5"5 girlies. What's your weight goals?



  • samg092
    samg092 Posts: 8 Member
    5'5, current weight 207. I want to lose fat and inches and drop my body fat to 16%. It's a tough road so far but I've been eating clean and strength training regularly. I was athletic when I was younger and I know I can get it back, but it'll take a little time to retrain myself. The main thing is I want to have a life that is way more active than what I've been doing in the last few years.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,564 Member
    5'5", SW 183, CW/GW 120 +/- 3, no curves, built like a boy, especially post-bilateral-mastectomies - wide shoulders, no booty. Somewhat muscle-y for a li'l ol' lady. If my body weren't this body, 120 might be a bit light, but I feel like it's fine for me - I'm happy.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    5'5", 41. Started MFP at 181lbs (not my heaviest though) in January. My goal then was 150 as I remembered being comfortable at that weight prior to getting pregnant.

    I revised my goal down to 135lbs when I reached 150 as things were going well and I made plans to start strength training.

    I am currently at 138-ish. I am eating at a slight deficit on rest days and maintenance on lifting days (basically started recomp early). Still losing, much slower rate but that's to be expected. Did You are Your Own Gym for 2 months and started Strong Curves 5 weeks ago.

    The number on the scale isn't as important as it was, though I still have the belly to lose. More concerned with my measurements and BF% (though that's a hard one to measure lol). Currently at 26% ish BF and want to drop to 22-23%. Tracking with my scale and calipers (bi-weekly).
  • astrocosmiczoom
    astrocosmiczoom Posts: 86 Member
    edited August 2016
    5' 5.75" (but don't tell the military, they think I'm 5' 6".) CW 150, US size 8.

    The first time I lost weight, my UGW was 132 and I got down to 131 (about a large US size 4), but I had very little muscle because I hadn't worked out much except for cardio. I am SUPER pear-shaped, so when I got down that low, my top started to look skeletal while my bottom remained average.

    This time around, I am MUCH stronger, so my goal weight is around 142. I'll have to feel it out, though.
  • kelsey_frame_666
    kelsey_frame_666 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you so much girls. Some inspiring input here. Good luck with your goals. This post in itself has taught me that even though we are all the same height our bodies are all completely different in terms of how we hold fat, muscle etc. Weight loss is a strange journey huh, I'm learning everyday. X
  • Frenchgrad
    Frenchgrad Posts: 30 Member
    5'5.5" and I'm 33 years old. I was up to about 185 lbs. when I started losing weight, now I'm down to 144. I'm aiming for 135, but these last few pounds are taking their sweet old time coming off! I started lifting about a month ago, so I'm hoping that will help me lose the last few pounds and some body fat too.
  • msalicia116
    msalicia116 Posts: 233 Member
    9 stone is 126 lbs., right? That seems pretty reasonable.

    I'm 5'5". When I weighed 115-120 lbs. in my youth I thought I looked fine, certainly not too skinny. I could have used more muscle tone, but I wasn't carrying any extra flesh. So that's my goal, though I'm 59 now and open to the news that my mid-20's weight won't be happening again. In the meantime, I'm down from 245 to 160 after 9 months of work and have no intention of stopping here. The ladies at church crack me up by worrying about me. I mean, please. No one at 160 lbs. is in danger of wasting away.

    Unless you have a medical condition, there's no reason why you can't weigh what you did in your 20's.

    Don't let anyone tell you your age means you have to weigh more. And especially don't listen to outside opinions that don't have a clear sense of reality when it comes to a healthy weight.

    Keep up the good work!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I'm 5'5", 46yo, 123.5 lb. My goal is below 120, preferability about 115. My goal is to be lean so I can run fast :wink:
  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 403 Member
    I'm 1.66m tall (a bit over 5'5''). My starting weight in October last year was 185 lbs - about 84kg. My current weight is 152 lbs, just into the healthy BMI range, and I'm already happy with that. I could go a bit further down, but I'm not aiming to much lower, maybe to about 140 at most.
  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    5'5" lady here. Overweight/obese all throughout childhood. Over 2 years I went from my highest adult weight of 220 lbs down to 150 through removing process foods. Over the winter I gained back 10 lbs, but I'm working on that. 150 was a great weight for me, and a trainer told me that's my ideal weight. I have very muscular legs (I'm a long distance bicycle tourist), which makes me dense. I'd love to see what 145 or 140 is like, though.
  • taylorwatson1
    taylorwatson1 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5ft 5in and aiming for around 130lbs, although I suppose when I get there I might push for a few extra pounds.

    I'm learning not to rush also, earlier this year I lost just over a stone and although I loved how I felt afterwards, I found that I was constantly hungry from eating a tiny amount of calories. This time is all about balance for me!