that these participants will regain the weight, and quickly... is their diabetes still 'cured' then? Well, they haven't checked, have they? ;) This isn't really a new finding, studies have shown for a long time that significant weight loss achieved through a very low calorie diet can slow the progression of diabetes, let people manage without medication etc, the only difference is that they've measured something different and therefore are calling it a cure. So I'm more than a bit sceptical because in the other studies which are 'long term' - 4 years or so - the diabetes is certainly still there by the end and participants are often back on some (but not necessarily all) of their medications.
  • scarletfever2005
    scarletfever2005 Posts: 141 Member
    I've been off my meds for a couple of months now. I did eat by losing weight, cutting out sugar (less than 24 grams a day), and eating lots of green veggies. My calorie intake has been between 1500 and 1800 depending on exercise. That diet seems counter productive to me.

    I don't consider my self cured and probably never will. Cured to me would mean that you can eat whatever you want without having a relapse. My blood sugar hasn't been over 105 since March and I'm not on meds, for all practical purposes I'm not diabetic now. But, I still eat like I am and plan on doing that forever.
  • frompster
    frompster Posts: 27 Member
    You all pretty much hit on my thoughts on the matter. Just making sure I wasn't missing something.