losing weight on a vegan diet!!



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,625 Member
    The one thing I'd say - in addition to the good advice above about maintaining a calorie deficit and getting good nutrition, recognizing that veganism adds some (minor) challenges to that - is to be skeptical of nutritional advice from vegan blogs and web sites. There is both good and bad info out there, and some of these folks have seized on bad science to justify an advocacy position.

    In particular, some vegan sites I've read claim that the USDA overstates protein requirements. Based on my reading (of research studies, not blogs/general sites), the USDA is giving you minimum protein requirements to avoid malnutrition, for average people. Average people are not trying to lose weight via substantial calorie deficits, nor are they doing major workouts routinely.

    It is absolutely possible to get enough protein as a vegan.

    But note that there's decent research suggesting that people in a calorie deficit need relatively more protein, as do people who are working out heavily/regularly, and that those of us who get lots of our protein from plant sources may benefit from a few extra grams because we're trying to balance out complete protein from sources that can sometimes be incomplete in their complement of amino acids. If we get insufficient protein, we risk unnecessary loss of lean tissue generally, and muscle mass specifically, while losing fat.

    Personally, I try for .6-.8g protein per pound of goal weight daily (yes, I meant pound, not kg). That's pretty conservative. Some vegan sources advocate a lower standard; some body-building/weight-training sources advocate a higher standard. I'm not vegan, but I've been vegetarian for over 42 years, so I get quite a bit of protein from plant sources, and I've done a lot of reading and research on this point.

    But it's still just my opinion.
  • tensleysiham
    tensleysiham Posts: 9 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    The best piece of advice i can give you is to stick to a calorie deficit. Don't fall for the vegan pseudoscience out there.

    Oh absolutely i agree, i am watching my calories, and also i focus on whole foods and i stay away from processed vegan goods, i eat lots of veggies and lots of fruits. Thank you for your advice i really appreciate :)
  • tensleysiham
    tensleysiham Posts: 9 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Vegan does not equal healthier or weight loss. To lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit. Like Rainbowbow said, don't fall for the vegan pseudoscience nonsense out there.

    Being vegan is more than just food. It is an ethical stand point that also includes not using ANY animal products. That means no animal hair products, beauty supplies etc that are in a lot of products.

    I became vegan to lose weight and heal my body, i also became vegan for the animals, i watched lots of PETA videos and i swore to never eat meat or dairy again.
    I am on a calorie deficit and i try to make my meals from vegetables most of the time. Thank you for ur advice :)
  • tensleysiham
    tensleysiham Posts: 9 Member
    kiwiknit wrote: »
    Be nice. She asked for support and advice not a lecture. This is not the space to vent your feelings about a vegan diet or what it means to tensleysiham and whether she is "doing it right".
    I am vegan and just work on a calorie deficit mindset. I mainly eat homemade whole foods, having said that I live in an area with very little processed vegan meats, cheeses, etc. I eat lots of vegetables, fruit, grains, tempeh, tofu and legumes. These are my favourite foods plus they fill me up. I do tend to use many herbs and spices as I like highly flavoured food and cuisines. I exercise most days. When I need to lose weight I track my food and excerise daily. Mainly because I eat too much otherwise.
    I have been vegan for over 10 years and are very healthy and have never had a problem being so. There are a ton of great cookbooks and blogs out there for new and fresh recipe ideas. Have fun with it. There are so many awesome plant foods that most people never even think of. My diet expanded once becoming vegan. Enjoy!
    Thank you for your wonderful advice and support, u obviously know what u're talking about, u've been a vegan for 10 years, that's amazing.
  • tensleysiham
    tensleysiham Posts: 9 Member
    oolou wrote: »
    skyhowl wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    kiwiknit wrote: »
    Be nice. She asked for support and advice not a lecture. This is not the space to vent your feelings about a vegan diet or what it means to tensleysiham and whether she is "doing it right".
    I am vegan and just work on a calorie deficit mindset. I mainly eat homemade whole foods, having said that I live in an area with very little processed vegan meats, cheeses, etc. I eat lots of vegetables, fruit, grains, tempeh, tofu and legumes. These are my favourite foods plus they fill me up. I do tend to use many herbs and spices as I like highly flavoured food and cuisines. I exercise most days. When I need to lose weight I track my food and excerise daily. Mainly because I eat too much otherwise.
    I have been vegan for over 10 years and are very healthy and have never had a problem being so. There are a ton of great cookbooks and blogs out there for new and fresh recipe ideas. Have fun with it. There are so many awesome plant foods that most people never even think of. My diet expanded once becoming vegan. Enjoy!

