Gaining muscle not losing fat

Hey gang!

I am not sure what I need to be doing. My fat does not seem to be going anywhere around my midsection mostly. My legs are mostly good and have been gaining muscle I can tell along with my arms but my mid section and my arms are losing no fat even though I'm gaining muscle. During the week I eat 2000 calories max sometime less around 1500. I eat only complex carbs during the weekend mostly.

Weekly routine:
Breakfast either choice of 3 eggs, Greek yogurt and fruit parfait, or 8 ounce of steel cut oats.

Snack: either protein drink or mixed nut and dry fruit not more than a handful of nuts

Lunch: zucchini noodles and spaghetti squash w a maybe half a cup of quinoa and some basil pesto

Snack: fruit most of the time

dinner: 3 eggs with whole avocado and fresh salsa on my eggs

I drink 6-10 cups of water a day depending how busy I get. No soda but maybe one cup every two weeks

During the week is the only time I eat simple carbs and I eat out 1-2 times on the weekend so I don't know if that's what's messing me up or if I have a thyroid problem?

My period have been irregular that's one thing I noticed and my mood is all over the place.

I work out 3-5 times a week working individual muscle groups and doing a little cardio. Lately been doing tire flips and battle ropes but maybe I'm not doing enough interval?

I weigh about 128 but feel extremely fat right now even though I've been working out the past year. I've been watching my carbs the past two months and nothing had budged.

Shouldn't my metabolism be increasing w muscle mass increase.

I'm in dire need of help!

At least I'm not gaining fat. I know it's the same but not moving. People say I'm skinny but I don't feel like I am because of my stomach.



  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Unfortunately, you can't spot reduce. :disappointed:

    What are your goals? If you're happy with your weight, are you trying to lose weight or change your body composition? Those are usually two different things.

    How did you settle on your daily calorie allotment? By inputting your numbers through MFP or maybe figuring out your TDEE from another site? How are you measuring your caloric intake? The most accurate way is to weigh all solids on a digital food scale in grams and to use measuring cups and spoons for liquids. And choosing correct entries in the database. Most people, when they eyeball, underestimate their calorie intake and overestimate how much their exercise burns away.

    You don't have to cut carbs to lose weight or fat, though that is one way. But I see a lot of carbs in the menu you listed above: yogurt, fruit parfait, fruit, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash, oatmeal, quinoa. Not much protein. Lifting weights as you are, it seems like a good idea to up your intake to support muscle repair.

    Muscle is built slowly, over time, especially for women. How long have you been lifting? Gains in strength do not necessarily mean you've building muscle.

    Maybe @ninerbuff can weigh-in (no pun intended) with some training info and ideas.
  • indy82
    indy82 Posts: 4 Member
    edited August 2016
    I do want to change my body comp and just become leaner with some more muscle. I'm stronger but I notice my legs are bigger and also my arms a little. Mostly my legs.

    I'm mainly trying to reduce fat. I know I can't spot reduce which does stink. I'm just trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I usually have about between 90-120 grams of protein a day. I always thought it was based off just your muscle weight and I feel like I have at least 20-30 pounds of fat in me. Should I be on taking my body weight in grams or more?

    The scale doesn't really matter to me. I've been measuring how my clothes fit and also with measuring tape. I just want to be more fit.

    I'm not cutting carbs all together. I'm just trying not to eat refined carbs like white bread pasta etc. I try to replace my carbs with veggies. Like today I ate about 160 grams of carbs and 90 grams of protein today 30 grams being from a protein drink.

    I've been working out 3-5 times a week for about 7 months. I use weights every time changing my muscle groups every time. The only thing I don't do tons of is interval other than 15 mins of some before I work out to warm up.

    As for measuring, I've calculate my tdee and its 1585 so does that mean I should only eat like 1200 calories a day?
  • Spitspot81
    Spitspot81 Posts: 208 Member
    I am so interested to follow this thread as I could have written it myself. You look exactly like me...and my calorie intake is approx 1585, although I am consuming about 1400 per day. This week I have adjusted my macros, increased protien and fat and dropped carbs...carbs @ 30, protien and fat @ 35. I am interested to see how I handle that.
  • Spitspot81
    Spitspot81 Posts: 208 Member
    Ps I would say your protien is too low...but unreality am no expert
  • Spitspot81
    Spitspot81 Posts: 208 Member
    Would you be interested in us sharing info so we can keep each other on track?
  • sfa90
    sfa90 Posts: 105 Member
    I have your body type and I do more cardio right now , and I notice my mid section and arms are getting more slim.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Patience is what you need most. We don't know your lifting program, following and established routine like starting strength or strong curves is a good start. There are many others. I'd also keep tracking & eating as you are in 4 week blocks, if your weight goes up or down, adjust. If you are holding steady then stay there. You are basically trying to figure out if you want to recomp or cut. If you are cutting, keep the deficit small.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Do you know what your body fat % is? it might help to know it, so you can make a decision whether to keep cutting caloriesor eat to maintenance and do weight lifting to build more muscle if that is the look you are going for?
  • indy82
    indy82 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes let's keep in touch and help each other spitapot!!

