Need some support! 100lbs to lose

Hey all! I am not new on MFP. In fact I have tried to lose weight MANY times. Its different this time. I have chosen to increase my level of standard. To be 100% committed to the process of tracking my calories 6 days a week. Sunday funday! I would love to share my journey with others!


  • SunnyDayzMomma
    SunnyDayzMomma Posts: 114 Member
    Hi! I'm on a 90-100 pound weight loss journey. I'm 70 pounds in now. These last 20 pounds are proving tricky, but I'll get there! I'd caution against the idea of a Sunday funday, if you mean it's a cheat day or a day with a cheat meal. There are many MFP articles (and non MFP too) that I've read over the last year that warn against the pitfalls of cheat day or cheat meal ideology. For me, I follow an everything in moderation approach. So if I want doritos, I have one or two, then seal the bag up, put them into the pantry and close the pantry door. But if I deprive myself of treats or yummies mostly every day I find my willpower gets used up and evening hits and it's bad news. That being said, when I started, I went cold turkey on junk food for about 1-2 months to get what felt like an addiction out of my system. But now, I don't want to abstain for 6 days and then treat myselfmyself. I'm not wired for that. Just a heads up. If it works for you, then for sure do it. But just a warning that it doesn't work for a lot of people, so see how it's going and don't be afraid to change it up and reassess if it's not working. Remember, you want to lose the weight in a way that you can basically continue for the rest of your life! Always try to go about it in a sustainable way so that it becomes a lifestyle change, not a diet. :)
  • kyrstin326
    kyrstin326 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! I started with 100 to lose as well, 50 pounds down, 50 more to go! I too don't really believe in cheat days - just calorie counting and everything in moderation. When I tell myself I can't have a certain food item, that's all I crave until I end up binding :( So moderation for me! It's been going great so far! Just find whatever works for you, and you can do this!
  • Peaches160
    Peaches160 Posts: 78 Member
    I need to lose 97 lbs and would enjoy the support as well!
  • annobrien700
    annobrien700 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me I need all the help I can get
  • janicechilders15
    janicechilders15 Posts: 5 Member
    Just started the same journey. Perhaps we can motivate and support each other. I have roughly 100 to lose. Looking for a team of folks with the same goals. Good luck!!!
  • bellapril
    bellapril Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I would love the motivation. I also need to lose 100lbs.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I've lost 145 in 26 months and am 5 lbs from my goal. 100% commitment would be 7 days a week. Plan your treats in moderation & within your goals. You can throw out Sunday if you choose, just be aware of the potential impact on your overall goal & rate of loss. You can do this!
  • dlambert11
    dlambert11 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks everyone! I love the insight on Sunday! Today being Sunday I must admit I just kept doing what I have been doing all week. Being 100% committed to staying in my calories. And it hasn't been difficult or restricting. Eating the food I enjoy and doing so with a higher level of consciousness. Its been awesome!!!