    No one was "not being nice". There is a lot of psuedoscientific junk out there regarding vegan and vegetarian diets. Many actually believe that cutting out meat will automatically result in weight loss and are confused when they don't lose weight, or even gain weight (see the numerous threads here about going vegetarian/vegan and gain in weight). Telling someone they should be skeptical about what they read is not "not being supportive" or "not nice".

    I agree, it is very important that the OP know that in order to lose weight it requires a calorie deficit and unfortauntly most of the information on Vegan diet just suggest to cut out animal products. which doesn't necessarily mean that you will lose weight.

    Which could be why the OP is hoping to hear from other vegans on a weight loss journey, perhaps for advice and to hear how they're doing this?
    In order to lose weight i believe in having a plan and watching the calorie intake, also the quality of food eaten, i know if i overeat even on a vegan diet i won't lose weight, so i am eating less calories and exercising too, but let me tell you something i've tried every diet in the book, and i always felt miserable!! When i became vegan i felt alive , the amount of energy i have is mind blowing, thank you.
  • tensleysiham
    tensleysiham Posts: 9 Member
    johunt615 wrote: »
    Ummm lots of science out there that vegans and vegetarians have some advantages over meat eaters. Loma Linda study also shows vegans have lower BMI's overall.

    One thing you will need to make sure of is that you take B12 supplement that is one thing vegans can't get eating a plant based diet.

    I have 2 vegans in my family and they are skinny.

    I ate vegan for one year and I felt the most energy I had in a long time. I'm vegetarian now (sometimes eating tuna) and I will probably go back for dietary and health reasons.

    Good luck!

    Thank you for ur valuable advice, i do have so much energy too it's amazing! I make sure to take a multivitamin that has b12. :)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    kiwiknit wrote: »
    Be nice. She asked for support and advice not a lecture. This is not the space to vent your feelings about a vegan diet or what it means to tensleysiham and whether she is "doing it right".
    I am vegan and just work on a calorie deficit mindset. I mainly eat homemade whole foods, having said that I live in an area with very little processed vegan meats, cheeses, etc. I eat lots of vegetables, fruit, grains, tempeh, tofu and legumes. These are my favourite foods plus they fill me up. I do tend to use many herbs and spices as I like highly flavoured food and cuisines. I exercise most days. When I need to lose weight I track my food and excerise daily. Mainly because I eat too much otherwise.
    I have been vegan for over 10 years and are very healthy and have never had a problem being so. There are a ton of great cookbooks and blogs out there for new and fresh recipe ideas. Have fun with it. There are so many awesome plant foods that most people never even think of. My diet expanded once becoming vegan. Enjoy!

    No one was "not being nice". There is a lot of psuedoscientific junk out there regarding vegan and vegetarian diets. Many actually believe that cutting out meat will automatically result in weight loss and are confused when they don't lose weight, or even gain weight (see the numerous threads here about going vegetarian/vegan and gain in weight). Telling someone they should be skeptical about what they read is not "not being supportive" or "not nice".

    I actually consider it nicer (as in more helpful) to let someone know that veganism won't result in weight loss (unless it happens to create a calorie deficit). If I start doing something for a specific result and someone knows that it won't work out the way I plan, I always appreciate them letting me know. I can then decide for myself whether or not I want to listen to them. But if they just watch me and don't say anything . . . that, to me, is not nice.
  • Rhumax67
    Rhumax67 Posts: 162 Member