
Hi there. This is my first post on this forum and i'm glad to be joining a welcoming community.

I've lost weight before. When I was 18 my weight was around 266lbs in a year I got down to 196 and I looked great. But then I got into bad habbits, I met my wife and I changed my job which didn't allow me the propper time to excersize and I became lazy. after 5 years i'm back at 252lbs and at the bottom of a mountain. I'm hoping however that this app with make it feel more like a hill. I'm back excersising 4 times a week but i'm worried that once I reach my goal, i'll start slipping again. If anyone has any advice i'd be greatfull.

Many thanks,



  • Yellowlass
    Yellowlass Posts: 57
    Welcome and well done and beginning your journey again, you know already you can achieve it, good luck:)
  • crackers3333
    Go For it, what you got to lose (except the weight that is)