The dreaded (?) plateau.

bigfatbino Posts: 136 Member
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Diet. One of the worst four letter words in the world of profanity in my opinion. So I try not to use it. Instead, I'll say that I started my change in lifestyle in March, and have since dropped 3 belt loops, one "X" off my shirt size, about 8 iinches off the waist, and according to my semi-monthly weigh in, about 40 lbs so far. A fine accomplishment for myself.

What I now am learning to deal with is this phenomena of not watching belt loops become tighter almost overnight, and that scale number is going down ever more slowly. I am in the dreaded "plateau" zone. Add to that fourth of July, College graduation parties, and a birthday in the mix, and it can all but stagnate my progress. Still, I just tell myself that I didn't become a 275 bag of chewed bubble-gum overnight. It took years to do this kind of damage, so it will take a bit of time to undo it.

So in the coming months, I will not be displeased to see progress of a half a pound per week. Because my goal is to get healthy, not impress the little digital machine with the cold glass pad and digital display.

I'll take this time to say that myfitnesspal has been a very surprising help to me, primarily serving to enlighten me as to just how many calories are packed into foods these days, and how FAST it adds up to an expanding waist line and moobs. After nearly four months, I am still well on track to meet my goal of seeing that first number on the scale be a "1" again. I have MYSELF to thank for that, but myfitness pal sure does get an honorable mention.

So I'll continue using this site and app on my phone to help me get through the plateau zone. Because I do believe when it comes to weight loss and lifestyle change, slow and steady really will win the race in the end.

Nice to be here with you all =)


  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    Excellent mind set! You will ACHIEVE!!
  • Love this topic!!.....:))
  • jenniferburrill
    jenniferburrill Posts: 4 Member
    a belt hole is a huge accomplishment but will take a long time to reach. Try measuring each week to see your steady progress even if it isn't showing on the scale. You can track it on here along with your weight. It had held me through when the scale wasn't moving.
  • KaulGirl
    KaulGirl Posts: 7
    Pateaus are tough. Keep working it and you will be there before you know it.

    I hit a plateau once a month! LOL I keep working it through. The pounds aren't falling off like before. It's now a slower pace ... more like a trickle ... so I uppped my exercise and am trying different forms of exercise in order to keep moving. That seems to help more than just watching my calories.

    You are doing great!
  • KQmom
    KQmom Posts: 29 Member
    Yes! Thank you for posting! It is very hard not to get discouraged when the numbers aren't going down, I am right there with you. I am trying to keep in mind that this is not about the scale, it's about my health. Living a longer, better quality of life. Although, it's nice to see the immediate result, you are so right, slow and steady WILL win the race! Keep up the good work! Good luck!!
  • David1106
    David1106 Posts: 28
    I'm right there with you brother. I have lost about 60 lbs with myfitnesspal and exercise, but I have hit a wall for about the last month. Doesn't help that pretty much every weekend has been party after party for the last month. But I am sticking with it and have finally dropped to the 240's....a number I have not seen in over 15 years. Slow and steady. I feel so much better and I actually want to start living life now with surfing, marathons, biking, hiking, and just overall being active. Enough with sitting around feeling sorry for myself while I was eating myself to death. Life is way to short. Get out and live!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Very nice mind set. Continue to think that way and you definitely will be successful in your journey.
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    Wow! Oh how I needed to read this today! I've been stuck at 47 lbs lost for a month now and I've tried increasing cals, decreasing cals, changing my workout, increasing cardio, increase strength, drinking more name it. But what I failed to realize is what you said.....I am NOT doing this to impress my self with the numbers on the scale but rather it is a venture to become healthy and that's going to take time to undo all the "unhealthy" I've been doing for the last 12 years.

    Thank you for your encouragement and inspiration to keep on keepin' on. I plan to do just that!
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