Looking for P90X3 buddies

I have been putting off starting P90X3 for a few months now, and need a kick! If anyone is thinking about starting it too it would be great to have a forum for it. The motivation and accountability would really help me out :)


  • laurenwhodat
    laurenwhodat Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Sophie! I just started today! I need a motivation partner too!
  • tqsmith75
    tqsmith75 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello! I just started yesterday and would love to have some buddies who are doing it with me.
  • SliverBulletsUK
    SliverBulletsUK Posts: 267 Member
    Well done on starting :)

    I'm midway through mine at the moment

    Feel free to add me if you like
  • benu85
    benu85 Posts: 6 Member
    Ah this is great, thanks for suggesting! I started this morning with total synergistics. It was *tough* for me just starting out!
  • tqsmith75
    tqsmith75 Posts: 56 Member
    benu85 wrote: »
    Ah this is great, thanks for suggesting! I started this morning with total synergistics. It was *tough* for me just starting out!

    Yes! I was soaked after total synergistics and I realized I needed more room. Yoga X for me today and I'm scared.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    Whoop whoop. Way to work ladies. I tried X3 one and it wore me out! LMBO!!!!
  • tqsmith75
    tqsmith75 Posts: 56 Member
    Just finished YogaX and I probably really completed 50%. I spent most of my time watching trying to follow. Next week I will be better! Day 3 DONE!
  • benu85
    benu85 Posts: 6 Member
    Agility X done - I found it pretty fun although I'm not sure what my neighbors on the floor below would have been thinking with all that jumping :-) and I was pretty useless compared to the people on the video and ended up drenched! Yoga tomorrow!
  • benu85
    benu85 Posts: 6 Member
    I see what you mean about having to watch them on the Yoga :-) just done it and I've got a long way to go with the flexibility but it'll be great to see that improving over the weeks! I thought it was good that it came after Agility as it loosened up some of the stiffness from all that jumping around.
  • tqsmith75
    tqsmith75 Posts: 56 Member
    benu85 wrote: »
    I see what you mean about having to watch them on the Yoga :-) just done it and I've got a long way to go with the flexibility but it'll be great to see that improving over the weeks! I thought it was good that it came after Agility as it loosened up some of the stiffness from all that jumping around.

    I agree I can't wait to see how we feel during the final week. I did the Challenge last night all pull ups and push ups. It was not that bad, I use the resistance bands for the pull ups. I cant do a single pull up :):D but I still had a good workout! We are almost done with week one!!!
  • tqsmith75
    tqsmith75 Posts: 56 Member
    I really liked CVX and The Warrior. I realized I am not getting enough calories. I was so scared to eat the recommended calories but next week I am going to follow the correct calorie count. I am exhausted. Are you following the nutrition plan at the recommended calorie count?
  • benu85
    benu85 Posts: 6 Member
    Just done The Challenge and CVX in a row as I was unable to do The Challenge yesterday - that was really hard! Started out with a fairly heavy medicine ball on CVX and ended up with body weight haha! For calories I actually worked out my own BMR + the calories I expect are burnt during P90x3 sessions + cycling (as I cycle to work). It does seem quite a lot of calories but I don't feel too tired outside of the sessions yet - I may be having too many so am going to go through the nutrition guide. Will let you know what I find out! Following what they recommend seems like the right thing to do, so I hope it helps with your energy levels! You've basically done the first week now - props!!
  • sxymom99
    sxymom99 Posts: 41 Member
    I've done one round of x3 doubles, and now I'm combining it with t25! I LOVE p90x3!!!! I've gotten awesome results!! Feel free to add me! I'm also on fb if you want to follow me. Carissa Southworth beachbody coach, or I believe it can be found by looking up fitmamma5? I guess I need to search for myself to be sure. Haha..
  • sxymom99
    sxymom99 Posts: 41 Member
    It's @FitMamma5. Just checked. Lol
  • mercedesalden
    mercedesalden Posts: 10 Member
    I started last week but I will start again. I need friends, please feel to add me. Let us some before and after pictures
  • benu85
    benu85 Posts: 6 Member
    Week 1 done yesss! Focused on doing a little better at everything this week and keeping it all up. Hope everyone's enjoying the program!
  • SliverBulletsUK
    SliverBulletsUK Posts: 267 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well! I have 4 weeks left of the lean programme
  • vms4evr
    vms4evr Posts: 106 Member
    Couple of suggestions.

    1. Watch the videos, not on your workout time. Just sit down and fast forward to skip along and see each exercise. Pause and watch the ones you have never seen before or done.

    2. Don't worry about going as fast as them. Form is everything. Speed comes later.

    3. There will be some exercise that you just can't do or master in the beginning. It's ok. See suggestion 2.

    4. There are some you not be able to do on your first cycle of this program. Don't worry. Most people can't do everything in it.

    5. Most people don't like and can't do pull ups. Tony loves pull ups and has them in all his workouts. Get an assist band or use a chair if you want to try them and get started.

    X3 is really good overall program.

    Diet matters. Eating and Exercise is a two fold thing. Not a fad, not a do once. Look at it as a life change. You'll be surprised how clean you can eat if you just put in some effort. There are tons of free information on meal plans.

    Skip the Beachbody hype and stuff they peddle. You can get supplements at the vitamin stores cheaper and meal plans for free (including grocery lists).

    Do your best, forget the rest!
  • tqsmith75
    tqsmith75 Posts: 56 Member
    In the middle of week 2 and yesterdays Agility workout was awesome. I feel confident todays Yoga will be better than last weeks. I'm still working on increasing my calories the right way. But I did a bit of cheating this weekend, I hope to do better the coming weekend.
  • tqsmith75
    tqsmith75 Posts: 56 Member
    Yoga was not as bad today. I think I was actively engaged most of the time. Butttt... I was not balanced or graceful..lol