I could have _____ but I didn't. Instead, I ____

Here's a fun way to motivate ourselves and show we ARE making positive changes in our life! Simply fill in the blanks. I'll start.

I could have taken the bus from work but I didn't. Instead, I bicycled there!

Lets hear what you could have done today that could have impaired your weight loss, but you didn't, and instead you did something to improve your loss!


  • MissTink
    MissTink Posts: 3
    I could have eaten ice cream but I didn't. Instead I ate frozen cool whip. Was pretty good :)
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    i could have pigged out today and eaten icecream, chips and other junk but i didnt, instead i ate fruit and veggies.
  • SavannaN
    SavannaN Posts: 148
    I could have stayed in the hotel room and took a nap, instead I did the elliptical and the went to the gym and did strength training.
  • rikisue206
    rikisue206 Posts: 99 Member
    Today I could have stayed in bed half of the day and not worked out, but instead I did a 45 min Circuit training and 20 min elliptical trainer.
  • jess_steich7
    I could have had a chocolate chip cookie and an ice cream sandwich but instead I had a cup of apple sauce.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    I could have eaten another piece of my birthday cake, but instead took the dog out for a run
  • wenlot7
    wenlot7 Posts: 17 Member
    I could have biked home the easy route, but I took the long route instead
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I could have walked laps around the pool while my daughter took had her lessons, but I didn't. Instead, I sat there and watched because I didn't want people to think, "would this crazy lady sit down like everyone else. She's in the way. I can't see my kid!!"
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I could have had a Burger King original chicken sandwich with extra mayo and large fries dipped in mayo (oh! the may was calling me today), but instead I had a 6" turkey on wheat from Subway with light mayo and spinach!

    Oh, the mayo... *cry*
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    Today I Could Have Stayed In And Caught Up On All My DVR'd Shows While My Daughter Was At Camp...But Instead I Got To The Gym For Some Cardio Kickboxing & Went To The Beach With My Daughter After Camp To Swim & Run On The Beach!

    P.S...Love This Topic! Love All The Motivation!!!!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I could have slept til noon and ate pizza all day, but I didn't. Instead, I got up at 9:30 and went to the gym and cooked all my own meals!
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    I could have slept in this morning, but I didn't. Instead, I got up at 8AM for my pre-planned workout, which was running four miles outside, even though it was hot and humid. Win.
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    I could have had a whole Watchamacallit insted I only had half.
  • ladyerin79
    ladyerin79 Posts: 97 Member
    I could have--sat on my butt all day and let the house get dirty and the family eat junk--but I didn't. Instead, I--got off my butt and super cleaned house, took care of my babies, and prepared a nice meal for my family.
  • dawnpolk
    dawnpolk Posts: 1 Member
    I had lunch at Longhorn today with a client. I could have eaten a lot of things there and felt guilty but instead I had a small piece of salmon, steamed veggies and water to drink.
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I could have used the gym unexpectedly being closed as an excuse to sit on the couch but instead I managed to get a workout in at home even with my boys' "help"

    I could have sat while I folded my 5 loads of laundry today but instead I stood & did "step-touches" and squats while I folded them.
  • bobbiedr
    bobbiedr Posts: 260 Member
    I could have eaten one of the cookies or cupcakes provided in our staff meeting today, but instead I went back to my desk and ate some celery with a laughing cow cheese wedge.
  • Whatnow50
    Whatnow50 Posts: 93
    I could have eaten a Costco deli hot dog and soda but I didn't. Instead, I came home and made a delicious salad! Love it!
  • sonbeam
    sonbeam Posts: 23 Member
    I could have let the heat get to me and not work out but I didn't. Instead, I plugged in the fan and did my 30 day shred exercise. And I feel great!!!
  • lmvince
    lmvince Posts: 54 Member
    I could have grabbed a meal from the Chinese restaurant on the corner, but I didn't. Instead, I made a salad.