What does your work lunch usually look like?



  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    I usually have a peanut butter and honey sandwich, greek yogurt and cereal.
  • coolfry
    coolfry Posts: 48 Member
    I'm a meal prepper! I work long shifts and carpool to work so I can't go out for meals and need plenty of food. I typically pack a packaged breakfast, like a burrito, and have cut up veggies, a yogurt, a small treat, and a seltzer in my bag for snacks. This week I have a baked sweet potato with a fig bar, yogurt, and pumpkin seeds!
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    A big, healthy salad. My wife makes both our breakfasts (overnight oatmeal) and lunches the night before, and adds a piece or two of fruit, depending on size, for a snack later in the day.
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    salad or a sandwich with meat or fish, a fruit, and usually nut thins (almond crackers) for something crunchy.
  • amongato4
    amongato4 Posts: 3 Member
    i alwayssss bring my lunch--saves tons of money! typically I will have a small spinach salad with carrots and celery, then a 1/2 cup of brown rice, and a can of tuna. Super satisfying and i'm full most of the afternoon. I eat some carrot and celery sticks around 3, then have a handful of almonds and an apple before the gym and im good until dinner time!! :)
  • lalee115
    lalee115 Posts: 185 Member
    Usually bring lunch with me. I have some lunch containers that are sectioned that I like to use. Usually has in it a wrap with turkey, laughing cow cheese and mustard and some fruits and veggies for sides. For veg, I'm partial to carrot chips, sweet bell pepper slices and cherry tomatoes (ok, so that's really a fruit...) For fruit, I prefer plums, grapes, pears, cuties, sometimes an apple or peach. I like to put frozen strawberries and blueberries in, and they are sorbet-like by lunchtime. I like fruit. lol.

    Today, however, I did not bring lunch because I didn't make one when I made my son's last night. So I'll probably walk across the parking lot and get a salad from the sub shop.
  • walpy27
    walpy27 Posts: 34 Member
    Tuna sandwich generally, sometimes chicken breast or steak w/ sprouts.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited August 2016
    Mostly my own. I used to buy at work (university) but the local choices were all eliminated and there's only so many times a year I could choke down subway or chick-fil-a.

    I tend to put chicken and something (chile etc) in a crock pot on sunday, then wrap it up in a lower carb/calorie wrap.
    I tend to put tuna and avocado in the wrap

    Sometimes ham and cheese

    Whatever the wrap, I usually have raw veg on the side

    Sometimes I pick up a kale, quinoa and chickpea salad from a coffee shop near by.

    Hubs prepares salads for a week for himself, so sometimes I do that as well.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    I try to bring mine as much as possible, for caloric and cash reasons.

    Some of the regulars:
    Lean cuisine, apple, Babybel
    Veggie salad with shredded chicken and spicy ranch or chicken and corn/black bean salsa as dressing
    Fritatta with veggies and cheese, spring mix with lemon and olive oil
    Chili with cheddar and sour cream (full fat, yo)
    Salmon patties with salad, lemon and olive oil. Maybe some olives too.
    A giant bowl of fresh berries and who cares what else (summertime!)
    Roast beef and thin sliced cheese on wheat toast with greens, tomato, and horseradish mustard
    Chicken and broccoli stir fried with a little general tso's sauce and rice
    Whatever pot of soup I made over the weekend, an apple, and some crackers/cheese

    If I go out, I sometimes get an Egg McMuffin from McDonalds, soup from Panera, sushi, giant chopped salad from the salad place, a burrito bowl from Qdoba (high cal, but so filling I pretty much don't need to eat the rest of the day). There's a great sub/cheesesteak place I eat at once every month or two - I eat half for lunch and the rest for dinner.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    90% of the time my work lunch is leftovers from dinner the night before. I do a lot of meal prep on the weekends, so dinners are almost completely made, and I portion enough to cook so that I will have leftovers. On the occasion I don't have anything, I keep some "backup" foods in one of my drawers at work - Amy's canned soups, those 90-second microwavable packs of quinoa or wild rice, and some bags of steamers frozen veggies in the work freezer. If I'm feeling like going out, I'll walk up the hill to Chipotle and get a Veggie Bowl. I justify it because it's about a 3/4 mile walk, so going there and back gets me off my butt for a bit ;)
  • lalee115
    lalee115 Posts: 185 Member
    there's only so many times a year I could choke down subway

    I am SO glad this isn't just me. I don't know what happened to this place. I feel pretty sure I used to enjoy Subway; but it seems like every time I've been there in the past year, it tastes like eating cardboard with mustard on it. NOTHING has any flavor. Even the tomatoes just taste like water.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    lalee115 wrote: »
    there's only so many times a year I could choke down subway

    I am SO glad this isn't just me. I don't know what happened to this place. I feel pretty sure I used to enjoy Subway; but it seems like every time I've been there in the past year, it tastes like eating cardboard with mustard on it. NOTHING has any flavor. Even the tomatoes just taste like water.

    For me it's mostly the smell. The smell of the "bread" baking is more than I can bear!
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    Mostly leftovers. I usually cook 3 meals throughout the week for dinners and then have the leftovers for lunches or other dinners. If I'm out of leftovers or want something different I'll make something else that is usually like a grain, veggie, meat combo, or sometimes a sandwich.

    I go out some but it's usually situational, with friends or coworkers, rather than building it in as a regular part of my week. I spend a lot less when I pack lunch.
  • _piaffe
    _piaffe Posts: 163 Member
    Currently: 1/2 avocado (~125g) on toast (Ezekiel, which I keep in an office fridge freezer) with pink Himalayan salt and a ton of cracked black pepper. Greek yogurt-based a.m. and p.m. snacks.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    _piaffe wrote: »
    Currently: 1/2 avocado (~125g) on toast (Ezekiel, which I keep in an office fridge freezer) with pink Himalayan salt and a ton of cracked black pepper. Greek yogurt-based a.m. and p.m. snacks.

  • brrrrito
    brrrrito Posts: 39 Member
    i make my lunch ahead of time every night! i have a Planet Box that i absolutely LOVE. i post all of my lunches on my instagram if you ever need any inspiration - my username is Brrrrito !
  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    I usually make a salad wrap with either feta cheese or chicken/shredded ham, and protein bar or breakfast biscuits for an afternoon snack. Sometimes I bring a piece of fruit too but it has to be something soft like a banana because trying to eat a crunchy apple quietly or peel an orange is pretty awkward to do at your desk.
    Once a week I treat myself to a sandwich and a slice of cake from a deli down the street.
  • powercycle
    powercycle Posts: 22 Member
    Lunch if most often leftovers. I used to bring a lunch with 1 or 2 snacks. But I found my snack choices were lacking in protein. Granola bars & fruit mostly. (Or junk from the vending machine in the afternoon if I ate all my snacks in the morning.)

    Last week I changed my eating habits a bit to eat 5 relatively equal portioned meals a day. Basically cut out snacking.

    Today's lunches:

    grilled steak (left over)
    brown rice
    steamed broccoli
    raw baby carrots

    #2 (more left overs)
    Italian sausage
    white rice
    2 clementines.

    Last week was mostly chili & rice. Eating that much rice lately is different, most weeks I'll have leftover spaghetti sauce from the big pot I make most weekends.
  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    i cook on sundays for the week, both lunches, & suppers. lunch is always 150g white rice, 150g baked chicken, & 210g steamed cauliflower (sometimes i sub other veg but i prefer cauliflower) during the work week. i top lunch with either chef tim's sweet balsamic vinaigrette (OMG, so good) if i have extra calories or spicy mustard if i don't.