Restarting weight loss push.

I'm getting sick of this roller coaster. I have decided to commit to loosing at least 12 lbs by Labor Day with an ultimate goal of 30 lbs. My plan is a combination of intermittent fasting and cutting significantly back on sugars and grains. I have done this before and it works well. I changed work schedules a few months ago and that screwed everything up, now it's time to fix it.


  • ninhogorgfan
    ninhogorgfan Posts: 15 Member
    The same thing happened to me bro. Switched to night shift and work 12s M-F. I have only gotten back on recently. I cut exercis as my job is already physically demanding; ive lost 5.6 lbs since late July. Lets do it.
  • 1JoshG
    1JoshG Posts: 120 Member
    I love how encouraging everyone on here is. (Heavy sarcasm)
  • beaglebrandon
    beaglebrandon Posts: 97 Member
    edited August 2016
    1JoshG wrote: »
    I love how encouraging everyone on here is. (Heavy sarcasm)

    People have different experiences.

    I've lost weight twice. Both times about 8-10 pounds per month, and it's been difficult (hard to do), but simple (just eat less).

    I lost 35 pounds in 2001 (198 to 165). It was simple back then - just eat small portions of the same food I've always eaten.

    Gained it all back and some slowly. About 3 pounds a year over 15 years. Maintenance is very different from dieting.

    I've now lost 43 pounds in my new diet in 2016 (223 to 180 so far). Same basic idea - eat small portions of the same food I've always eaten.

    I didn't gain the weight back quickly - very slowly. I've just got to watch myself in maintenance this next time. The weight came back slowly because I never knew about maintenance mode. I just thought I'd diet, and it was done, because I never had a problem with weight before.

    The last time, I was always thin, gained weight from being in a wheelchair for 2 years, and then lost it. Thought I wouldn't have to worry about it. But I've become more sedentary with age, and now have to add the exercise to my life and set an upper limit to diet again and I'll be fine.

    I've only got 15 pounds to go... I'll be done by the end of September, then on to maintenance the rest of my life.

    I know you can do it. 12 pounds by labor day sounds like a good goal when just starting again. Be motivated, and stick to it, and you'll get there. It's not a good goal EVERY month, but the FIRST month it's good. The first month you lose the most, then you'll be back to 6-10 a month.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Work schedules really can stuff everything up - I did really well here first time around then ended up working ludicrously long hours and then away at tournaments with no control over what we get get fed or when we can even grab anything to eat!

    I 'restarted' last week - 4 years to the day from being inspired to do this.... and then promptly stuffed up my knee (apparently it grew four years older and creakier in that time.. who knew!) and now have had to re-assess and start AGAIN.

    But here's the thing. I am accountable to no-one but me. I know that for me it is exercise (within more reasonable tolerances now) and healthier living. I know all that... I got caught up in the huge difference between being able to do my early morning routine at the gym yada yada versus now having to turn all that on its head and find other times to do stuff.

    Keep at it, OP and hope you reach your goals and stay that way.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    1JoshG wrote: »
    I'm getting sick of this roller coaster. I have decided to commit to loosing at least 12 lbs by Labor Day with an ultimate goal of 30 lbs. My plan is a combination of intermittent fasting and cutting significantly back on sugars and grains. I have done this before and it works well. I changed work schedules a few months ago and that screwed everything up, now it's time to fix it.

    How much weight do you have to lose? Unless well over 100 pounds, losing 12 pounds of fat in 4 weeks is an overly aggressive goal, and these usually cause people to flame out. That's why you're getting pushback. People ARE being supportive.

    (Note - people who radically change their diet may see an initial big drop. Alas, this is water weight rather than fat loss.)
  • julielh72
    julielh72 Posts: 92 Member
    The weight loss journey is only a roller coaster when we allow it to be. It's so easy to slip back into the old bad habits and sometimes life, work and social events get in the way of our goals. Good on you for getting back on the horse but try to keep your goals realistic so you don't set yourself up for failure and the disheartened feeling of wanting to give up that will follow. Be kind to yourself.
  • NathansMommy429
    NathansMommy429 Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck to you! I know all about that rollercoaster. You can only enjoy the ride so many times before you get sick of it. I've recently had to recommit to my goals as well. But you can do it! Keep your goals realistic and dont become discouraged if you have a bad day. we all have them! :)