3rd Shift Schedule!!!

I have been working 3rd shift (midnight-8 am) for 4.5 months now and I'm having a hard time getting into a routine of when I should be eating my meals and snacks because my sleep cycle is so unnatural. Any recommendations? I'm struggling!!


  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    I work 11 to 7:30 and have been on nights since November. Here's what I do. I eat breakfast when I get up, usually sometime after 7pm. I have a snack shortly after I get to work, which is really a quick trip into the breakroom to grab coffee and a granola bar or something similar. I try to have lunch around 3AM, which I pack myself and bring with. I get home around 8AM and make myself dinner.
    Of course some nights I don't get a lunch break if we get a bad trauma in. That's why I keep a stock of small snacks with me all the time. Nuts, cheese, beef jerky, snack bars etc. That way I can grab something quick whenever I have an opportunity.
    Do you keep your sleep schedule the same on your days off? I do and that helps me keep my food scheduling.
    I know the struggle you're going through though. I successfully lost 30 pounds in the few months before I switched to nights and then gained most of it back. Wasn't until May of this year that I finally got back on track and figured out this eating on third shift thing. Down 39 pounds since then. You'll figure out a routine that works best for you. Good luck!
  • BrittaniDirks
    BrittaniDirks Posts: 113 Member
    me too midnight to 8 , but I sleep from about 930 am to 5 pm and eat a normal dinner with my husband and daughter . so far what I do is At 430 am i have my breakfast at work then at about 830 am lunch and 630 pm dinner but i do need to probably eat healthier/ leave room for snacks