75+ lbs to lose and diary sharing

musicathy Posts: 23 Member
Hey folks, I'm on a long journey. Setting small goals along the way, and looking for friends on a similar journey willing to share their diary with friends. I find it's a good way to get new meal ideas. It's not about judging what we're all eating but sharing ideas, tips, etc.

Goal 1: -10lbs for my wedding (goal is for October but wedding in November)
Goal 2: -45lbs
Goal 3: -65lbs

Ultimately I have about 100 to lose but am mostly hoping to FEEL healthy and confident. Eat good, whole foods, move more etc. it's less about a number and more about life.

Would love some friends on the journey.

Cathy, 30, Toronto


  • deep220
    deep220 Posts: 52 Member
    Sent friend request.

    I have an overall goal to lose 85lbs.

    Goal 1: 30-45 minutes of daily activity ( I have a fit bit so most of my exercise shows up as calorie adjustments)
    Goal 2: Balanced eating

    I open my journals to friends.
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    I want to ultimately lose 50lbs but certainly wouldn't argue about 10 or 20 more on top of that if I want to be at where all those height weight charts say I should be. I am 5'3" and was 2.4 4 days ago. I couldn't resist weighing myself today and it is 199.5 so I am setting my goals in 5lb increments. I would be thrilled with every 5 but it has been about 4 years since I have even seen anything below 180 on the scale. I have been completely sedentary for the past 6 years and I hate most vegetables so you can imagine my problem. I love cheese and sour cream and cheeseburgers, pizza and chili dogs just to name a few. I have eaten WAY too much frozen convenience food and fast food so trying to make big changes. I found I can still eat my cheese and my sour cream and even a piece of bacon with my breakfast. I am actually coming in too low on my calorie intake but my instinct is to NOT argue with that...lol. I would LOVE to be buddies with you guys since it looks like we all want to lose around the same amount too. OH..I am turning 47 in 3 days, happily married with a 26 year old son who is in the Marines. NICE TO MEET YOU!
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    My diary is open, I log day and I also periodically post recipes. I do limit carbs though (usually around 50 g per day, every once in awhile I may hit 80 or less then 50). I do not use fat free or even low fat products as most have added sugar. I have lost about 18 pounds with at least another 70 to go.
  • lola_1977
    lola_1977 Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me!! Idk how
  • mmartinec931
    mmartinec931 Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck!
  • mishii28
    mishii28 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello Cathy!

    I'm also aiming to lose 100 lbs over a long period of time.

    Goal 1: Lose a a steady 6-10lbs every month
    Goal 2: Get fit enough to do one of intermediate hikes in B.C such as Garibaldi Lake
    Goal 3: Improve my self esteem and lose 70lbs in a years time

    I'm looking to find balance with eating clean and eating portioned "not clean". I do really want exercise and fitness to become something I love and really insert into my daily life.

    Also, congratulations on the wedding! I hope it's a lovely one.

    Mish, 23, Vancouver B.C
  • famjam2016
    famjam2016 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, 70-80 lbs to lose here... I'll decide when 60 down. I'm 5"10 and can't remember what my ideal is.. diary open - feel free to add me! :)
  • Huffy_Puffy
    Huffy_Puffy Posts: 18 Member
    Hey, I'm starting off today. I've also a hell of a lot to lose, don't work in pounds but I'm currently 15 stone 2 pounds and would like to get to a healthier weight. Would love some support and vice versa. Nat x
  • Bluejay_2016
    Bluejay_2016 Posts: 1 Member
    Good Luck Cathy, would love to see your progress :)
    My Target is to loose about 30 lbs till December but more importantly loosing the belly fat which is becoming more and more embarrassing. I have a sweet tooth and couldn't resist sweets so any suggestions on managing craving highly appreciated. I have started gym but it is very difficult to continue my fitness regimen. would love to hear if anyone has suggestions on quick and effective exercises.
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    Hi everyone! I only have 25lbs to lose, but I do share my diary with friends! I would like other friends who also share their diaries! Feel free to add me!
  • umiquet
    umiquet Posts: 69 Member
    Hey there!

    My goal is to lose about 60-70LBS. Its going to be a long journey but there are so wonderful people on here to help support you and me along the way! I will shoot you an invite and anyone else feel free to add me as well.