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Is it possible to bulk and lose fat at the same time



  • chrisleyland314
    chrisleyland314 Posts: 39 Member
    I think we all need a bit more information from the OP to properly be able to give better advice (age, training, lifestyle, etc) although some of what everyone says does have credibility. (Except Mr Supplments)

    Training consistancy is a big part as someone has already spoken about and diet needs to be consistant. A sound program with the correct diet will help someone come on leaps and bounds especially if they are new to resistance training. In my humble opinion. Also I believe that yes if you want to eat at maintenance and are still getting strength gains and more muscle tissue keep doing this but as soon as you hit a plateau then I strongly believe upping your calories not too much as to keep as much fat off as possible again as someone has already spoke about +200 a day until you hit another plateau then add another +200. The least amount of fat you can get while still gaining muscle and strength the better as it makes the "cutting" phase easier.

    Hope this helps.

    Please don't take my word for it and do your own research. I'm not a PT or dietitian just something I've learnt while doing this.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Changing composition while losing weight is entirely possible.
    A trainer I trust is the source.