    I want to recomp and I really have no idea what my body fat is. During the week I eat 1400-1500 and on the weekends it's 2000.

    I was told once to be at 2000 when doing recomp. I just don't want to lost muscle and just fat so would you guys recommend staying at 1400 calories and just upping my protein??
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    well chances are there is no muscle gain it's just getting more visible.

    To gain muscle you have to be eating at a surplus of maintenance and doing a progressive load lifting program.

    And with that gain of muscle comes a gain of fat as well...what are your workouts?
    you say you are eating around 2000 calories per day then eating out on the are not eating at a deficit if you are not losing...where did you get the idea you'd lose on 2000 per day at 128lbs??

    I know a lot of women who can lose at 2k a day with those all depends on body comp and activity.

  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    edited August 2016
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    well chances are there is no muscle gain it's just getting more visible.

    To gain muscle you have to be eating at a surplus of maintenance and doing a progressive load lifting program.

    And with that gain of muscle comes a gain of fat as well...what are your workouts?
    you say you are eating around 2000 calories per day then eating out on the are not eating at a deficit if you are not losing...where did you get the idea you'd lose on 2000 per day at 128lbs??

    I know a lot of women who can lose at 2k a day with those all depends on body comp and activity.

    right, but if OP is not losing then she is not one of them
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    edited August 2016
    What we know:
    1 - You estimate you are eating in a range of 1500-2k calories a day
    2 - You are 33
    3 - You are female
    4 - You estimate you are "around 128 lbs."
    5 - Your pictures show what is typically known as a "Skinny Fat" physique.

    Unless you are under 5' tall or over 5' 10", your weight is in the ideal range.
    Skinny Fat - This is typified by a higher than normal BFP due to repeated periods of weight loss then regain, which resulted from lost muscle mass that was never regained.

    Since you are not achieving the results you expect/desire with your current routine, my recommendation would be to increase the amount of strength training ( with progressive load ) in your program, coupled with a tighter nutritional plan ( I.E. more accurate logging of what is going in, and what you are expending ).
  • kcklub
    kcklub Posts: 3 Member
    why not try cardio everyday 15-30 minutes at Fatburning pace. If that don't work then either you have a medical problem or cheating your calories.
  • LPflaum
    LPflaum Posts: 174 Member
    I was in the same boat as you a few months back, I had gained a lot of muscle but I had a nice little ring of insulation covering almost all of it up. I'm down around 5 lbs in the last month. I can tell you how I lost it, but I fear you're going to hate this answer:
    TONS of Cardio.

    I had been doing roughly 30-60 minutes of either steady state, intervals, circuit or bootcamp 5 days a week. The goal being 30+ minutes at or above the "fat burning zone" on my fitbit. It wasn't enough.
    I am now doing 30+ minutes of high intensity cardio (meaning all 30 minutes at or above cardio zone) 5 days a week. If I'm doing OTF or something similar I will do 13-15 minute splits of high intensity cardio, followed by 13-15 of weights, back to cardio, etc. That's enough to keep my HR elevated through the weight splits. Ideally, I try to push myself hard enough through my cardio sessions that my HR is elevated over base for at least 15-20 minutes afterward.

    I cannot recommend HIIT enough. I've seen a big change from going to OTF 3 times a week, but I acknowledge that OTF is extremely expensive and not for everyone. The link below has an example OTF workout. I use the treadmill portion of that workout 2-3 times a week at my regular old gym (i printed it out and keep it in my car). My base is 5-5.5mph, Push is 7, All out is 8. Its a HARD treadmill workout and you'll probably jump the rails the first few times, but it's amazing.

    Full disclosure: i'm not sure I buy this "afterburn" thing, just trying to give the girl a great treadmill workout.
  • AJF230
    AJF230 Posts: 81 Member
    How many times has that line been used...I'm gaining muscle but not losing fat. Isnt the case like 99% of the time its fat you're gaining? Putting on muscle is hard and slow work.

    Maybe get some hard data to go by?

    I'm personally going for a Dexa scan and BMR analysis on Monday at a local university's lab. I'm 6'3 and 195, down from 205, and need to figure out exactly what my base burn is and what a reasonable goal is for me. Sounds like fun.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    edited August 2016
    AJF230 wrote: »
    How many times has that line been used...I'm gaining muscle but not losing fat. Isnt the case like 99% of the time its fat you're gaining? Putting on muscle is hard and slow work.

    Maybe get some hard data to go by?

