What age did you start struggling with weight?



  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited August 2016
    Saw a pic of myself and realized I had let about 30 lbs creep on over 5 years. Got rid of the 30 in a year, and by 56 was well into maintaining the weight I had been most of my life no longer counting calories. I have maintained for 6+ years with no problems.

    Edit: I should add it really wasn't a struggle, more a realization that needed to be acted upon.

    Cheers, h.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited August 2016
    I was 34 when I needed to lose 25 pounds to get to my high school weight. By the time I was 40 I was another 14 pounds heavier ... but still looking and feeling good. ... and then I don't know what shh hit the fan because before I knew it, I was 48 and was obese at another 34 pounds piled on ... and it went from bad to worse until I had gained another 75 pounds on top of all of that by the time I reached my 60's. It's been a struggle, and I am still a long way away from getting back, first to that weight I was at age 40 ... only 31 years back!
    PS ... I'm back to below my age 55 weight now and am really looking forward to getting back to 48 again!
  • JDixon852019
    JDixon852019 Posts: 312 Member
    27, I got an office job and gained 40lbs in a 3 year period. I am 5lbs away from being back to my normal.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    As long as I can remember.

    My parents used to ground me to my room for being overweight rather than encouraging me to go out and play. They were loving, but both had their own issues with food and it was probably easier just to give me whatever I wanted, specifically fast food.

    I've had wild weight swings throughout my life, Now, at 50, I finally feel I have control over food and have hit a healthy BMI as of today.

    I truly encourage all of you parents out there to set a good example for your kids and to teach them healthy eating habits from the start.
  • teamgiff4
    teamgiff4 Posts: 62 Member
    Age 10. The people I trusted and loved the most made me see I was fat.... and that's all I have seen since.
    A fat little girl with messy hair.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I'm one of those that was fortunate to be slim throughout my youth and young adulthood. After the age of 30 I began to gain very slowly, maybe 2.5 lbs a year. Hardly noticeable.

    Now at the age of 61 I find myself 75 lbs overweight. How could I have let that happen?
  • _annevalerie
    _annevalerie Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 22, turning 23 in December. I believe I noticed that I was much bigger than all the other girls when I was in grade 4. That's when I started worrying about weight. I didn't start any diets until I was in grade 8 tho
  • heartofplastic
    heartofplastic Posts: 68 Member
    I was a normal healthy weight my whole life but I developed an eating disorder (anorexia) in college. I was in a super unhealthy relationship that led to depression and I can't eat when I'm depressed so I lost tons of weight (I weighed 93 lbs). Well I got out of that relationship and slowly I gained my appetite back and was 107 lbs in grad school. I started bingeing and purging around that time because I didn't like how I looked when I got used to being so thin. After a while I got tired of being bulimic so I just kept eating/bingeing and gaining more weight. I got married and let go a bit and gained up to 112 lbs. I'm only 5'1" so that is a bit chunky than I would like to be. Now I'm at 104 lbs losing weight by counting calories and exercising. My goal weight is 98 lbs so only a few more pounds to go!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    6. I owe it to my older brother being a taunting douche-canoe.
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 536 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    My whole life.

    At less than a year old, the doctor told my mother to put me on a diet.

    The last three years is the first time in my life I have (1) been in the normal weight range and (2) I have been able to maintain my weight with any consistency.

    Pretty darned proud of myself. :)

    @SLLRunner: I <3 this, and so you should be proud! The cards that you were dealt... and what you've managed to do with them.. just brilliant.

    To answer OP, it was in my mid 20's that I lost my way, splendidly. Though I do actually recall a time in my life wanting to put weight on, it wasn't until late 20's that I was genuinely convinced that an evil force was behind the increasingly tight underwear (still hadn't dawned on me that I had gained weight, lol. ..oh, how one doth fall in slowly..) Now, I'm just going about creating a better existence for myself. :)
  • emjam99
    emjam99 Posts: 92 Member
    Probably around 10. I started gaining weight and was obese in middle and early high school. Lost the weight after that
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I was a fat kid. It only went downhill from there.
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    edited August 2016
    I didn't gain weight out of my normal weight range until I was 20. I was diagnosed with PCOS after many hormonal issues and gained 30 lbs over a short period of time. Before I could lose that 30 lbs, I ended up getting pregnant that next year and gained almost 50 lbs in that pregnancy. I lost about 30 lbs after that pregnancy, but gained it back over the course of a few years. I then got pregnant with my 2nd child in 2012 and at that point was still 80 lbs overweight. I got my butt in gear in 2013 and lost 30lbs, but ended up in the hospital with bad pneumonia. That kind of killed my motivation because of the long recovery I had from that. I got all the way to 120lbs over weight by this past May. That is the heaviest I have ever been and was the point where I chose to change. I have lost 20lbs so far :)
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    Depends on your definition, I suppose... If you mean when did I start constantly trying to diet and lose weight because everyone around me said I was "fat" (even though I was actually healthy and normal), I was13. If you mean when I actually became overweight and started struggling with that, I was 19. What has been the norm for me for 16 years has been to eat what I want, feel terrible about myself, try to diet, succeed for 2 weeks to 2 months, then fall off and gain it all back plus some.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I started gaining weight at age 39-40, I don't know what the F happened! I was slim through childhood and all through adult hood and was blissfully unaware of calories and portion control, I gained over 50lbs with my first pregnancy which fell off in a few months with zero change or effort on my part.
    I'm now being punished for all those years of eating whatever i wanted with no consequence lol jk..
  • LyndaRaven1
    LyndaRaven1 Posts: 1 Member
    From the day I was born my aunt and grandmother were stuffing as much food down me as they could. Lots of sweets. We always had barbeque gatherings for every occasion. I am 54 and weigh 280 at about 5 feet. I now have major health problems and have to learn to eat all over again...the right way!
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    edited August 2016
    At around the age of fourteen. I don't know what happened. I don't recall suddenly eating more food. I was never a skinny kid but I wasn't fat either. Just normal. My parents weren't overweight. Meals were home cooked rather than convenience or processed food. Over a year, perhaps even less, I put on a lot of weight. Then the diets started and then I did start to secretly eat because I felt hungry but didn't feel I could eat more food openly. I relaxed about food when I got to college and didn't try any more faddy diets. During my adult life I've tended to stay at about 190 pounds, whether watching my intake or not. It seems to be my natural resting point. I was worried about gaining more weight when I quit smoking last year, which is why I joined MFP.
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Mid 20s. I ate my way through a major depressive episode. Lost it when I started feeling better but have been struggling since.