12 Week Jump Start Challenge

camoballerina91 Posts: 257 Member
I would like to start a challenge that go like a game/competition between members. A way for us to get fit and healthy and have a little fun while we're at it.

Here's the link to the group:


It's private so just ask to join and get everyone set up. I would like to get at least 30-45 members so we can have 10-15 people on each team. There will be three teams by the way, I haven't chosen cool names for them yet but ya'll can help with that later. I was initial going to start the challenge Aug. 8th, but if enough people sign up in time, I'll start it on the 1st :).

Hope to see ya'll there.


  • camoballerina91
    camoballerina91 Posts: 257 Member
    Unfortunately I get enough people to sign up in time, so the challenge will not officially start until Aug. 8th. There's still plenty of room for people to join :smiley:
  • camoballerina91
    camoballerina91 Posts: 257 Member
    I waited to long to edit my above post, but I wanted to correct it to say that not enough people signed up for the challenge so it won't be starting today. The Jump Start Challenge will officially start Aug. 8th, so there's still plenty of time and room for more people to join.

    I hope to see you there :smiley:.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Could you tell us more about the challenge?
  • Rach0792
    Rach0792 Posts: 44 Member
    I would like to know more please.
  • camoballerina91
    camoballerina91 Posts: 257 Member
    edited August 2016
    I it have set up so we participate as if we're sort of playing a game. Everyone will be divided into three teams, there will be weekly weigh ins, bonus challenges each week, and you'll earn points each week for completing challenges and exercising. At the end of each week individual and team winners will be announced for most points earned, most lost, and highest percentage lost. Just trying make it fun but still focused around everyone's general goals to be healthier.
  • camoballerina91
    camoballerina91 Posts: 257 Member
    Bump :#

    Still plenty of room :).
  • camoballerina91
    camoballerina91 Posts: 257 Member
    edited August 2016
    4 days left to sign up for the challenge :)
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    I'd like to sign up
  • camoballerina91
    camoballerina91 Posts: 257 Member
    I sent you an invite to the group :)
  • amber22vanessa
    amber22vanessa Posts: 36 Member
    Can I join as well please? Thanks
  • DistanceRunner105
    DistanceRunner105 Posts: 1 Member
    Can I join?
  • camoballerina91
    camoballerina91 Posts: 257 Member
    edited August 2016
    @trixy22david & @DistanceRunner105 Of course, the more the merrier. I'm sending you both an invite now :)
  • camoballerina91
    camoballerina91 Posts: 257 Member
    3 more days :smiley:, but still plenty of room if more people want to join.
  • lizwrites1313
    lizwrites1313 Posts: 160 Member
    I'd like to join but am building muscle having lost fat n I don't wanna hold me team back
  • camoballerina91
    camoballerina91 Posts: 257 Member
    @lizwrites1313 invite sent :)
  • camoballerina91
    camoballerina91 Posts: 257 Member
    2 more days, the excitement is building but there's still room if anyone else wants to join :).
  • CathyFullan150
    CathyFullan150 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi, I'm brand new here - just started today. I'd really like to join your challenge if there is still room. Thanks so much!
  • akanelpn
    akanelpn Posts: 14 Member
    I tried to join :)
  • Bullieholiday
    Bullieholiday Posts: 51 Member
    I'd like to join! Trying to get to the gym or walk in the mornings before work, but I'm not a morning person at all so maybe this will help keep me on track!
  • Pr1yankaa
    Pr1yankaa Posts: 45 Member
    Hey i have just sent a request, hope its not too late really looking forward to the challenge.