    I'm personally going for a Dexa scan and BMR analysis on Monday at a local university's lab. I'm 6'3 and 195, down from 205, and need to figure out exactly what my base burn is and what a reasonable goal is for me. Sounds like fun.

    sooo true! I've been lifting for years and it has been a looooooooooooong process putting on drives me crazy when people here think they've put on 5lbs of muscle in a week or month, as well as the females that talk about how they have become "too muscly" after a few weeks of weightlifting!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    indy82 wrote: »
    I do want to change my body comp and just become leaner with some more muscle. I'm stronger but I notice my legs are bigger and also my arms a little. Mostly my legs.

    I'm mainly trying to reduce fat. I know I can't spot reduce which does stink. I'm just trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I usually have about between 90-120 grams of protein a day. I always thought it was based off just your muscle weight and I feel like I have at least 20-30 pounds of fat in me. Should I be on taking my body weight in grams or more?

    The scale doesn't really matter to me. I've been measuring how my clothes fit and also with measuring tape. I just want to be more fit.

    I'm not cutting carbs all together. I'm just trying not to eat refined carbs like white bread pasta etc. I try to replace my carbs with veggies. Like today I ate about 160 grams of carbs and 90 grams of protein today 30 grams being from a protein drink.

    I've been working out 3-5 times a week for about 7 months. I use weights every time changing my muscle groups every time. The only thing I don't do tons of is interval other than 15 mins of some before I work out to warm up.

    As for measuring, I've calculate my tdee and its 1585 so does that mean I should only eat like 1200 calories a day?

    Building muscle is close to impossible on a deficit. So eating below your TDEE will not help you get the look you want.

    The diet example you gave doesn't seem to be near 90-120 grams of protein a day. Unless your protein shake is MEGA size. Mine's usually 30 grams.

    Maybe a session with a personal trainer (very few are qualified to give nutritional advice, btw) to evaluate where you are, check your form and maybe get you lifting heavier--on a progressive program?

    It is possible to get leaner. I bought a couple dresses on clearance (non-returnable) in my regular size from my regular designer online in February. Couldn't get them zipped past my waist. Bummer.

    Tried them on in May--both fit perfectly. I'm in maintenance and eat very predictably (not a very good cook). The difference was 3-4 90 ashtanga (power) yoga sessions a week (I lift full-body, once a week, have for ages). They are intense! I'm not suggesting you take up yoga, just saying that exercise can reduce body fat when it pushes you (I'm doing handstands--never did those before!). Maybe add a little HIIT and check out Strong Lifts 5x5 or hire a trainer to really give your lifting workout a bump. I would never challenge myself the way the instructors do--that's why I went back to a studio. I got sloppy on my own.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited August 2016
    pmm3437 wrote: »
    What we know:
    1 - You estimate you are eating in a range of 1500-2k calories a day
    2 - You are 33
    3 - You are female
    4 - You estimate you are "around 128 lbs."
    5 - Your pictures show what is typically known as a "Skinny Fat" physique.

    Unless you are under 5' tall or over 5' 10", your weight is in the ideal range.
    Skinny Fat - This is typified by a higher than normal BFP due to repeated periods of weight loss then regain, which resulted from lost muscle mass that was never regained.

    Since you are not achieving the results you expect/desire with your current routine, my recommendation would be to increase the amount of strength training ( with progressive load ) in your program, coupled with a tighter nutritional plan ( I.E. more accurate logging of what is going in, and what you are expending ).

    OP is not 'skinny fat', which is an obese level of BF at a normal weight. Clearly not the case based on the relative leanness of the rest of OP that is visible in those photos. She just has more fat on her midsection than she'd like. Not unusual. Depending on how she stores fat as a result of her genetics, she may have to get quite lean (low- or even sub-20% BF) to have that midsection fat really go away.

    OP, you've got two possible routes to take. One, lose weight at a slow pace. Keep exercising, esp resistance training, to minimize loss of lean body mass. You'll eventually get to a low enough %BF that the abdominal fat will shrink, though sometimes it's difficult to see because the rest of you shrinks as well. I recommend taking measurements monthly to track progress.

    The second is to recomp - you eat at maintenance and follow a progressive strength training program. Over a very, very, very long period you should lower your %BF while staying at or about your current weight. Again, I recommend taking measurements monthly to track progress, but expect that it may take a couple of months to see anything of significance.

    First route is faster, but you have to eat less and you'll have all of the negatives of being at a deficit (weaker, etc). Second route is much longer but you have the benefits of performing better and eating more.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Maybe if there are people you train with who have overcome this you can ask them how they changed things up?
    I was in your boat a few years ago. I could have benefited from the advice of the poster above me (helpful post @stealthq). Taking it slow, working on recomp, maintaining for a bit, and be patient with strength training, take monthly measurements and pictures!