Are These Symptoms a Problem?

Aeradom Posts: 8 Member
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
So today I decided to try something new with my routine. Instead of just doing my routine at a fairly slow pace, I decided to see what it would be like speed up a bit. I wasn't exactly running from thing to thing, I'd allow myself breaks and what not never letting my breathing really bad or anything of that nature. So when I was done with everything, I really felt great for having done it, like I really made an impact.

And then I started to notice a few things. For instance, my breathing became... I wouldn't exactly say I was out of breath, more that I just kept needing to take in much deeper breaths than normal. That was was like three hours ago and I'm still having to do it. The other two symptoms are 1) that it feels sort of like there's a weight on chest (again not severe but I sort of feel like that might be causing the shortness of breath, not sure though) and 2) that very intermittently, I notice my balance be just ever slightly off. Enough that I need to pause for a second to adjust before continuing on.

Let me be clear, I'm not feeling any pain really, just that I feel the same I did right after working out. If the symptoms get worse then I'll, of course, go to the hospital, or if they are still prevalent tomorrow then I'll see a doctor. For the moment though, I'm just curious what might be going on and if I'm just worrying over nothing.


  • onxystare
    onxystare Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in no way an expert on exercising, but it sounds to me like your body is trying to get more oxygen (by breathing deeply). The weight on your chest could be your heart/lungs working hard to get the oxygen. So keep an eye on this in case they are over stressed. I once hiked for beyond my physical means and ending up wheezing for over an hour afterwards even when my heart rate calmed down. I say that to say hopefully your body was pushed a little to far and is recovering slowly. As for the balance issue, maybe dehydration? Try drinking something with electrolytes and relax (mentally as well, since I'm sure anxiety will amplify these symptoms). Of course if you notice anything else or it doesn't go away after a few hours, I would definitely go to a clinic and make sure everything is okay. Please let us know how it goes so we know you are fine!! Good luck!
  • Golbat
    Golbat Posts: 276 Member
    That is called Angina and I would go to the doctor about it.
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    Could be Costochondritis with some anxiety thrown in. Could be cardiac arythmia if you feel palpitations with dizziness. Go to the Emergency clinic and/or take an aspirin.
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