Looking for motivation partners

Hi everyone! Let me introduce myself. I am turning 30 this month. I am married, and I have a little boy who is about to start kindergarten. I am entering a new phase of my life and I want to change my lifestyle. For so long I never really thought about what I was eating. I didn't really exercise that much. But I want to be healthy for my family and for myself. I am also blind, which creates its own set of obstacles in regard to exercise. I am hoping to meet other people, and I would love to go through this journey together.


  • tinkodaat349
    tinkodaat349 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Kellansmom- you keep going now. I made lifetime in weight watchers 16 years ago and didn't stay with it, so now I'm getting back on track. I have 26 pounds to my goal. We eat healthy pretty much all the time. I don't know the struggle you go through as a blind person but I bet you can get your activity in. Someone told me if I put my mind to it I can do anything. And WOW having your little guy going into kindergarten- how cool is that. Stay with it. Someone told me 'Do or do not there is no try' so say to yourself you can do it, not I will try. The quote is from a star wars movie by the way. Have a beautiful day